Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1954, Junior Weekend Edition, Image 1

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    QUEEN JANET of the 1954 Junior Weekend and the Weekend princesses. Selected by vote of the students, the
court, from left to right, is: Princess Nancy Murrow, Princess Dorothy Kopp, Queen Janet Wick, Princess Alma
Owen and Princess Janet Miller. Queen Janet was crowned by University President O. Meredith Wilson at the
Junior Prom intermission Friday night.
Weekend Schedule
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Junior Weekend Princess Janet Wick became Queen Janet I
during coronation ceremonies at the Junior Prom last night in
the Student Union ballroom. She was crowned by University
President O. Meredith Wilson.
The pretty blue-eyed, blonde junior will reign over Junior
Weekend festivities today and Sunday. A member of Pi Beta
Phi, Queen Janet I was sponsored in the queen contest by Alpha
hall. Lambda Chi Alpha, Hale Kane, Phi Kappa Sigma and Pi
Beta Phi.
The four other princesses on the royal court are Dorothy Kopp,
Alma Owen, Janet Miller and Nancy Murrow. The queen was
selected by campus*vote last Wednesday.
Queen Janet I and her court will be introduced at the All
campus luncheon this noon and at the Sing tonight. They will
also appear in the float parade this afternoon and at the Sunlight
Serenade Sunday.
Among other honors bestowed at the Prom was the presenta
tion of the Gerlinger cup to Dorothy Kopp, a princess on the
Junior Weekend court. The cup, awarded annually to the out
standing junior woman, was presented by Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger.
Winner of the Koyl cup, awarded to the outstanding junior
man, was Bob Summers. Summers is the newly-elected ASUO
president for next year.
Druids, junior men’s honorary, tapped 10 sophomore men for
membership at the Prom. They are Don Bonime, Jim Duncan,
Jerry Farrow, Jerry Froebe, Doyle Higdon, Bud Hinkson, Bob
Maier, Bob McCracken, Gordon Rice and Sam Vahey.