Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1954, Junior Weekend Edition, Page Three, Image 3

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    Floats, Bands, Skits, Units,
Posse to March in Parade
A total of 60 units, Including 22
floats, 5 bands, t humorous skits,
•'5 queens’ cars and a sheriff'* pome,!
will Compline the combined Junior
Weekend float parade and the!
Armed Forced Day parade, which
will he held at 3 p.m. today.
The parade will assemble at
2:15 p.m, at McArthur court. Any
1 lout arriving after 2:30 won't be
eligible for Judging but will be
able to he in the parade. However,j
any floata arriving after 3 p.m. i
will he completely disqualified.
The parade will travel from Me-1
Arthur court to the Student Union
and then follow K. 13th ave. west
to Willamette at., north on Wil
lamette to Broadway, cant on
Broadway to High st„ south on
High to !•:. 13th ave., cant on 13th
to University, and will disband on
the original site. |
The judges will he lor.lted at the
f-'U and will Judge the floats on
originality, adherence to the theme
"College Capers,” and quality of
workmanship. Judging will be
done as each float first passes the
judges’ stand.
Permanent trophies will be pre
vented to the first, second, and
third place winners at the A11
earopus Hlng. An additional ro
tating trophy will be presented to
the first place winner. Campbell
club and Highland house won first
place last year.
Four to .fudge
Acting as Judges will be Bill
Baker, of Bill Baker's Men's
Wear: Melvin G. Gustafson, pres
ident of the Eugene Dads’ club;
Mrs. Bill Boweripan, and D. p.
Hatch, Instructor In art.
First In the parade will be the
Wilson and Roosevelt Junior high
school bands; next will be the
Gold Star mothers; Spanish-Amer
lean war veterans. Disabled Amer
ican Veterans, Daughters of the
Amerclan Revolution, National
Guard units. Marine Corps re
serve, Navy reserve, Army re
serve; Float 2, Alpha Delta Pi
and Lambda Chi Alpha, with the
theme "Sunshine and Rain"; float
3, Alpha Bumma Delta and Alpha
Tau Omega, "Campus Carousel";
flout 4, Alpha Omicron PI and
Hale Kane, "Campus Luau"; hu
snerous skit 1; float 5, Alpha Phi,
ROTC Men to March
Approximately 1000 University
of Oregon ROTO cadet*, represent
ing both Army and Air Force
unit*, will march In the Armed
Force# day parade today. The Ore
gon unit* are marching in the
Eugene parade as part of national
Armed Forces Day, an event ob
served by all the nation's armed
Both units wjll assemble at 2:30
p m. on the ROTC drill grounds.
The air force will assemble in its
regular location on the intramural
track; the army will group on the
upper drill field behind the ROTC
buildings. The band and color
guard ia scheduled to meet along
with the air force on the intra
mural track.
Roll call will be taken at 2:30
p.m., as at a regular drill. Only
i those cade la who have been ex
• cuned, by Uie ROTO department
will be allowed to mi as the parade
m order to work on house float*
for the Junior Weekend parade,
j These cadets will not have to make
the drill up, according to Col. Ed
win B. Daily, professor of air
science and tactics.
Tin* two groups w'ill form into
a single marching unit on the low
er (froshf baseball diamond after
roll call has been taken. From
there they will march out 18th
j ave. to join the Junior Weekend
1 float parade on University street.
Stltzer hall and Phi Delta Theta,!
"Coffee Time," and float 6, Alpha !
Xi Delta and Theta Chi, ".Spring
Court Follow* KOTC
Next in line will be the Army
KOTC, followed by the three cars
for the Junior Weekend prin- j
cesses; KOTC Band Color Guard;
Air Force KOTC; Eugene-Spring
(I’lcasl turn to paye seven)
Ralph Bunche
To Talk Tuesday
A Nobel peace prize winner will
be on campus Tuesday to address
a University assembly. He is
Ralph Bunche, director of the
United Nations trusteeship divi
sion, who will speak at 1 p.m.
in the Student Union ballroom.
Bunche will also be featured in
a coffee hour forum at 4 p.m. the
same day. His appearance on cam
pus is being sponsored by the Fail
ing Distinguished Lectures com
A professor of government at
Harvard university, Bunche won
the Nobel peace prize for his work
in the Arab-Israeli armistice in
1949. He was acting U.N. mediator
on F’alestine in 1948-49.
Bunche was educated at the
University of California and at
Harvard. He has done post-doc
toral work in this country, in'
England and in South Africa. He
has also held several fellowships
in the study of anthropology and
colonial policy.
During World War II, Bunche
worked with the Office of Stra
tegic Services and was a territorial
expert for the U.S. State depart
ment. He was also a member of
the American delegation to the
Dumbarton Oaks conference in
Songs, Awards and Tappings
To Highlight Sing Tonight
The 14th annual All-campus
sing will be held tonight at 8 In
McArthur court. Eight women's
and eight men’s living organiza
tions previously chosen at elimi
nations will compete for several
trophies to be presented at the
end of the evening.
First place rotating-cups; first,
second, and third place permanent
cups; and song leaders trophies for
the winning organizations will be
awarded both the women's and
men's groups. The two first place
trophies have been donated by
University jewelers.
The University orchestra under
the direction of E. A. Cykler, will
perform from 7:30 until 8, at
which time the sing festivities
will begin with the entrance of
the queen and her court.
Following is the order of perfor
mance of the groups, their songs
and songleaders;
Songs Listed
Ann Judson, "Little Lamb." Vir
ginia Kabick; Sigma Phi Epsilon,
"The Three Bells," Roger Middle
ton; University house, "There Are
Such Things,” Audrey Mistretta;
Beta Theta Pi, "In The Still of
The Night,’ Douglas Graham; Del
ta Delta Delta, “Rondelay," Sonia
Edwards; Phi Kappa Psi, "Mead
owland,” Bob Glass; Alpha Chi
Omega, "Sometimes I Feel Like a
Motherless C h il d , ’ ’ Winnafred
May; and Sigma Chi, "Roger
Young,” Alex Byler.
Following a ten-minute inter
mission, the program will continue'
with Rebec house, "How Do You
Speak To An Angel,” Mary Chaire
Allen; Campbell club. "Sweet
Little Jesus Boy," Larry Swanson;
Delta Gamma, "Sorrento Folk
Song,” Pat Lydiard; Alpha Tau
Omega, "The Pirate Song,” Blake
Boggess; Carson hall, “May Day
Carol,” Lou Ann Wolf; Sigma Al
pha Epsilon, "Were You There,"
"Jim Tennyson; Highland house.
"Sleep, Bi<by, Sleep," Prudent*
Ducich; and Hale Kane, "Mom,"
Charles Oyama.
, Judges Named
Judges for the Sing are Max
Risinger, choral director at Jeff
erson high school, Portland, Mrs.
Clifford Elliot, McMinnville high
school, McMinnville, Oregon, and
Milo Wohl, head of the music de
partment, Linfield college.
ASTJO President Tom Wright
son will act as master of cere
monies for the evening.
Awards Announced
William Frager Skull and Dag
ger Scholarship, by Phil Lynch;
Skull and Dagger tapping;
Delta Delta Delta Scholarship, by
Sue Grant;' Hazel P. Schwermg
Scholarship Award, by Mary Wad
dell; Kwama tapping; Burt Brown
Barker Scholarship Cups, by Burt
Brown Barker; Mothers Weekend
awards, by Donna Lory; Float
parade trophies, by Ann Hopkins
and Mary Wilson.
Peter Pauper Press essay con
test, by Carl Hintz, University
librarian; Friars Scroll presenta
tion, by Tom Wrightson; Maurice
Harold Hunter scholarship, by
Frederick M. Hunter; Emerald
Athletic award, by Bill Bower
man; Quota Club scholarship, by
Mrs. Jane V. Danielson; Panhel
lenic award, by Mrs. Eldon F.
Woodin, and finally the All-cam
pus sing awards, by Ann Gerling
er, general sing chairman.
Assisting Miss Gerlinger in
her work on the sing have been
Jane Bergstrom and the following
committee heads: decoration, Shir
ley Bier; program, Marian Mc
Dowell; contact, Anne Ritchey;
judges, Gerri Porritt; set-up. Jack
Lally; tickets and ushers, Sheila
Fitzpatrick and Kathy Olson; and
puljlicity, Marcia Mauney.
Two 1Weekends
Honor Mothers
Two big weekends are being
rolled into one as Oregon mothers
participate in this 27th annua!
Mothers’ Day weekend and are
also guests of honor at Junior
Weekend events.
Mothers’ Weekend begins at
8:30 this morning with the tradi
tional Mothers’ breakfast and bus
iness meeting in the Student Un-,
ion. O. Meredith Wilson, new pres
ident of the University, will ad- j
dress the group, and greetings
will be extended by Donna Lory,
general chairman of Mothers'
Weekend; Gordon Wilson, presi- ■
dent of the Oregon Dads; and Tom
Wrightson, ASUO president.
Mrs. Elmer C. Carlson, president
of the Oregon Mothers, will pre-1
side at the business session and
give a report on the work of the
executive board during the past
year. A check for scholarships
will be presented to President Wil
son by Mrs. Carlson at this time.
Court To Be Presented
At noon visiting mothers may
attend the All-campus luncheon,
which will be held under the firs
on the Old Campus. At this time
campus honoraries will tap new
members. Also appearing will be
the new Junior Weekend queen
and her court in the traditional
queen’s procession.
Later in the afternoon students
and their mothers will be guest3
at an informal tea sponsored by
the Eugene Mothers’ club, AWS
and the YWCA from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
at Gerlinger Hail.
Parade This Afternoon
At 3:00 p.m. Mothers may view
the combined Junior Weekend
float parade and Armed Forces
Day parade as it passes Gerlinger
hall. The all-campus sing at 8
p.m. in MacArthur court will be
the final Saturday event.
On Sunday the Mothers will
have dinner at the various living
organizations at 1 p.m. The Sun
light Serenade, presented by the
winners of the All-campus sing,
will be held at 3 p.m. in the open
air auditorium east of the music
building on the same day.
All mothers are urged to regis
ter, as trophies will be awarded
to the men and women’s living or
ganizations with the highest per
centage of mothers present. The
trophies will be presented at the
All-campus sing. Last year the
trophies were won by Chi Psi and
Alpha Xi Delta.
Registration headquarters are
located on the second floor of the
SU today from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
and on the first floor of Gerlinger
hall from 1 to 5 p.m.
3000Expected to A ttend
Campus Picnic Today
Nearly 3000 students, mothers,
and guests are expected to attend ;
the All-campus luncheon this af
ternoon, according to Marcia
Hodgson and Corky Horton, lunch
eon co-chairmen. Tickets at 47
cents each will be on sale at a
booth at the luncheon.
The luncheon will be held on the
Old Campus, north of 13th avenue
and between Friendly, Fenton,
Deady and Villard halls. If it rains,
the luncheon will be transferred to,
McArthur court.
Hot dogs, potato salad and all
the trimmings will be served by
members of Kwama, Phi Theta;
Upsilon and Skull and Dagger, be
ginning at 12:15.
The Junior Weekend queen and
her royal court will enter at 12:30
and will be seated on a decorated
stage on the Old Campus. The'
court will enter through an arch'
formed by the raised swords of
members of Scabbard and Blade. 1
Dugan to Emcee
Seating for visiting mothers and
guests will be near the stage. Jack
Dugan will be master of ceremon
ies for the luncheon: the Four;
Shades of Rhythm will entertain,
with their band.
Also on the agenda for the.
luncheon program are tappings
by various honoraries. The tapping
schedule is as follows: Asklepiads,
medical honorary, 12:35; Scabbarb
and Blade, military honorary,
12:45; Frians, senior men's hono
rary, 12:55; and Mortar Board,
senior women’s honorary, 1:05.
Working on the committees
along with Miss Hodgson and Miss
Horton have been sub-chairmen
Margaret Tyler and Val Mot tram
on the decoration committee, as
sisted by Joy Strogen; Rae Ber
geron and Rick Redfern, assisted
by Terry Sullivan on the food com
mittee; and sub-chairmen Miriam
Vaaler and Carol Adams, aggjat^d
by Edith Lunde on the ticket sales.
Serenade Ends Week
Bringing Junior Weekend and
Mothers’ Day weekend to a close,
the sunlight serenade will be held
at 3 p.m. in the open-air amphi
theater behind the music school.
The afternoon program will
feature the winning women’s and
men’s living organizations in the
All-campus sing, musical numbers
by the University Singers male
quartet, and selections by Pat
Viles and Donna Trebbe.
Planned to follow Sunday din
ner for the visiting mothers in
the living organizations, the ser
enade is free to everyone. In case
of rain, the music school audi
torum will be used for the pro
gram, according to Rosemary
Hampton and Phyllis Ptarson, co
Tr&JI!g!%&lChinese Family Style Dinner
Green Pea Egg Swirl Soup — Sliced Chicken Egg Roll
Shrimp Ball Chow Yuk — Bar B-Q Fried Rice
Pineapple Sweet & Sour Spare Ribs
Fortune Cookies jea
Open Until 3 e.m.. 33 E. 6th.