Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1954, Image 1

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Junior Prom Tops Friday Activities
Luncheon Tickets Selling
At Student Union, Co-op
are still on sale ai me
Co-op and the Student Union for ■
the All-campus luncheon, but are
selling rapidly, according to Mar
cia Hodgson and Corky Horton,
luncheon co-chairmen. If there are
Thetas, Sig Eps Get
Prizes for Cleanup
Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma
Phi Epsilon won the All-campus
cleanup, opening event of Junior
Weekend. The awards large
green and yellow garbage cans
were presented at “Cleanup Cut
ups," terrace dance, held imme
diately after the cleanup, Friday
afternoon. *
Gary West, freshman In liberal
arts, won the Alpha Phi Omega
trophy, which is presented an
nually to the most outstanding
underclussman. West is freshman i
■class representative anti was re
cently elected senator-at-large to
serve on the ASUO senate next
year. The award was presented atj
the dance by APO President Beni
Tug-of-war to End
Week of Traditions
A week of Junior Weekend tra
ditions ends today with the fresh
man-sophomore tug-of-war behind
the Kappa Sigma house at 4 p. m.
In this annual event, the two
classes face each other across the
millra.ee and the contest is won by
pulling the oposing team into the
millrace. In the past, freshmen
have almost always turned out in
larger numbers to win the tug-of
any lift, they will be sold in a
booth on the old campus Saturday j
The luncheon will begin at 11:45
a. m. Saturday and will continue
with the entrance of the Junior
Weekend queen and her court, mu
sic by the Four Shades of Rhythm,
and tappings by various honor
The lunch will consist of hot
dogs, salad and relishes and will
be served by members of Kwama,
Phi Theta Upsilon and Skull and
Students ate urged to buy their
tickets while on sale at Co-op and
the Student Union to guarantee
a lunch for Saturday. Dormitory
reridents will receive free luncheon
tickets for themselves through
the dorm cafeterias.
Laura Languishes
In Lazy Lagoon
It just doesn't pay to be helpful.
Laura St urges, publicity chair
man for Junior Weekend, has been
bu>y this week writing stories
tor the Emerald on the various
activities of Junior Weekend, in
cluding traditions and the dunking
of violators in Fenton pool by
members of the Order of the O.'
Thursday, on her way to the!
Emerald shack to turn in the day'sI
Junior Weekend stories. Miss
Sturges was seized by a group of
strong arms and most iugloriously:
dunked in the pool twice.
“But I thought only freshmen
would be dunked,” exclaimed Miss I
Sturges, a junior in journalism, as \
she went under.
Frosh Women Offered Asylum
luoay, me wipnanoiics unani
mous” (Alpha hall) have issued a
blanket invitation to all freshman !
women tradition violators to seek
refuge in their hall. A sign over
the door proclaims that "asylum”
may be found within.
The action came after the proc
lamation by freshman men that
today is to be the first "all frosh
day" in the University's history, as
a result of lively freshman class
spirit and Junior Weekend tradi
Thursday afternoon, the frosh
managed to retaliate against some
of the members of the Order of
the O by pushing them into the
green waters of Fenton pool.
Another “O" man was tubbed
Thursday night at Sherry Ross.
Freshman men also milled around
Hendricks hall Thursday night for
about two hours. It was reported
that the men were there at the
request of the women, who asked
to be “liberated'' from study
♦ ♦ ♦
Freshmen Revolt;
Switch Traditions
A Proclamation:
Today shall be the first “All
Fresh Day" in the University's
tradition. We, the delegates of
the freshman class proclaim this
in pride and nobility.
Yesterday, the Men of “57,”
under the leadership of some of
the able Sherry Ross men, dem
(Plcase turn to page three)
Fields to Furnish Music;
Wilson to Crown Queen
Sp«> Page 6 for stories on the
All-campus Sing anil the Moth
er’* Tea, both Saturday etents,
and Page 3 for the story on the
Saturday float parade deadlines.
Tonight at 9 in the Student
Union ballroom one of the biggest
events of Junior Weekend, the
Junior Prom will begin.
The coronation of the queen will
highlight the evening at inter*
mission. One of the biggest honors
i junior woman can receive, being
v'oted Junior Weekend Qijeen, will
befall one of the five girls on the
court — Dorothy Kopp, Janet Mil
ler, Nancy Murrow, Janet Wick,
or Alma Owen. University Presi
dent O. Meredith Wilson will
crown the queen.
Following the coronation the
Queen's dance will be held. The
i^ueen ana ner princesses will lead
; off the dance beginning the last
I half of the evening.
Presentation of the two honor
cups for juniors will also be made
j at intermission. The Gerlinger cup
1 which goes to an outstanding jun
I ior woman will te presented by
Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, and the
Koyl cup which is presented to an
| outsanding junior man will be pre
sented by Charles W. Koyl, class#
;of 1911. Druids, junior men’s hon
orary. will tap new members at
the intermission, which will bo
tPleast turn to page ses. cn)
Sign-up for Mom
Starts Today at 2
Students are urged to have
their mothers register for the 27th
i annual Mothers’ Weekend, accord
ing to Donna Lory, general chair
man. The men's and women's liv
ing organizations with the largest
percentage of mothers registered
will receive trophies at the All
campus Sing Saturday night.
Registration will be held on tho
second floor of the Student Union
today from 2 to 5 p.m. and frorrv
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Moth
ers who arrive later may register
on the first floor of Gerlinger hall
from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
Mothers are invited to attend
the Junior Weekend events, ac
cording to Jim Light, general
chairman of the weekend. Ticket i
for the All-campus luncheon and
All-campus Sing should be bought
in advance, he advised.