Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1954, Page Eight, Image 8

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Benzedrine s Effect Told
Benzedrine tablets may cure
your hangover, but they also will
up your blood pressure if you take
them to keep awake while study
ing all night.
This is the verdict of Dr. F. N.
Miller of the University Health
“I don't know of any doctor who
condones the use Of benzedrine bj
students to help them through
exams,” Dr. Miller said.
Benzedrine is a tricky drug be
cause no two people react to it in
just the same way. and there is no
way of predicting a specific reac
tion. Some students may get tem
porary help from benzedrine dur
ing an all night siege of studying,
while others will only add to their
usual exam-time tension. The pos
sibility of doing poorly on an exam,
because of the aftereffects of the
drug, such as a drugged sensation
or extreme nervousness, are great,
fir. Miller explained.
Sleep Delayed
According to the "Cyclopedia of
Medicine, Surgery, and Special
ties.” the drug Benzedrine sulfate
is a “nervous stimulant which de
lays the desire for normal sleep.”
It also increases your blood pres
sure, does away with your appe
Lite and is supposed to cure hang
Narcolepsy, a rare iilness which
makes people want to sleep all the
time, is the chief disease for which
benzedrine offers relief. The drug
is given to the diseased in large
doses so they can live more nor
A benzedrine tablet begins do
take effect about 20 minutes after
you have taken it. Its peak effect
is reached about three hours later.
This means that you would have
to take more than one tablet to
stay awake for any great length
of time. Continual dosage would
prove extremely harmful, accord
ing to Dr. Miller,
The patent medicines, contain
ing caffeine, which students take
to stay awake are probably not
harmful, Dr. Miller said. However,
coffee would have the safe effect.
If the caffeine in coffee does not
affect you then the pills won’t
Tablets containing caffeine may
have aftereffects also. One Uni
versity student reported that they
kept her awake all night, but that
during her test the next day she
felt stupified and was unable to
think clearly.
Silver Tea Begins
Graduation Events
First event on the official Uni
versity commencement program is
the Pauline Potter . Homer Me
morial tea. The annual silver tea
will be held June 11 from 3 to
5 p.m. at Alumni hall in Ger
The affair is sponsored by the
Eugene branch of the American
Association of University Women,
the state association of University
of Oregon women and the Univer
sity library. All students and
friends of the University are in
vited to attend, according to Miss
Bernice Rise, Student Union
browsing room librarian and chair
man of the tea.
Pauline Potter Homer was a
member of the University library
staff and was graduated from Ore
gon in 1913. She was a member
of Gamma Phi Beta. After her
death in 1918 Mrs. Potter’s per
sonal library ft’as given to the li
brary. Each year money from the
silver tea is used to buy more
books for the collection. The col
Friday & Saturday
“Conquest of
John Hodiak - Robert Stack
Joy Page
Kiiier Ape
Starts Sunday
"Gun Fury"
Rock Hudson Donna Reed
Gloria Grahame
III -111 3- ALDER DIAL 5-fO??'
"3 Girls from Rome"
-- and
"The Young Caruso"
lection, now house in the browsing
room, contains many rare editions
of old classics.
Thar. - Friday - Sat.
'City of Bad Men'
Dale Kobertson - Jeanne train
Tech. Western
'Sweethearts on
Ray Middleton - Eileen Christie
Tech. Musical
Pronounced HE-VA-RO
starring \
Paramount Present*
With color cartoon
and news
"Nothing takes the place of
sleep during test lime," Dr. Miller
emphasized. “Most people are
more excited than usual anyway,
and they can think more clearly if
they get a reasonable amount of
Not .many University students
land In tha, Infirmary from the ef
fects of either benzedrine or caf
feine pills, Dr. Miller reported.
There is always the usual number
of students who get overly tired
and nervous during tests, but the
infirmary has no way of knowing
the original cause of this fatigue.
Not just anyone can run to the
corner drugstore to buy benzedrine
tablets. Your doctor's prescription
is necessary. However, pills con
taining caffeine are sold at nearly
all drug stores without prescrip
Claypool's drug store on campus
reports that at present they do
not fill as many benzedrine pre
scriptions as they have in past
years. Prescriptions which are
tilled are generally written by the
student's home town doctor. Oc
casionally some students try to
buy benzedrine without prescrip
tion, but not many.
Patent medicines with caffeine
in them are in great demand
among University students, ac
ccordtng to Claypool's.
Sociology Group Selects Members
Four now members were elected
recently to Alpha Kappa Delta, na
tional sociology honorary. The
four were Joan Sheldahl, Nancy
Moore, Joan Havlund, and Do
lores Eachus. New officers for the
group lire Joan Havlund, pn-al
dent, and Nancy Moon*, aocretary
Heard the news?
SPECIAL campus
Laundry Service
by 4:30
In by
Right! In just 7 short hour*, we'll return
your laundry to you . . . professionally
washed and dried. No more incon
venience of struggling with wet clothes
yourself, when you let us handle the
job. And the price? Surprisingly low .
Dress shirts beautifuly ironed . . .
only 22c extra!
853 E. 13th