‘Dudk By Bob Robinson Emerald Sports Editor W'fll, believe it or not, for the third -traij^ht year the Northern Division baseball race ha^ narrowed down to a two wav fight for fir t place between the two Oregon rivals, Oregon’s Ducks and Oregon State's Heavers. It is really quite a coincidence and is a feather in the hat of both coaches, Don Kir.sch of the NVebfoot and Ralph Coleman of the Orangemen. One thing that we hope doesn’t happen, which occurred in both 1952 and 1953, is that the pennant chase doesn’t end on the sour note that it did for the losing team in both of these seasons. In 1952 Oregon State edged the Ducks by one-half game and the only thing that kept the Oregons from a tie for the crown was the fact that they had had one more game rained out than the Stater . In 1953 the situation wa- just reversed, Oregon State had a one-half game lead Over < )regon going into the final four game series between the two schools. When the Ducks won the first encounter by a close margin it cave them a -slight lead. Ordi narily OSC would have had three more chances to get back the lead but the men of Ralph Coleman had the misfortune of seeing the final three games of the series bow to the weather. With these washouts went their 1 a‘t hopes of nailing down the »ND crow n. At any rate we would like to see a much more satisfying finish to the league race this year. In our opinion the best way to find out just which nine is the best is to hav c all four games completed and then sec who is on top. A Very Busy Man Dean Van Leuven, Oregon’s football fullback, who has been showing well in spring practice sessions to date, is what we would call a very busy man. As nearly everyone realizes, most of the gridders cut down on their hours somewhat during spring term because of the extra time that spring grid practice takes. The average player carries between 12 and 16 hours, normally. Hut not \ an Leuven. Dean, who is just as good scholastically a- he is athletically, is carrying the unheard amount of 29 hours. Most people who have absolutely no activities at all seldom take more than 20 or 21 hours during a single term and that k< eps them pretty busy. We were just plain flabber-gasted "hen we heard about \ an Leuven’s schedule. We wonder how in the world Ue can possibly keep caught up in all his courses but wc certainly admire him for it. Good luck, Dean! Higdon Still Undefeated Doyle Higdon, Oregon’s sophomore javelin throwing sensa tion. is still tu taste defeat in his specialty this season. Higdon has brought home the blue-ribbon in every/meet so far and at the present time looks to be the favorite in the coming ND meet at Seattle next weekend., Higdon’s biggest a-set is no doubt his consistency. Doyle has a best throw of 205’ 8" and a worst mark of 1K1' 4". The rest of his meet marks have been distributed between these two throws. Higdon’s biggest threat of the year will be on him this Satur day afternoon in the Ducks’ dual meet with OSC. Doyle will be competing against the Heavers’ Jerry Church who is another fine spear tosser. Higdon edged Church in a four-way meet in Portland earlier this season but since that time the OSC {linger has Ijccu constantly improving. In the OSC-WSC meet last Saturday Church got off a winning throw of 200’ II" which is Only p. little -hy of Higdon’s best effort. • Co-op Members All Cash Register Receipts Must be turned in to the Co-op Office by May 20th U of 0 Co-op Store IOTS OP ACTION - Four Sporting E vents Set n untrue warns at the univer sity of Oregon will have a very hnny schedule ahead of them thin Saturday. All four spring teams will see action in competition against their cross-state rivals, the Oregon State Beavers. Don Kirseh’s Oregon baseball j team will travel to Corvallis for the first game in an important four tilt series which will deter mine the Northern Division cham pionship. The Ducks are trailing the Beavers by one full game and are hoping to get off to a good start in their quest for their sec : ond ND crown in a row. Oregon will have to win three of the four games to come out on top. A split in the four games ■would leave the Beavers with the one game lead and the champion ship. Forbes vs. Wellman Norm Forbes will probably get the starting j,itching assignment against OSC. His mound foe for the Orangemen of Ralph Coleman will more than likely be big Norb Wellman, the strong-armed vet eran. Bill Bowerman's Duck and field team will also move to Corvallis for their annual dual track meet with the runners of Hal Moe. If | the Ducks can come out on top they will sew up the ND dual meet title and will be given the favor ite's role in the coming Northern | Division championship meet at Se attle next weekend. The Beavers have only won one dual meet this far from a confer ence foe, that being Idaho. The Staters have lost to both Wash ington and Washington State. On the other hand, Oregon holds vic tories over both the Cougars and Huskies and has recorded a much more decisive win over Idaho than j did the Beavers. Beavers Dark Depth Oregon State is expected to put up a good fight in many events but the all-around depth of the Ducks i is supposed to offer much too much of an obstacle for the Cor vallis ovalmen to overcome. While the baseball and track Sid Mulligan teams are competing in Corval lis the other two spring sport teams, golf and tennis, will be hosting Beaver teams in matches at Eugene. Sid Milligan’s Oregon golfers, who remain undefeated in North ! ern Division action. The Webfodts | had a tough time in downing OSC, 14 t^-12>2. in the two teams' first meet at Corvallis but the Ducks hope to win by a more convinc ing score on their home course, the Eugene Country ciub. 9 SWIM DAILY 1:00—10:00 PMfc SUNDAYS 12:00—6:00 INDOOR OUTDOOR POOL WATER AND AIR—80* 2 SUNDECKS ROOF-TOP 4 DECK LEVEL BENTON LANE POOL 4 Mi. N. Junction City on 99W—Ph. J.C. 8-2836 New Lynwood Cafe 796 Highway 99 North Enjoy the Pleasant Atmosphere We specialize in fine food only, (no alcoholic beverages) Complete Dinners Chicken — Steaks — Sea Foods For dinner party and banquet reservations call 5-9064 LOTS OF FREE PARKING Prices Include Federal Tax efore you see the minister, V s e e • • • SKEIE’S Your satisfaction is assured.. .when you place your confidence in us. Like hundreds of other brides, you will discover that genuine quality need not be expensive. Select your diamond ensemble now... from our tremendous assortment. . . . 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