Campus Calendar 0:30 ND Baseball Coach's 114 SU Noon ltal Tbl 111 HIT Aably Com 112 SIT AAA 113 SIT 7:00 Anthropology 334 HU 7:45 Frl Eve Cof Hr lira. Kin SU (ant(/at ft? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS PASSENGERS lo help drive to Omaha after finals. Call 4-8542. 6-4 FOR SALE: Nylon mountain tent O' x O'. Call 4-2181 evenings. LOST A rhinestone bracelet at the Junior Prom. If found pleaae return to Helen R. John son at Hendricks hall. Reward. 5-28 Private party wishes late model car driven to Kansas City. Call 4- 4035 or write L. C. Cheatham. 975 W. 17th. 5-28 ROOMS for rent: with kitchen, clone-in. For Kills. 1 room for man. Outride entrance. Ph. 4 9802. 5-28 SELL — Model 52 HB target rifle, 10X Supertarget a pot scope. For $165, John Wells, Gamma hall. 6-2 i ASHENGER to help drive Chey enne or Denver after finals. Ph. 5- 1511. ext. 550. I >R! VI NO to Texas Jun^TsTwili take two. Call. 5-5327 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE Nylon mountain tent 6'x6’. Call 4-2181 evenings. FOP. SALE raid Pontiac sedan, four door. Good shape, excellent body, $135. Phone 4-4332 after 5 p m. 5-28 > ALAN LADD SHELLEY WINTERS ^SASKATCHEWAN" ZjjJ) A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE M G Ms AMAZING ANIMAL STAR CONQUERS DANGERS Of THE WEST I GYPS* COLT I IN EXCITING COLOR! Marti Sunday Randolph Scott The Stranger Wore a Gun In Technicolor HERBERT J. TATES (ANTSlOilNK DENNIS O’KEEFE • RUIN HUSSEY EVE ARDEN • WILLIAM DEMAREST A REPUBLIC PICTURE 860 WlUAMEITt \JfVtam 4.41S2 DRIVE-IN THEATR flwS? Rita Kenyon Wins $25 Essay Prize The $25 Vogan Spanish essay prize has been awarded to Kita Kenyon, sophomore in foreign lan guage, for an essay entitled "Karly Morning in Guadalajara,” The contest is sponsored by the foreign language department, and the prize money Is donated by Mrs. J. W. Vogan of Portland. ASUO-SU Picnic To Be Wednesday The AUSO-SU picnic will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at Fiji meadows, according to Bob Pollock, Student Union board chairman. All members of the new SU board and directorate and new ASUO senate members are invited, said Pollock. However, transporta tion will not be furnished by either group. Kappas Lose Silver Kappa Kappa Gamma is the sorority missing $400 worth of sil verware following a prank by members of the Kappa freshman class. The Emerald erroneously reported Thursday that Delta Gamma was the house missing the silverware. S Graduation Review Is Thursday Army and Air Force KOTC sen j ioro will be honored at a gradua | tion review next Thursday at 1 {;.m. All military cadets will par ticipate in the review at which awards will be marie to 52 cadets in all KOTC classes by Army and Air Force reserve associations, Eu_ gene businessmen, and the Univer sity KOTC detachment. Pending final grades, most of the army and air force cadets will receive their commissions. Air force seniors who will enter pilot and observer training, who are skilled in certain technical fields, or who have accepted a pro posal of the Air National Guard, to serve as commission officers for the guard will most likely be com missioned as second lieutenants in the Air Force reserve or the Na tional Guard. Those seniors who j refused the offer of the Air Na-1 tional Guard may enlist for two I years as airmen, after which time' they will receive reserve commis- j sions. Commissioning will take place on June 12 for the army, while air force graduates will receive their reserve commissions after the University graduation on June 113. The following army awards will be given: awards to distinguished military graduates, association of the AKMY ROTC Infantry award. National Defense Transportation Association Senior award. Reserve' Officers* Association of Eugene Membership award, Military Sci ence III National Defense Trans portation Association award, Mili. tary Science III Transportation Achievement award, Military Sci ence II Infantry award, Military Science II Achievement award, and Rifle Team Silver Medal awards. Air force ROTC seniors will bo awarded the following; awards |r> distinguished military graduated ; the Air Force Association Silver medal, the Air Science JJT Achievement award. Command Squadron Achievement award, Convair and Republic Cadet awards, and Reserve Officer.-s Association of Oregon Membership award. C-A-S-H for USED BOOKS June 4th thru 12th Students — avoid the rush! Bring in all the books you can during the early part of this period. Present your student body card at time of sale U of O Co-op Store o PLUS... • Hi-Velocity Heads— precision-engineered for skin-line shaving • Stop-Start Button—snaps motor on or off • Exclusive Caddie Case doubles as shaver holder SCHICK “20” Only $26.50 Give your GRADUATE A NEW KODAK CAMERA WIDE SELECTION HERE Brownie Hawkeye Flash Outfit.$13.65 Kodak Duaflex Flash Outfit.$20.40 Kodax deluxe Duaffex Flash Outfit Complete with film, flashbulbs, batteries, and flash holder $3foo I ...only ball point pen to giveyoo a choice of point sizes! r Choose the point that suits your writing best STORE No. 1, 8th & WILLAMETTE — STORE No. 2, 1950 FRANKLIN BLVD PRESCRIPTIONS — DRUGS — COSMETICS — GIFTS — 5c and 10c