Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1954, Image 1

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I Nl\ KltHITV OF Olli:<iO.V, FI <.Y.\i;. Tilt ItSlUV, II \|.
NO. 147
Hayward Field
More than 1100 student* will
receive degree*, both baccalaure
ate and advanced, at the Univer
sity's 77th annual commence
ment June 13.
New Univeisity president, O.
Meredith Wilson. will deliver “An
Add res* to Graduates" at the
commencement aervicea, sched
uled for 2:30 p.m.
For the find time in the Uni
versity's history, the services will
be held outdoors at Hayward field j
Another new addition to the cere-;
monies will he toe campus chimes, I
which will play for the traditional
processions to and from the field
A total of 1163 students are can
dldatcs for degree* this year. The
figure includes 849 candidates for
baccalaureate degree*, 288 for
roaster:,' degrees and 26 for the
doctorate degree.
Of the candidates for degrees,
445 are from the college of liberal
arts. The school of education will
graduate 29-1, the largest number
from any of the professional
The school of business adminis
tration will award degrees to 196
candidates. The school of archi
tecture has 69 candidates; health
and phy.-ical education, 42; nurs
ing education, 41; music, 32; law,
30. and journalism, 14.
Editor Announces
Fall Emerald Staff
Staff for next yearn Oregon
Daily Emerald was announced nt
the annua! Emerald award* ban
quet Tuesday evening by Joe
Gardner, editor, and Jean San
dine, busme.-g manager.
Top spots on the news-editorial
ride of the paper go to Paul Keefe,
managing editor, and Jerry Har
rell, new* editor. Keefe baa worked
on th£ pa pci thr e years and ha*
been chief makeup editor this
year. Harrell has been assistant
new* editor thsi year.
The top po-ition on the adver
tising staff will be held by Donna
Runberg, advertising manager.
This year Mi** Runberg has been
national advertising manager.
Named a. o-iate editors for next
year were Dick Lewis and Jackie
Wardell. Miss Warded has been
managing editor and associate
editor this year, and Lewis has
been news editor and feature
Gordon Rice was named sports
* tlitor for the coming year, and
Dorothy fler will he feature edi
tor. Sally Ryan was named chief
copydeik editor. All three had
been assistant news editors this
year. Sam Vahey, who held the
position- of sports editor and as
sistant managing editor this year,
will be chief makeup editor next
Anne Ritchey, feature editor
this year, v.as" named assistant
managing editor. Assistant news
editors for next year will be Mary
Alice Allen, chief night editor
this year. Anr.e Hill, also a chief
night editor this year, and Bob
Robinson. sports editor this year.
Other members of the advertis
ing staff for next year will hie:
Bill Main.varing, business office
manager: Mary Salazar, national
advertising manager; Helen Ruth
Johnson, classified advertising
manager; Rick Hayden, circula
tion manager, and Marge Harmon,
assistant office manager.
Eight Receive
Theatre Awards
Don Van Bon kirk and Sandra
Price, both seniors in speech. were
awarded the traditional "Neuts"
for the outstanding performances
as leading man and leading wom
an in tile University theater’s past
reason. The awards were made at
a banquet held Wednesday eve
Van Boskirk was presented his
award for the title role in "Rieh
aid II.” Miss Trice received her
award for the role of Elizabeth
Proctor in “The Crucible.”
Best supporting man and wom
an awards went to Sally Mollner.
junior in speech, as Mary Warren
in "The Crucible,” and to Gerry
Pearce, as Judge Danforth in "The
Dick Hiatt, graduate in speech,
was given the contribution award
for outstanding service in the bus
iness field of the University the
ater. Lee Jackson, senior in
speech, received a contribution
award for assistant director-stage
manager of "The Moon Is Blue."
Paul Minty, junior in speech, won
a special award with his set de
sign for "The Crucible."
Ottilic T. Seybolt, associcate
professor of speech, was awarded
a “neut” for services as director,
designer. actrcSs and friend of the
Hawk Announces
DU's on Probation
Delta Upsilon fraternity has
been placed upon indefinite social
probation, according to Ray Hawk,
director of men’s affairs. The dis
ciplinary action was the result of
a raid on a local flower garden.
May 24, Hawk said.
Awards Banquet
Held by Emerald
Presentation of the Turnbull
Hall Honor plaque to Kitty Fraser
highlighted the annual awards
banquet of the Oregon Daily Km
erald held Tuesday evening in the
Student Union.
•Miss Fraser was honored as the
outstanding senior member of the
Emerald staff. In four years of
work on the rampus daily she has
held the positions of assistant
news editor, assistant managing
editor, news editor and editorial
assistant. Phe has been managing
editor the last half of the current j
school year.
The Eill Gurney Memorial award
went to Joe Gardner, who was
judged the junior man in journal
ism who has demonstrated the1
most ability in writing in journal
ism courses and on campus publi
cations. Gardner has been news ed
itor of the Emerald this year and
will be editor of the paper next
The Gurney award was present
ed this year for the first time. The
*100 award will be made annually
by the Oregon chapters of Alpha
Tan Omega and Sigma Delta Chi.
professional journalism fraternity,
ir. memory of Bill Gurney, Emer
ald staff member who was killed
last year in a plane crash at ROTC
rummer camp. Jim Jones, ATO
president, made the presentation
this year.
The Winship-Pegg award for
the most outstanding contribution
to the Emerald’s advertising staff
went to Valera Vierra.
Four newspaper scholarships
were announced at the banquet by
Charles T. Duncan, professor of
journalism. The awards and their
winners are as follows: Pendleton
East Oregonian. Dorothy Her;
Baker Democrat-Herald, Marcia
Dutcher: Myrtle Creek Mail. Mary
Salazar; and Hillsboro Argus,
Gardner. A fifth scholarship, un
named. went to Gordon Rice.
The T. Neil Taylor awards for
outstanding theses in the school
of journalism were presented by
Gordon A. Sabine, journalism
dean. First place went to A1 Karr.
Elsie Schiller was second, and
Dave Averill was third. Honor
able mention went to Miss Fraser
and Don Wenzl.
Four awards were pre.^ntrrl by
Sigma Delta Chi. The senior schol
arship award went to Miss Schil
ler, and the achievement award
was presented Dave Averill. Rice
was named outstanding sophomore
man in journalism, and Travis
Caverns was nam^d outstanding
freshman man in journalism.
Theta Sigma Phi, national
fraternity for women, picked Mis*
Per as the Outstanding sophomore
woman in journalism. Kathleen
Morrison was named the outstand
mg freshman woman in journal
Editor Announces
New Oregano Staff
Member? of next year’s Oregano,
editorial staff have been an
nounced by Editor Bob Southwell.
Serving as associate editors will
be Laura Sturge* and Dean Mc
Mullen. Co-layout editors will bo
Ann Erickson and Germaine La
Supervising the Oregana writ
ers will be Sally Ryan, copy ed
itor. Turning out captions for next
year s book will be Larry Guinn,
captions editor.
Scheduling pictures will be the
job of John Shaffer, photography
editor. Art work for the annual
will be handled by Bob Fudge, ait
Heading the business side of the
Oregana staff will be Bob Mc
Cracken. Southwell and McCrack
en were appointed to their posi
tions by the publications board
April 21.
Southwell served as associate
editor of copy on this year’s staff,
while McCracken was sales man
ager of the annual the second half
of this year.
Last Emerald Issue
Today's issue of the Oregon
Daily Emerald is the last edi
tion of Ihe 195S-54 academic
year. Publication of the campus
daily will be resumed next fall
term during New Student week.
Emerald Staff
PohIiik for a picture Is next year’s Emerald staff. Seated in front are Dorothy Her
and Anne Ritchey. In the first row, from left to right, are Mary Alice Allen,‘Anne
Hill, Dick Lewis, Donna Kunberg, Sally Ryan, Editor Joe Gardner, Business Manager
Jean Sundine, Jackie Warden and Jerry Harrell. In the second row, Sam Vahey
Gordon Rice, Bob Robinson and Paul Keefe.
Oregana Staff
The editorial side of the 1954-55 Oregana staff takes time out to hive its picture
taken. Seated in front are Editor Bob Soiftlmeli, Germaine LaMarche and Bob Fudge.
Standing arc John Shaffer, Sally Ryan, Laura Sturges, Dean McMullen, Larry Guinn
and Ann Erickson.