Ducks Win Season Opener (Continued from pugc 9) score after setting: up the TD on a series of passes and a nice 24 yard run. Keller Hits Targets The fourth and fifth touch down drives were engineered by Keller, a 165 pounder who played Frosh ball in ’52 and was hejd out last year. Keller passed 31-yards to Lloyd Powell, former 6-man footballer from Triangle Lake, for one score and 14 yards to Chuck Greenely for the other. When Keller went out. Coach Len Casanova sent in Russell, former Eugene high ace. Russell was followed by Don Holt. With two minutes left in the game Holt tossed eight yards to Leroy Campbell, a senior back from two years in the service. 23 yards to Soph Tom Crabtree, and 42 Taylor, Caswell Die In Eugene During Summer Two former University of Ore gon department heads died just one month apart during the sum mer. Albert E. Caswell, retired head of the physics department, died June 18 in Eugene. He was 70 years old. Howard R. Taylor, retired head of the psychology department, died July' 18 in Eugene. Caswell taught at Oregon from 1913 to 1949, with only the war years and a brief leave of ab sence interrupting otherwise un broken service. He worked on research during World War II and did research for the air force after his retirement in 1949. He was the first president of the state chapter of Sigma Xi, science fraternity. Taylor retired in 1953 after 28 years at the University. He was active in University and Eugene community life. He had been a member of the Eugene Water and Electric board for many years. He originally came to the Uni versity in 1925 and was named department head in 1934. He re tired in 1953 to devote his time to academic work. yards to Bui Moore, anotner sophomore. It was the 33d win for Oregon in the Idaho series, which dates from 1901. Idaho has won two and four have ended in ties. It also tied the record high score for the Webfoots against Idaho. The Ducks won by 41-0 in 1949. The sparkplug for Idaho was Wilbur Gary, 175-pound fullback transfer from San Pablo JC in California. Gary gained 06 yards rushing in 11 tries. Idaho, which had a small open ing day turnout, was hard hit by injuries to Backs Flip Kleffner, Ted Frostenson, and Bob Haines. Kleffner. one of the top punters in the country, will probably be held out for the season. Oregon came out of the game with only two injuries, but both involved fullbacks. Jasper McGee suffered rib in juries while Larry (Rose bad a bruised shoulder. Oregon converted five out of six times Shaw three times and Crabtree and Dick ravlat one each. Washke to Direct Football Publicity Paul R. Washke, director of the University's intramural program, has been appointed chairman of a drive in five western states to publicize touch football rules. As eighth district chairmen for the National College Touch Foot ball committee of the College Physical Education association, Washke will be in charge of pub licizing the rules in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada and Idaho. STATISTICS Net yds rushing Passes attempted Passes completed Total yds passing Passes had intercepted Total net yards First downs rushing First downs passing Total first downs N ds lust penalties Fumbles lust I O 138 118 14 24 4 15 37 301 175 419 9 6 0 8 9 14 \\ J rush INN 9»N Th/E CAMPUS -852T Get with It, Ducks, This Nest Has It! It’s happy days, what with the ducks flocking hack to the old roost at Rod Taylor's . . . A joyous sight—Rod standing there, teats streaming down his checks—as he welcomes his old friends hack to home away from home. And he has a special welcome for all those ducks who over the summer reached the golden age of 21 (documentary evidence please) and may now join the gay, spirited fraternity of ducks and duckesnes who make Rods a happy habit. What's that new atonta wafting the air at Rods? It's roses of course . . . Fresh every day. And Rod wants everyone to know that his roost is strictly for ducks; there's not a goose in the place. That's at ROD TAYLORS On the Glenwood Strip The Student Union Board Invites You to the ENTERTAINMENT DANCING TOURS PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION OPEN HOUSE 7:00 P. M. - 10:30 P. M. Thursday, September 23 HELLO DANCE Music by Darrell Renfro TONIGHT 9.00 P. M. C U « S U WITH THE OFFICIAL OREGON JACKET BY LARSLEY at bill baker's men's wear! May We Bid One and All a Hearty Welcome Back to Oregon —And We Extend To You An Invitation To Drop In And Look Over Our Stock—And Be Sure To Enter Our Drawing For The Campus Wardrobe! bill baker's men's wear on the campus 881 E. 13th