Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Foreign Student Friendship
Dinner to be Held Wednesday
The Foreign Student Friendship
foundation will hold a farewell
dinner for foreign students Wed
nesday evening at 6:30 in the ball
room of the Student Union.
The dinner is for foreign stu
dents who have attended the Uni
versity during the past year and
who will not be returning next
year. Tickets cost $2 and may be
Five Papers Read
At WPA Meeting
Five papers prepared by stu
dents and faculty members of Ore
gon's psychology department were
on the program of the Western
Psychological association's annual
meeting at Long Beach, Calif.,
last weekend.
Samuel R. Pinneau, assistant
professor of psychology reported
on a new type of personality test
which he has been developing dur
ing the past two years.
Burton Boyd, graduate assistant
in psychology, presented a paper
•on a monograph developed by Pin
neau and himself to facilitate the
statistical calculations involved in
the development of psychological
Harold E. Hopper, graduate stu
dent in psychology, discused a
study which he has been making of
factors related to regurgitation in
Jerome Kristal, graduate stu
dent, reported experiments on a
new device which can be used with
groups of people to record the
amount of perspiration in the
palm of the hand during experi
ments on emotional stress.
James MacQueen, graduate stu
dent, reported on an experiment
which aims to develop an objective
means of defining what is meant
by "patterns” of visual stimula
Leona Tyler, associate professor
of psychology, also attended the
meeting. She is serving as secre
tary of the Western Psychological
association this year.
reserved by calling extension 426
or 429.
The program will include in
formal singing, a feature address
by William C. Jones, former dean
of administration, and talks by
four foreign students.
Jones will deliver a speech enti
tled “That All Men May Know."
The students on the program will
be Alfred Okeke, Nigeria; Sam
Yamada. Japan; Luis De Alba.
Mexico; Trudy Wergler, Austria,
and Sue Shreeve, sophomore in
Crane to Lecture
In Browsing Room
This week's browsing room lec
turer will be given by Ronald S.
Crane, professor emeritus of Eng
lish at the University of Chicago.
Crane will speak on "Some
Trends in the Study of Literature"
at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. P. W.
Souers, head of the English de
partment, will lead the discussion
after the lecture.
Crane has been visiting lecturer
on campus this term in the Eng
lish department. Earlier this term
-he gave a series of three lectures
on “Literature and the History of
Ideas.” Wednesday’s lecture will
be his last formal lecture at Ore
“Critics and Criticism: Ancient
and Modern" which he wrote has
been suggested by Crane as back
ground reading for his lecture.
YW Advisory Board
Plans Cabinet Picnic
The YWCA advisory board is
giving a picnic dinner this even
ing for the "members of the YWCA
cabinet. The picnic will be held at
the home of Mrs. O. K. Burrell at
3075 Whitbech St. from 5 to7 p.m.
Cars will leave from Gerlinger
hall at 4:45 p. m. Everyone on
the cabinet is urged to attend, ac
cording to Sally Stadelman, publi
city chairman.
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ROTC Instructor
To Attend Meeting
Capt. Matteo A. Saleml, assist
ant professor of air science, has
been selected by the University of
Oregon air force ROTC detach
ment to attend the first semester
AFROTC pilot workshop on lead
I ership and management training
at the Air University, Maxwell
Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala.,
June 14-19.
A total of 50 air force officers
■ will attend the pilot workshops, to
prepare for directing institutional
workshops to be held on 21 college
| campuses throughout the nation
! during the summer. A workshop
for AFROTC instructors from
| Washington, Oregon, Idaho and
Montana, on the subject of lead
ership and management, will be
held at Oregon, Aug. 2-7.
Purpose of the workshop is to
increase the officer’s ability as an
instructor. The pilot workshops
are held to prepare leaders in their
roles of organizing and conducting
the regional workshops, as well
as to improve their own instruct
ing. AFROTC instructors from all
206 detachments in 46 states, Ha
waii and Puerto Rico will attend
one -of the institutional workshops
in their own area.
The AFROTC workshop pro
gram was initiated in 1953.
Three Women
Earn Awards
Three senior women have been
given awards for outstanding
work in speech and music by Phi
Beta, national women’s music and
speech fraternity.
Winner of the Phi Beta plaque
for excellence in speech is Marilyn
Patterson, while Pat Hartley re
ceived the plaque for excellence in
music. Joyce Sinner, music, re
ceived the award presented to
' the senior Phi Beta member with
the highest scholarship.
The awards were presented at
Phi Beta's annual candlelighting
service Thursday. An award for
junior service went to Tammy
Breese, music.
Two scholarships awarded by
patronnesses of Phi Beta were
won by Audrey Mistretta, junior
in music, and Donna Peterson,
sophomore in liberal arts.
Two Scholarships
Awarded by Group
Winners of the two Phi Beta
patronesses’ scholarships for the
next year were named Thursday
1 evening by alumni of the national
music and speech honorary.
The awards of $150 were pre
sented to Audrey Mistretta, jun
ior in music, and Donna Peterson,
sophomore in liberal arts. The
I awards are presented annually to
women studying speech, music or
i drama. Both Miss Mistretta and
Miss Peterson held the scholar
1 ships this year.
0 YWCA members who are
participating in special projects
this summer are requested to noti
fy Germaine La Marche, confer
ence chairman, at the YWCA of
0 The YWCA International af
fairs commission will meet this af
ternoon at 4 in Gerllngcr hall, ac
cording to Jean Sandino, chair
0 Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalism fraternity, will meet at
12:30 p. m. today in the Student
Union, according to Jerry Harrell,
0 New meinlx-rs of Skull and
Dagger, sophomore men's service
honorary will meet this afternoon
at 4 in the Student Union to elect
officers for the coming year, ac
cording to Bob Maier, president.
0 All those Interested in join
ing the YWCA public affairs com
mission have been asked to con
tact Barbara Geyer at Kappa Kap
pa Gamma. There will be a meet
ing Thursday at noon, in Gerlinger
0 There will be a YWCA exec
utive cabinet meeting Wednesday
at noon in Gerlinger hall.
0 The YWCA executive coun
cil will meet today at noon in Ger
linger hall, publicity chairman Sal
ly Stadelman has announced.
0 INI Chi, psychology honorary
will ohld a luncheon meeting to
day in the Student Union. A re
port will be given on the Joint
meeting of the Oregon and Wash
ington Psychological associations.
The meeting will begin at 12:20
p. m.
0 I*hi Theta I'pallon, junior
women's service honorary, will In
itiate new members Wednesday
afternoon at 4:30 at Delta Gam
ma. Initiates are to wear white,
according to Janet Wick, presi
0 Petition* for the nine Stu
dent Union skeleton commit tee*
nre due this afternoon ft p. m,,
according to Jack Bocolofsky, per
sonel chairman. Petitions should
lie turned In to the SU box on the
third floor.
0 Order of the “O" will meet
at noon Wednesday at Alpha Tan
Omega, according to Doug Clem
ent. president. Football Coach Leri
Casanova will be guest speaker at
the meeting. Plans for the group's
annual picnic will be discussed.
FOK .SALK New suit - light
color - medium size. $23. Room
Gft Sigma halt after 6:30 p m.
FOR SALE Electric organ, E.i
tey nyikc, good condition. $400.
Terms, apply 1240 Beech St.
couple, young child; desire rent
or sub-let 2-bedroom furnished
housing, near campus, summer
session, June 17 to Aug. 21, to
$60. John Parker, Box 301.
Chewclah, Wash. ft-2ft
LOST — A rhinestone bracelet at
the Junior Prom. If found
please return to Helen Ft. John
son at Hendricks hall. Reward.
Private party wishes late model
car driven to Kansas City. Call
4-4035 or write L. C. Cheatham,
975 W. 17th. 5-28
ROOMS for rent: with kitchen,
close-in. For girls. 1 room for
man. Outside entrance. Ph. 4
9802. 5-28
We arc looking for a young man currently graduating
from college, who Is Interested in making a career
with the leading NBC radio and television affiliate
in Spokane Washington. The applicant who quali
fies will need to lie free from military draft and will
he asked to take a nationally known test to help
determine his aptitude for intangible selling. Ills
career will liegiu as junior salesman in television or
radio with starting salary of $250.00 per month and
chance for advancement.
Please write full background information, including
any veiling experience and mn|or courses and extra
curricular college activities, with a current personal
picture, in a letter to K. O. Dunning, President,
Ktltl and KH<|-TV, Spokane, Washington.
Headlines for
June .... fashion spells
Glossy Straw, Natural Straw, Scalloped
Rough Straw, Flower Crowned, Rose
Brimmed. See our Selection at the . . .
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