Norm Forbes Hits .419 to Lead Duck Batting Averages Norm Forbes, Oregon pitcher .and outfielder, went on a batting rampage on the Ducks' recently completed invasion of the Inland Empire and as a result finds him self on top of the Webfoot bat ling averages through 17 games with a mark of .419. Forbes banged out eight hits In 16 tries at bat on the trip to boost Iris - batting mark by SC points. George Shaw, last week’s leader, went five for 27 to drop to second place with an average of .343. Among Forbes' hits were two doubles, a triple and a home run. Forbes now has hit safely 13 times in 31 times at bat. Shaw in the runnerup spot has socked out 23 blows in 67 attempts. In third place among regulars is Dick Schlosstein who has 23 for 7$. an average of .315. Williams Advances As a whole most of the Oregon jvlayers' averages dropped consid erably on the trip. However, in ad dition to Forbes, Pete Williams made a significant' advance. Wil liams, who was batting only .186 Vhen the Ducks departed for Mos cow, came home with a much bet ter percentage of .246. Williams hit safely eight times in 22 tries. Shaw and Schlosstein are lead ing the team in number of hits with 23 each. John Keller is close behind with 22. Shaw is leading in runs scored with 20 and his "closest competitor is Keller with 35. In the extra base hits depart ment Schlosstein and Jerry Ross each have walloped four doubles to go one ahead of Forbe% and Bob Wagner who have three apiece. Shaw and Schlosstein each have two three-baggers to their credit to hold the lead there. In home runs Shaw is still in front with four but Neal Marlett is pressing him with three. As a team the Ducks are hit ting at a .277 clip, three points off of their pace of one week ago. They have 178 hits in 643 times up. The club has hit 22 doubles, 10 triples and 13 home runs among their safeties. Important Player CENTER-FIELHElt GEORGE SHAW Southern and Northern Nines Set for Crucials The Pacific Coast Conference 1954 baseball race goes into its "showdown” phase this weekend with three teams still in conten tion in each division. Oregon State currently occupies the top rung in the North and Stanford in the South, but the Beavers face a challenge from Oregon and Washington, and Stanford from Southern Califor nia and UCLA. Each of the Nor thern Division teams has four games remaining while Stanford has three, UCLA two and USC one. Northern Division W L Pet. Oregon State 9 3 .750 Oregon .8 4 .667 Washington .7 5 .583 Washington State .5 7 .417 Idaho .1 11 .083 Webfoot Batting Norm Forbes ... George Shaw ... Farrell Albright Bill Blodgett . Dick Schlosstein Neal Marlett .. John Keller . Till1 Garner . Jerry Ross . Bob Wagner .... Gene Lewis. Pete Williams .... Jim Johnson. Trenton Huls .... tion Phillips ... Bercie Averill ... Don Hedgepeth Larry Hibbard .. Duane Reeves ... AB 31 07 3 12 73 65 7 49 40 4 65 56 13 45 30 2 1 1 R H 3 13 20 23 2 1 2B 3B HR 1 11 13 4 23 20 15 22 0 2 6 13 10 10 2 1 9 16 10 13 10 4 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 4 0 1 0 4 3 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 643 115 178 22 10 13 Pot. .419 .313 .333 .333 .308 .286 .285 .265 .250 .250 .246 .232 .231 .222 .133 .000 .000 .000 .277 1 1) jolliers ...Welcome Back to the Campus! :U We hope that your stay will be most pleasant . . . and that you will return often! UNIVERSITY JEWELERS 849 East 13tli South**rn Division W L Pet. Stanford . 6 3 .667 Southern Cal . 7 4 .636 UCLA . 5 5 .500 California .2 8 .200 Division standings are based upon games played against Con ference opponents only, thus elimi nating contests played against non-PCCC members. The two di vision winners will qualify for the NCAA 8th District Playoff -a 4 team double elimination tourney which the NCAA has announced for the site of the Northern Divi sion winner on May 28, 29 and 31. According to the PCC formula, in the event of a tie in the final division standings. the team which won the series between hte tied teams would be declared the Division winner. Should the teams break even in their series, a one game playoff would be held. In a three-way tie, the formula is the same, except that if a three-way palofi' is necessary, the two teams geographically nearest each other would play the first game, with the winner hosting the team get ting the first round bye in the final contest. t Theta Chi, ATOs Susies, Phi Dells Pace Trackmen i Theta Chi, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Theta and Susan Camp bell hall have advanced to the semi-finals of the intramural track tournament it was ills In ed by Boll Bowerman Thursday after noon. In the semi meets the Susies will take on ^the Phi Della and Theta Chi will match strides with the ATO. Both meets will be held next Monday afternoon. The two winners will then meet for the IM title on Wednesday. The Susies and Phi Delta won their berths earlier this week with the latters getting in by the for feit route. Thursday afternoon Theta Chi earned their spot by defeating Beta Theta Pi. At the same time the ATOs were downing Sigma Chi to earn the right to oppose the Theta Chis in the semi-finals. The IM track tourney will be concluded wiht the finals next Wednesday. Dwight Morrinon fa no longer at Idnho to plague Northern Di vision basketball tennis, but In younger brother, Larry, la the n ular ahortatop for Coach Clem Piirberry’a VaiulaU. \ Invite you * to see their selection of Diamonds Sterling Silver China Watches Costume Jewelry 1016 W.IUmett# Ditl 4 3203 Fords for Junior Weekend Treat your date > to ice Cream & Cake and maybe a cheeseburger too Then to make the day complete . . . I „ Take MOM Along With You! Ford s Drive In "Where 13th Meets the Highway" FOLLOW THE DUCK ELEVEN Sporting Goods Builder's Hardware Household Goods Paints Garden Equipment JOHN WARREN . HARDWARE 771-775 Willamette Phone 5-3353 We Deliver 1954 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sept. 18 25 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 Nov. 6 13 20 Idaho at Moscow Stanford at Portland (Nite) Utah at Eugene Cal at Berkeley USC at Portland (Nite) San Jose at Eugene Washington at Seattle UCLA at Los Angeles WSC at Eugene OSC at Corvallis