- - RELIGIOUS NOTES - - by Milzi Asal Relifj'out New* Editor Luther House Thin Sunday the Luther house will host the Oregon Lutheran group. Guest speaker for the eve ning will be Arnold Nelson of 811 verton, who will speak on the work of the Lutheran world fed eration in relocating and replacing European refugees In this country. The evening program will begin with a supper at 5:30 served by Marl Griffiths, Bruce Irvin, Mary 1-ou Sunderland and Chuck Dah len. Lutherans are reminded of the Wednesday luncheons from 12 to 12:50 p.m. Last Wednesday there were over 50 present. All Lutheran students are invited to attend this Wednesday, at which time prayer will be discussed. Bible study groups will meet; Monday at 3 p.m., Wednesday at 9 p.m. and Thursday at 9 a.m., ! 1J a.m., and 9 p.m. May 29 is the date set for a deep-sea fishing trip. Anyone in terested should see Jim Kallas at Luther house or call 4-7373. Canterbury Club Canterbury will meet at Oregon State college this Sunday for a dinner meeting with the group there. Cara will leave the Student Union between 5 and 5:15 p.m. Next Wednesday there will be the celebration of the feaat of the Holy Ascension, Holy Com munion. at Gerlinger hall, begin ning at 7 a m. Ascension day ia one of the great feaat* of the Chriatian year. Newman Club The Oregon Newman club will Join with the Oregon State club for their annual picnic thia Sun day. The group will leave from Sacred Heart hospital at 6:30 am. for the trip to Corvallis There they will attend 8 o'clock mahji, and then continue on to Fogcrty creek. Refreshments will be taken by the group at a cost of Oreganos on Sale On SU Mezzanine A few copies of the 1954 Ore fcana may still be purchased in the administrative office on the Stu dent Union mezzanine, according to Jim Light, Oregana business manager, Price is $6.25. Students who have purchased yearbooks but have not picked them up yet may do so in the SU administrative office. CAMPUS BRIEFS Deadline (or items (or thit column II at 4 p m. the day prior to publication. 0 The House chaplains will hold a business meeting and pic nic Sunday afternoon at the home of Francis Dart, assistant profes sor of physics. Transportation will be provided from the east entrance of the Student Union at 2 p.m. Sunday, according to Maurice E. Bell, president. 0 Kecent pledges'during wom en's spring term open rush include Lorna Lee Davis, Chi Omega; Jackie Swenson, Sigma Kappa, and Mary Jo Flterre, Kappa Alpha Theta. 0 The frosh picnic committee will hold a dinner meeting at 5 p.m. today at Carson hall, accord ing to Gary West, freshman class representative. 0 The Oregon-Oregon State Women’s Recreational association play day scheduled for Saturday with OSC has been cancelled, ac cording to Sally Stadelman, WRA publicity chairman. 41 Amphibians, women’s swim ming honorary, will hold tryouts at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Gerlinger pool, according to President Olivia Tharaldson. 75 ceritH each. Newmanites and their friends' are asked to phone Carolyn Davis at 3-1056 to make reservations for the trip. Inter-Varsity Inter-varsity Chrlatian fellow whip will conclude its regular meetings' for the .school year with a weiner roawt at the Harlow Hap tiwt camp ground* this* Tuesday. Transportation will be provided from the Student Union, with cars leaving at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. A brief discussion-worship period will climax the picnic. Chcmning Club Alburey Cawtell, philosophy de partment head, will apeak at Channing club’s meeting this Sun day, beginning at 7:30 p.m. In the Unitarian church. The topic of his address' will be ‘The Church, School and Statf;.” Castell will ex amine the question of why Ameri cans are willing to allow the state to take such an active part in academic education and no part in religious education. The meeting is open to the public and refresh ments will be s*erved. Wesley Foundation We - ley foundation has te en challenged by Westminster foun dation to a softball game at Hen drick's bridge tonight. A picnic, volleyball and other recreation is scheduled. Cars will leave Gerling er hall at 6 p.m. Ibis afternoon and tomorrow, We-deyans are having their annual "Odd Job day.” Money received will fie used to help pay tuition and expenses- for Namiko Ikeda, Junior in physical education from Tokyo, Japan. The Koirionia Klass will meet Sunday morning at 9:45 at the! First Methodist church. The en tire group will participate in the discussion of Leslie Weatherhcad's! book, "The Will of God," which has been discussed in parts by various persons, during the past weeks of the class. For those wish ing rldea to the church, cars will leave Gerlinger hall at 9:30. Fol lowing refreshments at the usual 8 p.m. meeting on the Gerlinger] hall aunporch, Merilyn Fullerton, I sophomore in education, will speak on "The Apostle Stephen: His Writing. Thinking and Influence on the Karly Church.” H. Ft. Taylor, psychology depart ment head, will speak Tuesday fol lowing the 5:30 p.m. potluck sup per on the Gerlinger sunporch. His topic is "We Were Born to Be lieve." Stan Heth, junior in sociology, will lead the chapel service Thurs day at 12:30 in Gerlinger hall. Christian House Christian house is holding its annual retreat and planning con ference this weekend at Harmony lodge at Nelscott, on the coast. Cars will leave the house through out thin afternoon, with Orville Carroll as transportation chair man. Betty Myers is general chair man for the affair. She is assisted by Shirley Goff, food chairman; Chuck Brownlow, recreation, and Lyle Spears, program. The con ference theme is "Ever by Thy \ Spirit.” Special guest leader will be Rev. Kenneth Peterson, director of Wesley foundation. Sunday morning services will be held as usual at Christian house, beginning with the 9:15 a.m. doughnut hour, followed by Bible study led by Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business. There will be no other Sunday ser- I vices this week because of the re treat. Married students are planning a picnic at Richardson's point on Fein Ridge lake for this Tuesday at 6 p.m., according to Preston Bradley, president. Each couple should bring their own weiners and buns, table service, and either a salad or a dessert. The annual election of officers will take place during the evening. Family groups are welcomed by the group. For further details, call 5-3491. Westminster Foundation Tonight at 5:45 Westminster will meet Wesley in a softball game at Hendrick's bridge park. A weiner roast after the game is planned. This Sunday at 9 a.m. coffee and doughnuts will be served, ' fitter which the Bible etudy $!» -4 will continue its discussion of the "Brief Statement of Reformed Faith," article eight. Sunday afternoorm a picnic at Paradise park on the upper McKenzie river , is planned, with cars leaving the house at 4 p.m. The evening wor ship service will be led by Betty Gillum and Keith Heller, follow ing which Rev. Thom Hunter will given an exposition entitled "The. Test of DiscipTeship.” Wednesday at 12:30 p,m. there will be a chapel service at the house. In the evening at 5:30 the fellowship supper will feature a student panel, moderated by Jer ry Melone, whose topic of dia cussion will be "Should We Be Concerned About Discrimination in Student Living Organizations.” First Baptist Church The Palermo brothers, Italian musicians and evangelists, will be present during the morning wor ship at 11 a.m. this Sunday at Eugene First Baptist church. The brothers have held evangelistic crusades throughout the world under the auspices of Youth for Christ international. At the 7:30 p.m. service, the Christian busi nessmens committee of Eugene will take charge of the program. Participating *ill be Fred Rady, president of CBMC ar.d manager of Burch's Shoe store, ar.d Herb Jauchen, manager of William’s department store. ------ - — Studenf Church Directory First Congregational Church 490 13th Avenue East The Congregational Church invites you to attend its services 9:30 - 1-1:00 Wesley Goodson Nicholson Minister Weston H. Brockway Director of Music Sunday Service 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a m. Communion Services at Both Hours 10:00 a.m. Bible Class—Dr. E. S. Wengert—leader Sermon, "Availing Prayer" Welcome! Grace Lutheran Church East 11th Avenue at Ferry Street W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wright, Assistant First Assembly of God 710 W. 13th St. (about IVa miles west of the university) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 1 1:00 a.m. Divine Worship Service 6:30 p.m. C.A.'s Youth Service 7:45 p.m. Evangelisic Service E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl Sunday Services 11 a.iTi. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Sermon: "Soul and Body" Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger A First Baptist Church 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Goal, 1200 11:00 a.m. Hear Palermo Bros. Talented Italian Musicians and Evangelists 7:30 p.m. "Faith & Religion From a Bust man's Viewpoint" Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High First Methodist Church 1185 Willamette Sermon: "Finally, Brethren, Farewell" Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding, Kenneth W. Peterson First Christian Church 1166 Oak Phone 4*1425 Sermon: "This Grace Also" — Dedication Sunday — For Dedication of Tithing Covenants and Estimates of Giving CHRISTIAN HOUSE-OUR STUDENT CENTER-736 E. loth Ave. r