May Return to Action EMERY BARNES, the high jumping veteran who has been out of aetion with an injury for several weeks, may return to competiition Saturday when Oregon meets OSC in a dual meet at Corvallis. iNDRTH.END HWY 99 N — M! N 07: ~ -.1 - NOW PLAYING FOREVER FEMALE (0GERIZOGERS Y&JL DOUGLAS m* JAMES C3USABON’ PAT CROWLEY * L ?k*ou>mt Pictur* ALSO an muu Aftmrs ptcnifts Also Mr. Potts Goes to Moscow A British Movie of a plumber they thought was a spy. with COLOR CARTOON and NEWS Oregon High Favorites In Meet with Beavers Hoping to clinch the Northern Division dual meet championship, the University of Oregon track and field team will move to Cor vallis Saturday afternoon for their annual meet with the Oregon State Beavers. The Ducks, who have downed every other ND team except the Staters, will go into the affair as a big favorite to come out on top. The Beavers have beaten only Idaho while losing to both Wash ington and Washington State by fairly big margins. Oregon has defeated both the Cougars and the Huskies. Although the Beavers are ex pected to put up a close fight in many of the events, the Webfoots are favored to win almost all of them. Don Chambers of OSC should offer Oregon's Bill Sorsby and Chan Sogge some stiff compe tition in both the high and low hurdles races and Jerry Church is expected to give undefeated Doyle Higdon of Oregon a run for his money in the javelin throw. These three events should be about the closest contests of the day. Close 440 In the 440-yard dash Don Jacobs and Gordon Dahlquist of the Ducks will match strides against Donn Smithpeter and Tom Tebb of the Beavers. All four men have pretty close to equal times with Dahlquist’s :50.5 ranking as the best. In case the Duck’s Ted An derson should be recovered from FRIDAY-SATURDAY "PARATROOPER" Alan I^add—Susan Stephens TECH-DRAMA "DEVILS CANYON" Dale Robertson Virginia Mayo TECH-DRAMA his illness enough to run, he could also be a threat in the race. Two other events that could very possibly be close are the dis cus and shotput. Both the Beavers and the Ducks have been weak in these two fields of competition and it is Just about a toss-up who will come out on top Saturday. Ben Lloyd and Jim Jones are the Ore gon weight men and Dave Lund gren is the top man for OSC. Bruce Springbett and Doug Talbot are expected to run one two in the sprints with their only competition coming from Cham bers of OSC. Springbett, who was clocked in the fast time of 9.8 seconds for the 100 in last Satur day's Vancouver relays is consid ered to be a near cinch choice to tf/in his specialty against the Orangemen. Clement Favored In the 880 Doug Clement is ex pected to take the top place with Oregon’s Bill Hail a possible sec ond place finisher. Clement’s best time of 1:56.6 is far better than any of OSC’s marks. Bill Dellinger and Wayne Reiser of the Ducks are considered to be a good bet to take the first tw*o places in both the mile and two mile runs. HEILIG — Now Playing — "It Should Happen to You" JUDY HOLIDAY PETER LAWFORD NOW PLAYING MARLON BRANDO • JAMES tylASON JOHN GIELGUD . LOUIS CALHERN EDMOND O’BRIEN • GREER GARSON DEBORAH KERR In JULIUS CAESAR Phi Kaps Edge Eagles For IM Softball Toga Phi Kappa Sigma won the intramural softball champion >hip of 1954 Thursday after noon when they squeaked by th»‘ I.cgal I'-, a pies In a ch>e I .1 score. 'Die widening Kagles threat j encd constantly to pull the panic out of the fire hut could never <|tiite produce an impor tant hit at the right time Time after time the losers left potential runs stranded on the bases at the end of an inning. The Eagles made their best bid in the very last inning with the tally -1-2 against them. Pitcher Gene Beck of the Phi Kaps walked two men and combined with a base hit this loaded the bases with only one out. A long fly scored one run but Beck settled down and struck one man out and forced another to fly to right field to end the contest. Beck Pitches Well Beck's pitching was superb most of the way and he was in perfect control of the game most of the time. The last inning onslaught by the losers was his most serious trouble. The Phi Kaps scored their runs early in the game and then hung ion grimly as their opponents tried desperately to get back in the ball game. Shortstop Bob Hinman's sharp single to left field brought in two of the key run3 for the winning nine. Good Fielding Along with Beck's outstanding pitching, the main asset of the champion diamond crew was the1 nice UVIUII1K t uiry gave their me flinger. Although the fielders were guilty of a few mis take* on the whole they played bang up bull to keep the Engle* at bay. For their title the I’hi Kap* will receive 150 points in the intra mural point rare for the year, Thin should give the house a substan tiul boost In the standings. The Fhl Kaps replaced Alpha Tau Omega as the softball titlist. The ATO'a won last year's tourney In a tight battle with Beta Theta Pi. They were defeated by tin- Phi Kaps, 3-2. in the semi-finals this ■season. How to Make A Blast Firtl, havo enough finance* on hind lo procure the necettary tuppliet Neil, pul « liberal .mount of cold liquid* into a IIS lb bundle of tparkt and add ' j packaga of roll*d amoka Agitato with hot joke* in a con genial atmotphara and tho blatl it on Ukalolet and hot dog* coma in handy at thi* point. ROD TAYLOR'S On The Glenvrood Strip MUST END SAT. THE STORY OP A LOVE THAT MADE WONDERFUL MUSIC I JAMES STEWART 11INR AI.IYSON GLENN MILLER STORY' “cJec/vnico&b CHARUS DRAKE • GEORGE 106 IAS • HENRY MORGAN _ - •»* *•“ Urnt-i -Onm-m Om Iw , fumcq \mm-m irnm-um win mua-m mama] Qm TOP -HIT!