Budget, Open House Plans Slated For SU Discussion The 1954-65 budget and plana for the Student Union open house will be discussed at the HU board meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Student. Union, Hob Pollock, board chairman, has announced. Four vacancies on the board nre to be filled. Open positions include two year terms from the college of liberal arta and th school of bUHincHH and one year terms from the graduate and law schools. The liberal arts post was va cated when fieri Porrltt did not return to school this term. The other three positions were not Fulbright Award Blanks Available Seniors and graduate students { may apply for Fulbright scholar ships by turning in application blanks before Oct. 31. The appli cations are available in the for eign student office, Emerald 207. The awards for study in for-' eign countries cover transporta tion, tuition, books and room and board for the recipient. To la eligible the applicant must be a U.H. citizen and have a bache lor's degree or must receive his bachelor’s before taking the award September 1955. Head Emerald Classifieds r~--=-■-==n i 1955 OREGANA SPECIAL RESERVE PRICE filled last apring. Officer* of the board include Andy Berwick, vlce-prcaident; Phylli* Peapton, nenrctary; Sonia Kdward*, treasurer, and Donna Schafer, directorate chairman. Other members of the board in-1 elude Stan Hunsdon, school of: health and physical education; Sally Ryan, school of Journalism; Tom Taylor, school of archcitec ture and allied arts, and Herman Oihen, faculty representative, Ex-officla members of the board are Donald DuShane, director of j student affairs, and Si Kllingson, I director of the SU. FENNELL'S NOW FEATURING OREGON JACKETS All Types In Stock By H. L. Whiting WHITING AWARDS FENNELL'S Your Campus Men's-Wear Headquarters 808 East 13th Avenue On the Campus Welcome Back Students— University Jewelry Is Ready to Serve You WATCHES CLEANED AND REPAIRED Located on the Campus 849 East *i3tb Ave. CHESTERFIELD IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA’S COLLEGES THIS Chesterfield leadership is shown by actual sales audits in more than 800 college co-ops and campus stores from coast to coast. In choosing your cigarette be sure to remember tlOOlTT l LlOOtrt 1 this! You will like Chesterfield best because only Chesterfield has the right combination of the world’s best tobaccos — highest in quality, low in nicotine — best for you. All of us smoke for relaxa tion, for comfort, for satisfaction — and in the whole wide world no cigarette satisfies like a Chesterfield. You smoke with the greatest pleasure when your cigarette is Chesterfield . . . Yes, these six words “highest in quality—low in nicotine” mean Chester field is best for you. Buy ’em king-size—or regular.