Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1954, Page Six, Image 6

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Deadline for Religious Notes next week
ir. Wednesday noon. All items for the col
umn must be submitted to the Emerald
news office by the deadline for inclusion in
the column which will appear in the Thurs
day edition of the Emerald next week.
by Mitzi Asai
Religious News Editor
Wesley Foundation
The - Wesley couucit'-s . annual
’.spring planning retreat will be
'■held this weekend at La swell's
‘■cabin, located on the coast, ijear
'.Neskowin. The .primary function
of the retreat is to ■pvittuat.^ the
j.ast year’s activities and to make
jplans for the coming school year,
‘jnainly in the fields of program,
worship and recreation. However,
■ the weekend's activities will also.
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ROTC Department
Has Staff Change
• Three new Air Force ROTC
officers are now on campus and
will remain as faculty members in
•1954-55. They are Col. Robert
Forbes from Korea. Maj. Lewis
,E. Tiffany from Maxwell Air
' Force Base, Montgomery, Ala.,
and Sgt. J. J. Palmer from Ox
nard ARB, Calif.
Officers leaving at the end of
this year are Col. S. E. Sheffeild.
Capt. R. A. Laurence. Maj. G. R.
Smith and Sgt. J. O. Bateman.
■•Maj. N. N. Mihailov has already
loft for the Far East.
Army officers who have left are
Capt. Harry A. Buckley for the in
fantry school at Ft. Benning. Ga..
pending overseas assignment, and
■Sgt. W. J. Harder for Ft. Lewis.
No Army replacements have
been named as yet.
Today's Staff
Make up editor—Kitty Fraser
News staff—Dorothy Her, Joe
Copy deslt—Len Calvert, Jerry
Night editor—Kathleen Mor
Advertising Staff—Dick Carter,
V'alera Vierra. Jean Sandine.
Ad Assistant—Paul Keefe
Morning Editor—Sam Vahey
Linotype and Rewrite — Don
Larson. Bart Dobson, Carl Groth.
Give Dad Your
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include singing, fellowship, recre
ation, beach parties and food.
Sunday morning Rose Warner,
lunior in philosophy, will continue
the series in the lives of the Ap
ostles, which she will present to
the group at the retreat. She will
speak on the Apostle Paul, his
reasons for turning to Christian
ity, his influence on the develop
ment of Christianity, the changes
evident in the world at the close
of Paul's ministry, as well as those
I which- continue to take place due
| to the influence of his thinking
and writing.
The Koinonia Klass and Sunday
evening program will not be held
as usual, due to the retreat.
Chapel service tVill be held
Thursday at 12t80 p.m. at Ger
linger hall, led by Liz Mcllveen,
sophomore in liberal arts.
Christian House
Today many students will at
tend the statewide conference on
Christian unity, which is to be
held in the First Christian church
6f Salem. Featured speakers will
be Ronald Osborne of Butler uni
versity, formerly of Eugene, who
is to spend next year in Geneva,
Switzerland, at the World Council
of Churches: and Robert Tobias,
who has done reconstruction work
and who has supervised overseas
work camps for the World Chris
tion Youth council for the past
eight years. Bob Griffeth, sopho
more in political science, and Jim
Edwards, associate pastor of First
Christian church, Eugene, will
also bo on the program. Students
wishing transportation should con
tact Christian house.
Sunday services at the house
will begin at 9:15 a.m. with the
doughnut hour. This will be ful- j
lowed by Bible study at 9:15 led
by Victor Morris, dean of the
school of business. The 5:30 p.m. i
fellowship hour will be a conclud-1
ing program in the series on j
“Love, Courtship and Marriage,”
with married couples discussing
"How to Be Happily Married."
Most activities of the week will
center around the final feature of
the fifth birthday celebration, an
Alumni banquet at the house on
Saturday, June 5, at 6 p.m. Kor
mer students living in the Eugene
area are in charge, with Wilma
Chance serving as general chair
man. Tickets are one dollar, and
should be purchased ahead of time.
Everett Cecil. Corvallis, Oregon
graduate of 1953, will be master
of ceremonies.
Sunday. June 6, at 5 p.m. the
seniors will be honored at the an
nual outdoor buffet supper given
by all students. Tickets should be
purchased ahead of time. Seniors
are the special guests.
Westminster Foundation
The entire weekend program,
which includes tonight’s fellow
ship, Sunday morning Bible study,
and evening vesper service, has
been cancelled because of the
three-day holiday. The regularly
scheduled fellowship supper will
be hol'd on Wednesday, at 5:30
p.m. as usual. Following the sup
per, Don Wadsworth, a University
student, will present a "Slide
Show" of Alaska.
Luther House
This Sunday there will be a pic
nic supper at Luther house from
5 to 7 p.m. The losing team iu
the membership contest was to
serve, but since Carole Beech's
team tied Roger Danielson's team,
a potluek will be held. Each stu
dent attending is asked to bring
a hot dish, salad or dessert. After
the supper, at 7:30 in Central
Lutheran church, Bill Smith, ad
visor lnnt year, will hr commis
sioned as a missionary to Tangan
yika, South Africa.
Next Wednesday the last noon
luncheon of the year will hr held.
A. picnic will bo held, with ladies
from nil the Lutheran churches
serving. The new adviser for next
year, Vernon Steinberg, is ulso
expected to be there. Immediately
after the luncheon Jim und Dar
lene KalLus with the two hoys,
will leave for the East. Everyone
is invited to come and give the
Kallases a send-off.
Tomorrow is the day of the deep
sea fishing trip. Anyone Interested
should cnli Jim Kallas at -1-7373,
Bible study groups will also con
tinue to meet next week.
For Summer Tour and Hotel
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Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 13th Avenue East
"An Adequate Memorial"
Wesley Goodson Nicholson Weston H. Brockway
Minister Director of Music
May 31, 1954
&f—‘ First Assembly of God
710 W. 13th St. (about 1 Vi miles west of the university)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 A.M.—"The Things Which Are Caesar's"
7:45 P.M.—"The Things Which Are God's"
Special Memorial Day Sermons
E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
"Ancient and Modern Necromoncy Alias
Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced"
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway .. . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
First Baptist Church
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Goal, 1200
11:00 A M —"A Crown of Ufa''
Memorial Service for those who have passed away during
the past year.
7:30 P.M.-"Why Do You Serve Christ?"
Youth Night — Youth Choir
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette
"We Are Debtors"
Dr. S. Raynor Smith
Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding,
Kenneth W. Peterson
First Christian Church
1166 Oak Phone 4-1425
11:00 A.M.—"What Do These Stones Mean?"
Special Memorial Service
Veterans' organizations will be guests
7:30 P.M.—"Old-Timers Night"