L-’— -“-- ■ --rT„-— Humphrey Bogart, bad man of the movies, was once a school track star. .( HEIUO l — NOW PLAYING — "Bottle of Rogue River" George Montgomery Richard Denning Martha Ileyer TECHNICOLOR "China Venture" Edmond O'Brien Barry Sullivan — NOW PLAYING — Noel Coward's "Tonight at 8:30" J. Arthur Rank Production TECHNICOLOR Webfoot Duolmen Schedule BC Meet Bill Bowerman's Oregon track and field team will take a rest from Northern Division warfare this weekend ns they tangle with the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Aretie Club in a triangular meet at Vancouver, B.C. The Ducks move Into action Saturday afternoon. Boweiniun and his charges left for the northern city early Thurs day morning and they plan to re 71 9 IT’S AU NEW! irS ALL TRUE! J 7X4 ItfyitaC f:SuM0ti4— HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS -.BANE CLARK - More get-up and (io than you ever saw on the sereen ENDS SATURDAY "[Beat / / THE Wevil" z 2660 WlUAMETft ^Pitcw 4.4IS2 iWNi DRIVE-IN THEATR I turn Sunday to start preparations 1 for their coming dual meet with | the Oregon State Beavers at Cor ; vallls the following Saturday. Little is known of the strength of either of the Vancouver teams so the Ducks will go into the meet with no idea of Just how they will | fare in the different events. Two Webfoot performers who will be especially eager to make a good showing will be half-mller Doug Clement and pole-vauiter FRIDAY—SATt'RDAY Burt Lancaster—Deborah Kerr From Here t to Eternity Drama Drama Robt. Mltclium—l.imlu Darnell Second Chance Theatre llth and Alder £ Open at 1:45 Sunday [ Jpen 6:45 other days! £ • STARTS SUNDAY • [ Adults j I 1 .1.10 Loges. SPECIAL PRICES FOR LARGE GROUPS — PHONE 5-102? AFTERNOON SHOWINGS MAY BE ARRANGED FOR LARGE GROUPS 1.20 Flaming Passions and Violence In Lusty, Lawless Rome! All Hail M-G-M’s DRAMATIC MASTERPIECE OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S . JULIUS. CAESAR Starring Marlon Brando u Mark Anton/, the firebrand who set Rome aflame! James Mason U Brutus, (allant warrior seduced to a traitor's cause! John Gielgud as Cassius, wicked conspirator in infamy! Louis Calhern as Julius Caesar, might/ conqueror, victim of assassins! Edmond O’Brien as Cases, sinister plotter with a lust for revenge! wGreer Garson as Calpurnia, who left her satin bed for ber lover! Deborah Kerr as Portia, who dreamed strange dreams about her man! CAST OF THOUSANDS! Direaed by JOSEPH L. MANKIEWICZ Produced by JOHN HOUSEMAN An M-G-M Picture c ENJOY THE DRAMATIC HIGHLIGHTS IN THE M-G-M RECORDS ALBUM) Bob Reed. Both of these boys mjj B.C. their home. Clement partici pated In many meets In B.C. not too Ion# ugo so Vancouver fans will no doubt be well acquainted with tlie Oregon 880 runner. Oregon will bank on top p,.r. formances from Ken Hlckenbot tom in the pole vniilt, Clement In the 880, Bruce Sprlngbett in the dashes, Bill Sorbay and chan Sogge In the hurdles. Bob Kaueett In the high Jump, Wayne Reiser and Bill Dellinger in the distance runs, Ben Johnson In the broad Jump and Doyle Higdon in the Javelin throw for their main scor ing strength. All of these men have been consistent performers in meets to date. Trackmen Advance With some two weeks still to p , intramural track action has pro gressed all the way to the quarter finals In action so far. The next track uction will come next Monday afternoon when the Delta take on ATO and Campbell Club opposes Sigma Chi. The results so far: Susan Campbell 4«, Kappa Sig ma 1. Pht Sigma Kappa 30, SAE It; Campbell Club 43, Merrick ball 20. Delta Cpsilon 34, Phi Gamma Delta 23. Susan Campbell 38, Hale Kane 20. Theta Chi 37. Sigma Phi Kpsi lon 25. I>elta Tnu Della over Phi Psi by forfeit. Phi Delta Theta over Nestor hall by forfeit. .NOHTH.END— Now Playing r MAM Jenny MAKTIN~LEWIS fa tfa lAsfrM SHy h 0AMON RUNYON MONEY FROM HOME . aHALWAUIS ALSO Starts Sunday IIi:i{K Coaik Tiik (.mi,s V. _ k is nil mi MV i ^ Technicolor ,tJ,rt*«BOB TONY HOPEMAimN ARLENE ROSEMARY Dahl-Clooney A rAAAMOUNT MCTIrtl f H ( A T I ( Also Pmraimc Production! piiiMli Jack PALANCE km. tSi>c Constance SMITH Byron PALMER .Jciftittd b* 2Qii»Cenluf/ ft* ^ Color Cartoon and News