Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1954, Page Five, Image 5

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    Ducks Win NCAA Regional Playoffs
Williams Homer
Decides Title Tilt
by Gordon Rice
tmarald Failure Writer
I’cte Williams, Norm For
• bes and I lie Rain combined to
tfive the Oregon Webfoots a
1-0 win over Fresno State Mon
• day afternoon, and with it
. went a trip to the national
NCAA baseball playoffs at
Omaha, Neb., June 10 14.
\\ illiams was responsible
f'»r the lone run of the frame.
, He blasted a 355-foot home run
over the left field fence In the
third Inning, while Forbes was
shuting out the Fresno batters on
. three hits.
Hut it was the rain that finally
Insured the championship for the
Ducks. The umpires were forced
to call the game at the end of five
. Innings after sprinkles, a heavy
shower and finally a hailstorm
• turned the field Into a paradise for
anyone who wanted to make mud
' pies.
The Ducks, lightly regarded
’ when the District 8 playoffs be
gan on Howe field Friday, won
• th<» title in three straight games.
_ They handed Seattle university
the first of Its two straight losses
. Friday afternoon with a 6-4 win,
und then came hack Saturday to
beat Fresno State 9-5, aetting the
. stage for Monday’s game.
, But Oregon wasn’t the only
• team that provided upsets in the
• play.offs. The Bulldogs from Fres
. no shocked the highly-touted USC
Trojans twice.
Fresno, aided by the five-hit
pitching of Ted Wills and four
USC errors, whipped the Trojans
6-3 Friday afternoon. Then, after
, USC had eliminated Seattle with
a 6-0 win Saturday morning, Fres
' no sent the Trojans back to Los
. Angeles with a 7-4 afternoon win.
The second Bulldog victory was
• pitched by Jack Hannah, a strong
armed outfielder making his first
pitching start of the season. He
. had a record of one win and two
losses in relief appearances during
‘ the regular season. The Bulldogs
. were without the services of six
members of their squad, including
• three of their top pitchers, who
were ineligible under NCAA rules
Duck Nine Leaves
Tuesday for Omaha
The University of Oregon base
ball team will play the winner of
District 7 in their first game of
the NCAA's "College World Se
. ries” at Omaha, Neb., June 10.
Defending NCAA Champion Wyo
• ming, Colorado college and Ari
zona are currently battling it out
for a berth in the tourney from
. that district and the winner will
be decided late this week.
The Duck’s game will be the
second in the tournament and will
be played at 2 o’clock in the after
noon. The time of their other
games will not be determined until
the first encounter is completed.
The tourney will have the eight
top college baseball teams in
country on hand. Oregon, Michi
■ gan State and Missouri are the
only teams to have clinched spots
in the play-offs to date.
• The tournament will be a double
elimination affair which will run
’ for five consecutive days with the
_ championship game to be played
Monday, June 14. Each team will
■ be assured of at least two games.
The Webfoot nine and their
' coach, Don Kirsch, will leave for
. Omaha next Tuesday morning
and will remain in Omaha for the
• entire tournament, regardless of
whether the team remains in ac
tion for the full five days.
j which permit only three years of
varsity competition'
Here In a rundown on the three
games won by the Webfoots en
route to the pennant:
The Ducks had to come from
behind to win the opening game
of the playoffs. Seattle scored
twice in the second inning on a
walk, two singles and two long
files to the outfield to take the
Oregon came back the following
inning to blast four runs off 8e.
attle hurler Johnny Kelly. Singles
by Williams, Jerry Ross and Geo.
Shaw and a triple by Pitcher Norm
Forbes accounted for the runs.
Two Seattle errors were also In
The Chieftains came back to tie
up the game with single runs In
the third and fifth innings, but
Oregon broke the tie In the sixth
Hnd took a 5-4 lead when Shaw
singled and Forbes doubled him
home. Oregon added three insur
ance runs in the eighth and one
more in the ninth to win going
Neal Marlett hit his fourth hom
er of the year, a 380-foot blast
over the left field fence, to account
for all three runs in the eighth.
The single run in the ninth came
when Jimmy Johnson walked, stole
second, and scored on Ross’ double.
The Ducks were never behind in
the game after a wierd beginning
which saw Oregon ahead 5-2 after
an inning and a half. Oregon'
scored three runs in the top of i
the first when Fresno pitcher,
Rudy Garda, walked the first
three men to face him, got the
cleanup hitter on a pop fly, and
then walked in one rim. Neal Mar
lett then singled to left, scoring
two more. * *
The bottom of the first was Just
as bad. The first four Fresno hit
ters got on safely, and scored two
runs on two hits, two errors and
a walk before Trent Huls set the
next three men down in order.
Oregon came charging back In
their half of the second inning to
score two more before Garcia got
things under control. The big blow
of the Inning was Johnny Keller’s
two.run double.
Oregon scored single runs in the
fifth and sixth to run the score to
7-2. The two teams added a total
of five more runs in the eighth on
two homers. Dick Schlosstein hit
a two-run homer over the left
field fence with Shaw on base in
the top of the inning.
Huls set down the first two'
Fresno hitters in the inning, but
Bill Pearson and J. D. Peterson!
both singled. At that point the j
rains came down and the umpires
halated the game until the shower 1
passed. Some of the fans weren’t;
back into their seats after the
downpour when Bob Phair caught
Hul’a first pitch and drove it over
the hedge in right field, driving in
three runs and ending the scoring.
Fresno came back after their
first defeat by Oregon to eliminate
USC and earn a second chance at
the Ducks. Oregon won the title
in what was undoubtedly ohe of
the wettest games ever played.
Williams blow which won the
game was a smash Into left field
that cleared the fence by about
three feet. Fresno outfielder Don
Peralta went after the ball, knock
ed out a 20 foot section of the
fence and knocked himself out in
the process. He was revived and
stayed in the game, however.
The game was halted twice, the
first time for 15 minutes at the
end of the first inning. The sec
ond time came at the end of the
fifth inning when a heavy nhowmi
suddenly turned into a hailstorm
that sent fans and players rushing
for cover. The umpires again held
up the game, this time for about
half an hour.
At the end of that time the um
pires came out, inspected the field,
and called another 25 minute de
lay to try to get the field back in
shape. At the end of 25 minutes
the umpires came out, looked at
the field, and it started to rain
again. They gave up and called
the game.
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