UO Dormitory Changes Move Women Into Susie Several changed have been made thin year In University dor mitories. Susan Campbell hull, for the last two years a men's dorm, has been turned over to women In order to accommodate the greater number of freshman women en rolled this year. Half of the Vets dorms, which v/ere condemned last year as fire hazards, have been torn down. The rest will serve as housing for ft ashman men, according to H. p. Barn hurt, director of dormitories. "Although we would like to see the rest of the Vets dorms torn down when the new wing on John ' Straub is completed, we expect at j least a hundred men next year Athletic Office Distributes Cards Student athletic cards will be issued Wednesday through Kri-! day at the athletic business office in McArthur court, according to' Ted Bouck. athletic business man-1 ager. The cards will admit stu dents to Saturday night's game in Portland. As a special service to students,. the athletic cards will also i>e availai)|e 1mm two booths at Gate P at Multnomah stadium. All students must enter the sta dium through this gate, accord ing to Bouck. Tickets will be available from 12:30 p.m. until game time. Gate B is located on S. W. 18th avenue. .Students must present their registration cards in order to se cure their athletic tickets. Proufy's .S 'ervice * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K B PROUT Y 970 Oth St. Eug«n«, Ore. who cannot be accommodated In the new dorm,” Raid Barnhart. Fraternity council’s policy to ward hoarding member* In fra ternity' houses will make it pos sible for more transfer students and veterans to live in fraternity houses, according to Kay Hawk, associate director of student af fairs. Casanova Speaks At Thursday Rally Puddles will be introduced and Coach Len Casanova will speak at the first rally of the year Thurs day at 6:10 p.m. on tho steps of Johnson hall, Rally Board chair man Bally Htadleman announced today. Miss Htadleman said that quar terback George Shaw and Center Ron Rheister will also talk. After yells led by Yell King Tom Gaines and his squad, a movie of the Idaho game will be shown in the Student Union ballroom at ap-: proximately 7 p.m. Campus clothes will bo in order for Saturday's Portland game ac cording to camuus social chair man Kay Partch. Freshmen will be required to wear rooters lids: and green ribbons. Order of the \ O, lettermen’s organization, will j punish freshmen violators. CLAYPOOL'S The Student's Drug Store Student Supplies Prescriptions Unusual Gifts Domestic & Imported The Best In Cosmetics Eaton's Stationery Pipes & Tobaccos REMEMBER CLAYPOOL'S 8863 13th for all your needs Robert Hartman & Sidney Claypool Phone 4-4031 HEILIC 4 uui upen at iz-.hS NOW SHOWING BIGAS | THE SEA ITSELF! The Great Novel i» Even Greater on the Screen I CAINE MUTINY Ittoffing HmfWry BOGART • Vm JOHNSON fni MocMUttAY • Jos# FERRER f a coujMiiA ncTuac vjicrt ar o:*t9 ’ v*i«r u/eei^ BRASS KNUCKLES STORY OF A TOUGH WATERFRONT! KARL MALDEN EVA MARIE SAINT LV LEE J. \ COBB m. START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! Make the 30-day Camel Mildness Test. See how Camels give you more pure pleasure! See for yourself why Camels' cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! . J, Reynold* Tobacco Company. Wlniton-Salem. N. C. ...AND HOW IT STARTED Douglas Lkigii myn: “After leaving the University of Florida (where I'd sold yearbook ads). I had big, crazy ideas about making new kinds of spectacular displays. So I bought a Brownie and went to New York to photograph rooftops. My first sign was a huge, steaming coffee cup on Broadway. At ago 23 I was starting to learn an exciting business!’’ If / dotted smoking in coi/ege for/7 years /i/e enjoyed Came/s'snnoof/) nv/dness andgood, tic/ ffevot. \6u OL/g/if /o ity Chhie/s/'' Creator of Broadway's Qiant Spectaculars SUCCESS STORY: Camels - America’s most popular cigarette ...by far! AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE