Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    AFROTC Okays
Sophomore Men
A total of 48 sophomore cadets
have been tentatively accepted
into the advanced air force RO
TC program. Final acceptance
hinges upon the quota of advan
ced cadets assigned the Univer
sity AFROTC detachment by
AFROTC headquarters at Max
well air force base, Montgomery,
Of the 48. 28 are in Category I
(for pilot training), 14 in Cate
gory IA (radar observer I, 5 in
Category III (non-flight) and 1
in Category IV (veteran). The
veteran and three of the cadets
in Category I will not attend
ROTC classes or drill for one
year, because they are taking
“legitimate five-year courses."
They must graduate from Ore
gon and from the AFROTC pro
gram at the same time.
The 28 in Category I are Tim
othy James. Gerald Nelson, Rob
ert Ransom. Arthur Weber.
George Johnston, Bruce L. Reimer,
Clifford Dorwin, Fred Gustafson.
John Oney, Joseph Davis, Arthur
Weatherford. Kenneth Moriarty.
James Richey, Otto Crumroy.
Daugherty, James Vickers. Rich
ard Buffington, Elvin Reeves,
Nicholas Smith, Dale Oderman.
William Dellinger, Gary McManus.
Robert Freirich, John Walker,
Philip Hanson. ‘Samuel Vahey,
Earle Culbertson and Charles
Clarke. Vahey. Culbertson and
Clarke are in the one-year non
attendance classification.
Tentatively accepted in Cate
gory IA are James Duncan, Claude
N a s b u r g, Richard Schlosstein.
Keith Robertson. Everett Stiles.
Robert Kubek, Otto Nelson. Rob
ert Bond, Loren Wolfe. Malcolm
Amondsen, Eugene Nordling,
Ricchard Briggs, Henry Mishima
and Virgil Erickson.
Applicants tentatively accepted
in Category III are Paul Guey.
John Purkey, John Lighty, Arlin
Ebert and Donald Erne. The veter
an, also in the non-attendance
classification for one year, is Ar
thur Knudsen.
To qualify for flight training
(pilot or observer), applicants had
to pass the flight physical and the
air force officer qualifications
tests, which measure such factors
as pilot, observer-technical and of
ficer aptitudes. According to pres
ent air force policy, virtually all
air force reserve commissions are
given to cadets accepted for flight
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, training. (Five sophomores in the
non-flight category have applied
for advanced AFROTC; last fall
the quota of non-flight advanced
cadets assigned by AFROTC head
quarters was three.)
Other factors considered by the
University AFROTC detachment
officers, screedlnfc applicants -were
University and ROTC grades, en
trance examination psychological
score, general evaluation by the
office of student affairs, and gen
eral evaluation by the board of in
terviewing officers of the appli
cant’s bearing and appearance.
Mt Washington Climb
Planned by Alpine Club
The Alpine club will end the
year’s activities Saturday and
Sunday by climbing Mt. Wash
ington; according to John Vazbys
Anyone interested in making the
climb is welcome to attend a meet
ing today at 6:30 p.m. in the
Student Union, reports Vazbys. In
terested persons need not have
climbing experience.
American Art
Now In SU Gallery
“Small Paintings by Americans”
is the exhibit now on display in the
Student Union art gallery. The
exhibit is shown in co-ordination
with Internationel Business Ma
The exhibit includes painting of
32 well-known American artists.
The time period of the paintings is
from 1850 to 1$50. Some of the
paintings are: “Maple Sugar Or
chard,” Grandma Moses; “The
Shop,” James T. McNeill Whistler;
“Trees in Bloom,” Eugene Speich
er, and “Sunset Saco Ba}’,” Wins
low Homer.
6:00 p. m. Sign On
6:03 Early Evening Concert
6:30 News Till Now
7 00 Campus Classics
8:00 This I Like
8:30 Record Ramblings
8:45 Guest Star
9:00 KWAXworks
10:50 News Headlines
AWS Dessert
Is Thursday
Campus clothes will be In order
for the annual AWS recognition
dessert Thursday at 6:30 p. m. in
Gerlinger hall, according to Jane
Bergstrom, AWS secretary, who
is in charge of the dessert.
All women on crtmpus are in
vited to attend the event at which
Kwama, Phi Theta, Zonta and A
WS scholarships will be presented.
All Kwama, Phi Theta and Mortar
Board members will also be rec
ognized at the dessert, along with
the Junior Weekend court ar.d the
Gerlinger cup winner.
Handling all arrangements for
the dessert are Betty Dobler, gen
eral chairman; Jean Kay, refresh
ments; Helen Kuth Johnson, pro
grams; Barbara Gregg, publicity,
and Sally Thompson, promotion.
Police Report Delt
Theft Still Unsolved
Eugene police said Tuesday that
they were still investigating a re
ported burglary at Delta Tau
Delta sometime Friday night.
According to the police report,
$35 was missing from a cash box
in the house manager’s office, and
$15 was missing from two wallets
left ir* one of the rooms.
Members of the fraternity said
the money was taken sometime
between midnight Friday and 6:45
Saturday morning.
Willis Speaks
To Y Fireside
A discussion of Chinese and
American thought will be the topic
of a “Faculty at Home" Thursday
night, with D. S. Willis, assistant
professor Oriental languages, as
host and discussion leader.
All interested students are in
vited to attend the meeting, spon
sored by the YWCA. Transporta
tion to the Willis home will be
provided by the YMCA and cars
will leave Gerlinger hall at T:15
p. m. The program is scheduled
from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.
The basis of the discussion will
be a recent book, “Americans and
Chinese” by Francis L. K. Hsu
v’hich compares the thinking of
the East and West. A talk on the
book by Willis will be followed by
group discussion.
This discussion will be one of a
series to continue through next
year with various faculty mem
bers acting as discussion leaders
and hosts. Arrangements are by
the YW “Faculty at Home’’ com
mittee with Donna Lory, sopho
more in business, as chairman.
"RCA Victor Records
In Concert
at the
Eugene High School Auditorium
Wednesday, June 2, 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.
All Seats $1.65
at ^
Graves Music and Art
1235 Willamette ph- 4-9252
Air Squadron
Elects Officers
Larry Takahashi has been elect
ed president of Air Command
Squadron, basic A FROTC hono
rary, for 1954-55. Other new of
ficers are Frit* Fraunfelder, vice
president; Gene Lowrnnce, person
nel; Darrell Maurer, secretary;
Larry Anderson, treasurer, and
Leland Agenbroad, first sergeant.
Twelve freshmen were initiated
into the honorary on April 29. The
new members are Agenbroad, An
derson, Robert Burnett, Fraun
felder, Stewart Johnson, James U.
Laughton, Lowrance, M aurer,
James Platz, Donald L. Smith.
Don V. Simon and Takahashi.
SU Directorate
Needs Secretary
Petitions for secretary of the
| 1954-55 Student Union directorate
have been called for by Donna
Schafer, directorate chairman.
They are due Tuesday at noon in
the petition box on the SU third
Duties of the secretary would
include taking minutes at all di
rectorate meetings, typing them
and also prior to each meeting
typing agendas and notifying
members of the meeting. Inter
views of applicants will take place
Tuesday at 4 p. m. at a directorate
meeting in the SU.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor: Anne Ritchey
Night Editor: Valerie Harsh
News Desk: Gordon Rice
Russian Camps
Subject of Movie
"On the Other Hide," a docu
ment nry report on what goes on in
the Russian concentration camps,
is the film to be shown in Com
rnonweiilth 138 tonight.
This educational movie Is spon
sored by the Student Union Movie
committee and tin1 admission I
free, according to Barbara Wilcox,
chairman. The film will be shown
nt 7 nod 9 p. nf.
Social Calendar
Friday Picnic
Orides Alpha ball
LOST A rhinestone bracelet at
the Junior Prom. If found
please return to Helen K. John
son at Hendricks hail. Reward.
Private party wishes late model
car driven to Kansas City, (’all
4-1035 or write L C. Cheatham,
975 W. 17th. 5-28
ROOMS for rent: with kitchen,
close-in. For girls. 1 room for
man. Outside entrance. Ph. 4
9802. 5-28
' Ul.L Mod* ; .V~ lit: *
10X Supertarget spot mope. For
$105. John Wells, Gamma hull.
DRIVING to i ‘.i• *i < Fresno Han
ford ) Sat , June 12. Will take 2
or 3 Call 3-2244. 5-27
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