Businessmen Serving Students Throughout the Year Join with You in Celebrating the 64th ♦ Campus Coffee Shop Food—Fun—Friendly Folks 13th and Kincaid ♦ Claypools The Complete Drug Store Open Til 8 * Rush Inn Lunch & Dinner Specials Sign of the Duck on 13th • Endicott's Radio & TV Service 871 E. 13th Ave. • Campus Shell Service 690 13th Avenue Orville S. Giltenberger * Campus Shoe Shop 843 East 13th Eugene, Oregon Fast—Guaranteed * Elliot's Cash Grocery "Pay Cash and Pay Less for Your Food" Cor. 13th & Patterson Ph. 3-2241 SCKNK: OKKUON 1IAI.I. ON I HI. CAMPUS ♦ Hogan's Grocery ♦ Wayne's Market 544 El 3th ♦ College Side Inn Student Meeting Place on 13th ♦ Palace Market 561 East 13th Ph. 5-1113 . at own bu til W£ race SCENE: CANOEING ON THE MILLRACE * The Wave Room 1122 A!der-Ph. 4-2251 * The Webfoot Students Favorite Place to Eet 775 East 11th * Walter's Associated Service 694 East 11 th Street Eugene—Ph. 4-0161 » Elliot's Cash Grocery Pay Cash and Pay Less for Your Food Corner 13th & Patterson Ph. 3-2241 The Merchants Welcome Mothers to the Campus for the 27th Annual Mothers Weekend and Join in Cerebrating "Campus Capers" The Hamburger Inn 1290 Patterson-Ph 5-955 Giant Supers—Penny Arcades — Fun for All — * UnSversSty Pharmacy Prescription Service 798 E. 11th-Cor. Alder Eugene, Oregon * The Mayflower Theater 11 th and Alder - Dial 5-1022 Special Student Rates * Valley Audio Visual Service 1217 Alder St. - Ph. 4-1803 Eugene, Oregon