George Shaw Leads Oregon Bat Parade with .400 Mark Although he failed to hit .safely, in the Seattle university game, eenter-fjelder George Shaw contin ued to dominate University of j Oregon baseball statistics through! the first eleven games of the sea son. Shaw, with marks attained In the alumni game last Saturday not counted, has the beat batting mark among lh% regulars with an even ,40?i percentage. Shaw has! compiled his average on the wings of IS safe hits in 45 trips to the dish. First basemaq Dick Sehloss teln is second in the batting de- j| Jiartment with 10 hits in 40 official tries for a batting average of - MWi. Neal Marlett is a close third with 13 for 40 and a mark of .325. All three of these top batters lost percentage points from their bat ting marks in the Seattle game as they all went hitless. Marlett lost the most, falling from .361 to .325. Wagner \dvanees Out-fielder Boh Wagner was the only player to make any appreci able gain against the Chieftans. Wagner walloped a home run and it single in four times up to ad vance his mark from .250 to .281 (>KOK( to 18.00 nntum UTI-ITTEHH 61 K. Broadway •lust Arrived . . Mew Stock of PINK DRESS SHIRTS! This is the latest Style in College Wear! Student Body No. 448 wins the gift necktie for this week. Watch our ads for lucky num bers! fENGOU .. . SOU SPREAD COLLAR Ctltqu* Angtf StOfi-fnrKh Cuff* FENNELL'S 860 E. 13th /-/oh tfe gof-sfyM. I TRIED DIFFERENT BRANDS OF CIGARETTES AND I FOUND JUST THE MILDMESS AND FLAVOR I WANT IN CAMELS. TRY 'EM YOURSELF,YOU'LL FIND CAMELS THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE i ROCK HUDSON fays, ‘‘After acting in high-school plays. I got a job in Hollywood delivering mail so I could talk to stars and agents. The plan worked — one agent arranged a screen test. I worked five months without a day off — and it paid off with a good starting contract!” « START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF* Make the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test. | Smoke only Camels for 30 days — see for | yourself why Camels’ cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! i yr CAMELS LEAD in sales by record feeding Mrtby onelyst, Ho»»y M. Wectten, iKew Cornels now 50 8/10% cheod of the second r^ece biond — biggest preference lecd in history! •Published In Printers.' Ink, 1954