Oregon Netters Score Two Tennis Victories r The University of Oregon tennis H ••mu roared back Into contention |U) Northern Division dual meet vt'tion last weekend when they downed Washington State and ebiaho In two successive home matches. * H,,h Laurence's Webfoots, who !hadn t. shown much strength until rhc <-ougar and Vandal matches ready came to life with the chips down. The two victories left the Ducks with a two won and one float mark In NI) action and sent i t"*’ern their final league match Tngalnst the Washington Huskies uvith a slim chance of tieing for "ihe dual match championship, t* Oregon scored their win over Uie Cougars In a very close match, -winning 4-3. The Ducks won three ' ant of the five single matches and Twent Into the doubles action need *}* on|y a split to sew up the meet, aptain Hon Lowell and Du-k ^Hamilton did just this as they propped K«l Fields and Bell Meyer 1.6-4, 4-6, 6-3. * * Previously. Lowell. Bob Baker *.md Don iionime had scored fugles wins and Hamilton and 'Martin Magi had taken It on the I'hin from Cougar netters, - In the Saturday meet with Ida *ho tht* Oregon win was much more ^tectstve. All Duck netrnen were ■victorious except Bob Baker, who "ell to Vandal Jim Itrchardson in -«* close matc h. 6-6, 6-1, 6-4. Lowell, Hamilton, Magi arid Bonime all *"£'on hi singles action. ■- In the doubles Lowell and Ba ,j<> r teamed to down Barry Kust J*-11 I-;,,ry Mo s of Idaho and Hamilton ancl Konime rolled over Richardson and LeRoy Clemons of the visitors, Thf Ducks play their next match Thursday afternoon when they travel to Madigan General Hospital for a set. After* this match the Webfoota move on to .Seattle for their final ND action against he Washington Huskies. Oregon 4, tVSC ] Singles: Ron Lowell (O) def. Kd Fields igma Chi scored in every inning to beat Delta Tau Delta 6-3 The game went to the one hour ’time limit, and the score reverted baek to the end of three full innings. Beta Theta Pi shut out Delta Upsilon 3-0 in their game Monday. I he Betas had a big inning in the first, and scored all of their three runs. From that time on, it was a duel of the pitchers, with neither team being able to push any more runs across the plate. < berry Ross Hall beat French Hall fc-3 in the final game of the day. Costly errors by the French men accounted for the large score. The Cherry Ross team hit the Frenchmen for four runs in both the first and second innings, but were unable to score in the third. F rench Hall managed to push across one run each inning for their total of three runs. In the forfeits, Tau Kappa Ep silon forfeited to ATO, and Alpha Hall failed to show up for their game with Hale Kane. Sigma Chi . 3 Delta Tail Delta 0 Beta Theta Pi .30 Delta Upsilon 0 0 Cherry Ross 4 French . 1 Old P E Honorary To Be Reformed Sigma Delta Psi, national men’s honorary fraternity, j» hoping to regain participation from Univer sity of Oregon athletes in the near future, according o Gene Evonuk of the Physical Education depart ment. Evonuk went on to say that a meeting would be held at 32:30 P m., Wednesday, for all those athletes interested in completing test items required, or in gaining membership. Sigma Delta Psi has set up a list pf 20 items which must be passed before an athlete can gain membership. The events listed are: 110-yard dash, 11.6 seconds: 120-yard high hurdles, lg seconds; running high jump, five feet; running broad jump, 17 feet; 16-pound shot put, 30 feet (for over 160 pound mem; 20-fopt rope climb; baseball throw, 250 feet (or javelin, 130 feet); football punt, 120 feet; 100 yard swim, one minute, 45 seconds. One-mile run- six minutes: for ward handspring; handstand, 10 seconds; fence vault; chin height; good posture, according to the Harvard body mechanics test; and scholarship equivalent to varsity eligibility. 1 2 6 O 3-3 0 0-3 0 0 0 4 0 —8 1 1-3 IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS GtnNhcH? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS __ T>on Wensl, Classified Advertising Mgr. 1949 PONTIAC "S" sedan, $835. Hydra. All extras. Professor Robert. Ext. 303. 5.4 LOST — Metal slide rule in Com monwealth. Reward offered. Call Bill Van Slyke, Gamma hall. 5-5 WANTED — Young man to share apartment. Call 5-9369 after 7 p. m. LOST — Parker '51 between 15th and Pearl and SU Sunday after noon. Call 5-1830. Yolto Matsu woku. 5.4 Webfoot Golfers Close To ND ChampionshiD inimgan g Oregon golf team moved closer to their sixth straight Northern Division dual meet championship over the past weekend as they won two matches, over Washintgon State Friday and Idaho Saturday. Duck* trimmed the Cougar* 19-8 and won over the Vandals by a 12^-5% tally. The two victories were the seventeenth and eigh h'nw wraieht ND victOries for the Webfoots. A1 Mundle of the Ducks took medalist honors in the Cougar match with an even par 72. The. WeI*oots took a 6-3 lead in wqr’ bes,t;ban rnatches against W8 ? and then held onto their lead to score the win. Captain Don neger and George Schultz team ed up to score the best combina tion mark with a 67. Roger Boyd of the Cougars got sin Jeam t°ff l° a g00d start in singles action when he upset Krie ger 2'yi,2 in the first match of the afternoon. But Oregon was not to be denied and within a few minutes the Ducks had clinched 1, match with some great clutch playing. Mundle, Howard Ze.cger and Ne,l Dwyer were the leading lights ®.8 *hc\ Webfoots piled up their tmal winning margin. _ the Vandals it was little Bob Takano who became the Duck star as he checked in with a 72 for medalist honors. Bill Weitz of Idaho was close behind wdth a 73 Oregon all but clinched ;he af fair in the morning s best-ball ac U<* as they took an S>'2-i2 ]ead. Mundle and Zenger teamed up for a M5 to lead the way. The Duck golfers see their next action when they travel to Seat tle for a dual meet with Seattle university this Friday. Milligans divotmen will be especially eager to win over the Chieftains who only a week ago broke a long string of Oregon wins in dual meet competition with a win at Eugene. Oregon 19, WSC 8 Best-ball: Dwyer-Takano ,o> def. Boyd-Craft (WSC) 2i ->/'■ Krieger-Schulta (Oj def. AndeH «on-Taylor (WSC), 3-0; Manlow Dautterman (WSC) def, Smith S-*riger (O), 2%-%. Singles: Roger Boyd (WSC) dof. Don Krieger (O), 2l2-Uy a l Mundlc (O, def. Larry Graft",W *;0:, NeU Dwy^ o, ,M. Don Marlow (WSC,, 3-0; Bob Dautterman (WSC) def. Justin 2'1: Bob Takano (O) M. Paul Anderson (WSC), 2v Vi; Howard Zenger ,o, def. Bob Taylor (WSC), 3-0. Oregon I2i/^, idafco 5r/ Wfl,z ,J> def. Mundfe k?, ',r 'o negCr (0) def. Carnp f^11 'lf’ 2-Jl Dwyer (O, def. MiL /Tr (I,’2*1: Sm!th ‘O, def. Powell II, 2 .-i/j,; Takano lO) def. Coombs HI, 2^; cross (O) def. Melton (It. 2 Frosh Golfers Open Season The Oregon opened their 1954 gol: season last Saturday after r.oon when they downed Eugene h]gh school 18'2 to SC. Medalist honors for the meet were divided between Bob No r quist and Chuck Huggins of the Ducklings and Leighton Tuttle of Eugene. All of these players came home with par rounds of 72. The results follow: aT4 •T;M,yf)AW- G;jbrud