Review to Honor ROTC Seniors A total of 145 army and air force KOTO graduating seniors and 47 award-winning cadets will lie honored at the annual gradua tion review Thursday, June 3, at 1 p.m. Most of these graduates will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the army and air force reserves on June 12 and 13, pending final examinations. Awards will be given to out standing cadets in the four ROTC classes by the national military establishment, the Eugene Mer chants association, and personnel of the University ROTC depart ment. The review, held on the drill filed east of McArthur court, will include all military students at the University. Awards will be made, and then the corps of cadets of the army and air force will parade before the graduates. University and ROTC officials, and other guests. The review is open to the public and friends of the graduates have been encouraged to attend. Appointees Listed The following are army gradu ates who will receive commissions ju the army reserve. To be appointed to the ordnance corps is Alvin Goldenberg. To be appointed to transportation corps are Robert Bennett, Fred Gent, Karl Harshbarger, Norman Kolb. Gary Meredith and Melvin Street er. Lawrence Hall will be appointed to the adjutant generals' corps. Appointed to armor are Gene Beck, Paul Hawkins, Clarke Mil ler, Alan Mundle, Charles Peters and Kenneth Wegner. Those appointed to field artil lery will be John Bowles, Ken Carnahan, Edwin Elderkin. Rob ert Mausshardt, Jerome Nudel man. Dale Ohlsen and Richardt Segner. James Redden will be ap pointed to the corps of engineers. Kenneth Cardwell and Richard Morse will be appointed to the finance corps. Appointed to the medical serv ice corps are Michael Chun and Keith Farman. Juergen Voigts will be appointed to the signal corps. Infantrymen Named The following are to be appoint ed to the infantry: David Aldrich. Arthur Anderson, Thomas Angle, Roland Banks, Bobby Bouneff. Robert Brittain. Allen Cross, Na varre Davis, Jerry Friedman, Donald Hedgepeth, Stacy Hertsche, Martin Hodges, Clar ence Ikeda, William Kirby, Paul Lasker, Loy Marshall Jr, Peter Mihnos, Robert Moursund, Ben liardt Schmidt, Robert Shirley, Charles Soderberg, Robert Tara bling, Neil Tardio, John Weaver and Larry Wolfard. Those of the air force ROTC who will attend either pilot or oo ; server training and so will be com missioned are the following: Rich ard Adams, Wayne Ballantyne, 1 Brent Bates, Robert Bergner, I Robert Bradbury, Charles Bucklin, Jack Cardinale, Richard Carlson, ' Milton Casper, Douglas Clayton, i Donald Delaney, Forest Easton, j John Elliott, Earl Ferguson, | Clyde Fletcher. Russell Fourlas, i James Fournier, John Greulich, William Hail, Robert Hawes, ! Lloyd Hutchinson, Ray Ingwerson, William Koehler. Jack Krieger, ; James Lancaster. David Lenz, Gordon Links. Ronald Lyman, James Magnuson, Edward Meyers, 1 Donald Monte, Robert Morris, Robert Newburn, Tom Paulus, Ronald Ransom, Edward Renwald, Lowell Schuck, Gordon Sloan, Ter rence Smith, Clarence Suiter, Thomas Swalm, Merrill Thomas, Douglas Thompson, Lawrence Tycer, Patrick Van Winkle, John Wadman, Richard Walker, Nor man Webb, Robert Wheeless and Ralph Wide. Karr Chosen A1 Karr will be commissioned but will be assigned to non-flying duty. Each AFROTC detachment was allowed to commission one outstanding graduating cadet. Karr was selected as the one ca det from the University because of outstanding achievement in ROTC and at the University. The following cadets have re quested reserve commissions in the air national guard. If accept ed, they will serve three years on non-flying duty with the air na tional guard as commissioned of ficers. It is believed that they will be attached to the air force for training. They are Robert Altman. George Booth, James Courtright. Neal Fisher, Stanley Geffen, Mart in Hankinson, Richard Hollen beck, Richard McConnell, Ivan Midlam. Frederick Miller, Leo Naapi, James Ramsey, Theodore Rubenstein, Robert Scott. Ronald Sherman, Rollin Watson and James Woodside. Others Listed Donald Almy and Neil Mathison will receive commissions and will attend pilot or observer training after summer camp in July. Lloyd Kendrick will likewise be commis sioned after summer camp in August. The following graduates have not applied for air national guard commissions but are able to enlist as airmen third class for a two year enlistment, after which time they will be given reserve commis sions. If they don't take the op tion, they can be drafted. They are Scott Chandler, James Hersh ner, Robert Holloway, Malcolm Montague, Alan Oppliger and Jack Thornton. worries! Why not ship your luggage home the carefree-and-easy way — by Consolidated Freightways? Just make one phone call and we’ll pick up and deliver your things right to your front door. Pay on delivery if you wish. For pickup or information call — YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE MERRILL H. NEWHAM, Ph. 5-1195 OR DISPATCHER coHsotmm mmmm Phone 4-6368 P.S.: If you have household goods lo move, ask about TWINWAY — our convenient, economical Home-to-Home Moving Service. Summer Camps Told by AFROTC A total of 61 juniors and sen iors in the advanced AFROTC program at the University of Ore gon will attend summer camp this summer. The camps will be held at four different locations, includ ing MeChord Air Force Base, Ta coma, Wash.; Larson AFB, Moses Lake, Wash.; Fairchild AFB, Spokane, Wash., aiul March AFB in California. Attendance at the various camps will be as follows; 35 at MeChord. 12 at Larson, 11 at Fair child. and three at March. Every AFROTC cadet must at tend summer camp at an air force base as one of the requirements for graduation from the program and eligibility for a commission as a second lieutenant when he com pletes the AFROTC program. Summer camp is usually attended between the cadet’s junior and senior years in the program, but some seniors attend if they have not participated as juniors. Cadets Named The following cadets will attend the first summer camp at Me Chord AFB, reporting June 20, and finishing July 17: juniors, R. Baker, A. Berwick, P. M. Foster, R. S. Kanada, S. E. Kent, R. J. Scearce, R. P. Fettig, S. Duncan, R. I. Takano, D. M. Gartrell, D. R. Van Leuven. W. K. YVatanabe. J. B. Wtihing ton, J. A. Archer, R. H. Davis. J. D. Gabrielson, C. H. Greenley, R. E. Hamilton, R. B. Hinman, L. O. Hoyer, P. N. Hales, E. E. Jones, H. R. Mannex, D. H. McIntyre, H. Page, B. Purvine, S. Savage, D. V. Simon, J. F. Spiekerman, H. S. Wedermeyer, Farrell F. A1 blight, rind P, D. Williams; sen iors, D. G. Alniy, J. T. Mahoney, N. A. Mathlson, and R. K. Young. Other Names Listed Cadets attending the summer camp session at Parson A KB from June 20 to July 17 are A. D. Arthur, N. B. Dwyer, M. J. Kil kenny, M. G. McKenzie, J. p. O’Keefe, M. Htoyanov, W\ p, Brandsness, VV. 1). Domeninghlnl, R. Dubosh, P. L. Lewis, D. N. Mar lett, and E, E. Rogers, all Juniors. Junior eadets attending the summer camp at Fairchild A KB from July 25 to August 21 are Lauren Loveland, D. R. Mlckel wait, R. D. Morgan, R. L. I’etzole, K. D. Rosenlof. T. H. Warnock, D. J. White, and D E Best. Seniors attending the same summer camp will be N. R. Fisher. R. G. Hollo way, and R. K. Finley. Summers Names Group Members Student appointments to Uni versity Btandlng committees, fae | ulty committees on which students serve, were announced Wednesday i by Hob Summers, ASIJO president. They Include Alex Byler, Gall West and Karen Kraft, student discipline committee; Bob Bollock, Carol Wood, Janet Wick and Sum* i mers, student affairs committee; Bob Pollock, Jim Light and Dorothy Kopp, publications bourd, with Emerald and Oregana editors ! and business managers serving as | ex-officlo members. Geri Porrltt and Summers will serve on the University assembly ! committee, and Andy Berwick was appointed to the military educa tion committee. GOING HOME BY TRAILWAYS BUS? For Summer Tour and Hotel Reservations Ph. 4-4253 ] • Seattle _ • Portland _ • San Francisco • Los Angeles _$6.20 ' _$2.90 < _ $9.95 < _$14.25 < • Bend_$3.90 1 Boise $10.00 > Sell Lake City $17.40 1 Denver _ $27.45 Plus 10% Federal Tax TRAILWAYS BUS DEPOT 957 Pearl Mrs. M. K. 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