By Bob Robinson Emerald Sportt Editor Main sporting fan along tlic Pacific ( oast arc beginning to wonder ii any XI) chool will ever unseat the University of \\ a hington a tenni champions of the league. The Huskies have hccoiue itch a con tain fir I place finisher that everyone i- beginning to take them more-or-less for granted when it comes time for the XI) tenni champion-hip play-offs. Since the first Northern Division meet began way back in r».Vl, Washington has failed to win the affair on only one oc ca ion. In the late 1930X Oregon managed to take the crown but that is the only time that the Huskies have finished out of the money, 1 his year veins to be no exception to the prevailing situation, 'flu- Huskies have defeated every other XD school in dual match action and there is no reason to believe that they won’t continue their domination of the big meet for at least one more year. Incidentally, for interested net fans, this year’s XI) tennis meet i- going to be held on the University of Oregon courts, May 21 and 22. Evonuk Starting a Good Thing («cnc Evonuk of the Physical Education department should he commended for the fine job he is doing in reviving Sigma Delta P*si. athletic honorary fraternity, on the Oregon campus. Many years ago the fraternity was very popular on the Duck campus and many out standing‘athletes .were members of the organization which is well-known all over the United States. With pretty stiff requirements necessary for membership, only the best athletes at Oregon will be able to qualify for the fraternity. Evonuk has stated that he hopes that within the next couple of years the organization will be able to get enough mem bers to he aide to enter national track competition with chapters of Sigma Delta Psi from other colleges. Exhibition Mile Run Proposed '1 lie t anadian Exhibition Association is trying to arrange one