Tourney Starters Coaches of the four baseball teams competing - in* the Western iRegional NCAA baseballV tourni-. ■*'ient at Howe' fffelick Naisoh ..v-—..._».SS Fred Baehm . SB Oarrell Steffes .LF Jim Burns ..CF Bill Collier .KF Oregon Neal Marlett .C Norm Forbes . P Dick Schlosstein .IB Jim Johnson ...-.—2B John Keller .SS I’ete Williams SB Jerry Boss .CF Ceorge Shaw 1,.CF Kon Phillips . KF Second Game Southern Cal John Garten Marty Zuanieh Tony Santlno Jim Oros .. John Stevenson . Bill Faddls Verle Sorgen Gerry Mason . Gary Robin Fresno State Bob Bennett . Ted Wills . Bob Fhair . J. D. Peterson Ron Hager .. George Delatorre Bill Pearson Ben Souders Don Farris ...,C P IB 2B SS ! SB | ,.LF CF RF ....C| P IB 2B .SS , SB LF CF RF Len Casanova - Shrine Mentor* For Next Year Oregon football coach, Len Cas anova, was named a9 an assistant coach for the West team in the thirtieth annual Shrine All-Star game to be held in San Francisco next New Year's Day. Jess Hill of Southern California is to be head coach of the team with Casanova and Ed Price of the University of Texas as his two chief aides. Hill and Price both served as assistants for head coach Chuck Taylor in last year's East West game. In being named to the post, Casanova becomes the fifth North ern Division mentor to gain such an honor. Percy Locey and Lon Stiner of Oregon State, Babe Hol lingberry of Washington State and Howie Odell of Washington are the previous coaches who have served as tutors for the Shrine gridders. Casanova expressed much plea sure on hearing of the honor and said that he would gladly accept the appointment. The Shrine grid men will start practice sessions early in December. Fresno State Nine » *• * * * T rojans (Ed. Note: Thin In the final In a nerlea of three article* giv ing a preview of (he teamn that will oppose the l!nlver»lty of Oregon In the NCAA baseball tournament at llowe field.) Led by their outstanding second baseman. J. 1). Peter son, the Fresno State Bulldogs will come into the W estern Re gional NCAA playoffs for third year since the origination of the tourney. The Bulldogs are not consid ered to be as strong this year as in the past but are well re spected by the other three teams in the playoffs. Fresno will play its first game in the big affair against Southern California's pow j erful Trojans in the second game of the program Friday afternoon. Peterson, who is the leading j hitter and fielder for the Bulldogs, ! will probably be one of the best j infielders that Oregon baseball , fans have ever seen in action on ! Howe field. Peterson has a lofty ‘ 303 batting average this season ' and is one of the most sought j after by professional scouts of any ' player in the California Baseball ! association. Won ( BA Fresno State will enter the tour NORTH AMERICAN HAS BUILT MORE AIRPL^lfcS TJ# ■ OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD "O.K.. . You’re on your own” Moments ag6 his'instructor said, “Good luck son. 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Yes, there’s high adventure ahead for you, if you take the challenge a flying career in the services offers now... if you’re ready to be on your own. organization, facilities and experience keep North American Aviation, Inc. fyears ahead in aircraft... atomic energy ... electronics ... guided missiles ... research and development. nament with a won-loss record of 23 and 12. They* won the CB.v with comparative caw* over sec ond-place San Jose State. The Bulldogs will be In some, what of a weakened condition when they start the plnyoffH. Their three top pitchers, Bob Dolg, Bud Mecham and George Millhoni, are all freshmen at the California school and will be forced to miss NCAA action because of a special eligibility ruling. Doig had a six won and one lost mark for the Bull dogs, Mecham a 4-1 slate and Mlll hom was undefeated In four games. With these three top flingers out of action, the Bulldogs will more than likely send Ted Wills to the firing line for the first game with the Trojnns. Wills has won 'four and lost four in nction this season. Other Fresno pitchers who will see action in the tourney will be Jack Hannah. 1-2; Body Gar cia, 3-4; nnd Jack Altman. 1-0, All have shown signs of ability this year but none of them have been consistent. Pluilr Good Hitter Besides IVterson’s team leading baiting mark, two other Bulldogs have been clouting the ball fre quently and solidly. First-base man Bob Phair has a .34ft aver age and third-sacker George Dela torre ha? a .340 mark. Both are extremely dangerous batters in th<* clutch. Other starters for the Fresno nine will likely be: Bob Bennett, catcher: Bon Hager, shortstop; and Bill Pearson, Ben Souders and Don Farris In the outfield. The Bulldogs have a team bat ting average of .238 for the sea son. Fretno 2. Fort Ord 8. Fretno 8. Sacramento AU-Start 3. Fresno 4. Sacramento AlLStar* 3. Fretno 5. Fort Ord 9. Fretno 2. Camp Pendleton 8. Fretno S. Oakland Oaka 13. Prctno 10. COP 2. Fretno 5, COP 2. Presuo 7. Pepperdine 6. Fretno 6. Pepperdine 2. Fretno S. San Diego S? 8. Fretno 12. Fretno All-Start 3. Fretno 1. Edmonton 3. Fretno 8. Lot Angelet St S. Fretno 7, Santa Barbara 6. Fretno 3. Santa Barbara 1. Fretno 10. Calgary 11. Fretno 3. Fort Ord 2. Fretno 10, Chico State 8. Fretno 2. California Poly 3. Fretno 6. California Poly 2. Fretno 11. UCLA 8. Fretno !. UCLA 5. Fretno 4. Fretno Card* 5. Fretno 5. Calgary 4. Fretno 3. Lot Angelet State 2. Fretno 3. Lot Angelet State 2. Fretno 6. Santa Barbara 2. Fretno 10. San Diego St. 9. Fretno 7, San Diego St. I. Fretno 6. Pepperdine 5. Fretno 2. San Joae St. 7. Fretno 3. California Aggie* 2. Fretno 7, California Aggiea 2. June Is Bustin' Out All Over! And many female ducks have taken to transparent blouses instead or sweaters this sea son. Enough about fashions —now how about the weather? OK so It is g-ood picnic weather just as time for finals comes around. For those who are taking their final finals — try the picnic — you might find something that the In structors have failed to teach you. rt’s easy. ROD TAYLOR'S On The Glenwood Strip