Students the Campus Grocery welcomes you back conveniently located at 1459 East 13th Avenue (Across from Carson Hall) They're Right For Campus Casuals ROUGH RIDER Cords & Slacks DAYS Cords & Suntans GOLDEN GATE Sport Shirts CAMPUS Sports Shirts, Sweaters WHITE STAG 4 Season Jackets JOCKEY Underwear DEHEN Leather Sleeve Warm-up Jackets SPORT STYLES DRESS STYLES TOPSTER JACKETS At The Store Where "It's a Pleasure to Serve You" We Give GOLD ARROW STAMPS V nmmi UTFITV-m 61 East Broadway We Redeem GOLD ARROW STAMPS El Coast Teams Open Season All but four of the Pacific Coast Conference teams stepped outside the conference to play their seas on openers last weekend. With only two conference games sched uled, Oregon and the University of Southern California moved into an early tie for conference leader ship. PCC standings: (>rcgon use UCLA California Stanford Washington Oregon State Wa»h. St. Idaho . Won Loat Tied PF PA ... I 1 0 ... 0 0 . 0 ... 0 ... 0 . 0 41 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 41 Games last weekend: Oregon 41 Idaho 0 CSC 39 Washington State 0 UCLA 6/ San Diego Navy 0 Stanford 13 College of Pacific 12 Wa-liingtun 7 I’tal^ft Oklahoma 27 California 13 UO Professors Elected to Offices Two University of Oregon fac- ; ulty members were elected to j executive positions of the West-1 ; ern Economics association at the S group’s annual conference. C. Ward Macy, head of the department of economics, was; elected vice-president. Wesley C.i Ballaine. professor of business administration, was elected to the executive committee. Gault Lynn of the Federal Re serve bank of San Francisco was selected president of the organ ization. The group met on the Univer sity campus shortly before the beginning of fall term. WIN , v _?V‘:-' • i • JAGUAR $$PX « • T/iis magnificent $3500 Jaguar XK120 could be yours! • Come in. Get your Artvogue Jaguar sportshirt i • Get yoar official Artvogue Win-a-Jaguar entry blank. • THE SIIIRT, handsomely tailored in Artlin, the rayon that looks like linen, tcashes like cotton, teears like an old friend. • 20 exciting colors in sizes S, M, L, XL and it's just $5#95 AS SEEN IN SUNSET MAGAZINE I 8th and Willamette Dial 4-9143 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT* nu. y P.M. Duck Tracks (i ontiuufitfrom fmge 9) and pitcher Carl Thomas, who ruined < )regon with 11i> pitch ing and hitting, was one of two third team pitchers. A number of Pacific Coast baseball players and players who participated in the NCAA playoffs last March have been signed by professional ball clubs. Ernip Pastornicky, star pitcher for Seattle university last year; Daniel Brown, a catcher-outfielder for Michigan State in the playoffs; Marty Stiles, UCLA’s ace pitcher, and Bob Leader, a right hander who pitched Rollins college into contention for the NCAA crown last year, have all been signed by the Chicago Cubs. Tom Yewcie, Michigan State catcher and Rose Bowl quarterback last year, and Jack Risch, another MSC star, have both been signed by the Detroit Tigers. The Cincin nati Reds signed Johnny Oldham, a San Jose State southpaw who once fanned 24 out of 27 batters in a game. Orland ( Bud) Meacham, a star pitcher for the Kresno State freshmen last spring signed with the Red Sox, as did Gussie Suhr, Jr., a Santa Clara first baseman, with the Yankees. Goodrich signed with the Pittsburgh Pirates, and Ralph Morris, a catcher-outfielder for the University of Washing ton l'rosh last spring, accepted a St. Louis Cardinal contract Two other players who were in the NCAA playoffs also ac cepted contracts from major league clubs. Max Bunyard, a catcher-outfielder from Oklahoma A\.M signed with the White Sox, and Ronald Owen, a pitcher from Lafayette col lege, agreed to terms with tlie Dodgers. OregonSlates Miamiinl958 University of Oregon’s football team will tlo a lot of traveling when the 1958 grid season rolls around, as a result of games ar ranged during the summer by Athletic Director Deo Harris. The Ducks will travel to the University of Miami, in Florida, for a game the last week of Sep tember. The next weekend they will again hit the road, this time for a battle with the Oklahoma Sooners, perennial football titl ists, in Norman, Oklahoma. Counselors Urged To Meet Freshmen YWCA Director Kilcen Llntl j blad issued a reminder for Durk ' ling counselor!) to take the fresh man women assigned to them lout for a coke sometime this week, or to arrange for some ; other type of meeting. Under I’anhellenic rules, Duek ; ling counselors who are sorority 1 members should arrange with a counselor from another house i and her Duckling to meet to gether. Buy a Jaguar • On Display Now XK 120 Jaguar • Demonstrations • Finest Car of Its Class in the World Red Specials 1953 XK 120 Modified Red Jaguar Low Mileage Excellent Condition 1952 MG TD Roadster Red Body Red Upholstery Low Mileage Excellent Condition Hillman • MG • Jaguar • Triumph TR 2 • SHEPPARD MOTORS • I0*1 wd OAK i