Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Oregon Trackmen
Stop Idaho, 92-38
The University of Oregon trank
nn<l field team roared to M first
places in 15 events to -core an
easy 02-38 win over the Halm
Vandals Saturday afternoon at
Idaho, completely outrnanned by
the powerful Webfoots, managed
only one win during the entire
meet. This came in the mile run
when Kmernon Clark edged Ore
gon's Wayne Heisfr in the meet
record time of 4:24.0.
One other meet record fell dur
ing the afternoon of events when
the Ducks' Bill Dellinger handed
Idaho's Lou Oourley his first loss
of the season in the two-mile run
by galloping home the winner in
the excellent clocking of 9:34.5.
Kprlnghett Stars
Oregon had three double-win
ners. Bruce Spring bet t won both
the 100 and 220 yard dashes. Bill
Soraby grabbed first in the low
and high hurdles and Ben Lloyd
won the shot put and discus throw
Other winners for the Ducks
were Bob Kaucctt in the high
jump, Doug Clement In the 880,
Don Jacobs in the 440, Bob Reid
in the pole vault. Ben Johnson in
the broad jump and Doyle Higdon
in the javelin.
Despite their high point total,
the runners of Bill Bowerman
were able to annex only on<- sweep.
That came In the high Jump where
Kaucett. Walt Badorek and John
son placed one-two-three.
Dominate Sprli.'.s
Best Individual performance of
the day was by Springbett who
warn the 100 in 10.1 seconds and
Icame back later to win the 220
in the neat time of 22.7 seconds.
Doug Talbot of Oregon took sec
ond place In both races as the
Ducks completely dominated the
Another bright spot for Oregon
In the meet was the performance
of their mile relay team. Bower
wan, who has been having trouble
finding a winning quartet, came
up with a dandy Saturday. A team
composed of Jacobs, Reiser, Tal
bot and Clement toured the mile
distance in the good time of 3:26.2.
Ducklings Divide
Weekend Games
The Oregon Frosh baseball team
“pHt a pair of games over the jual
completed weekend. The Duck
lings fell to the Oregon State
Rooks on Friday by a 10-8 score
hut came back Saturday afternoon
I to squeak by Eugene high, 5-4.
Ray Coley's nine, seeking a re
venge win over the baby Rea
vers, found the OSC bats a little
too potent to handle. The Rooks
tallied eight runs in the first two
innings and then coasted to an
easy victory.
In th*- Saturday encounter the
Fiosh had to go one extra inning
before edging a determined Eu
gene team. The Axemen tied the
score at 4-all in the seventh only
to sec the Ducklings erase this
with a run in the eighth.
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for the overwhelming popularity of Arrow
Oxfords. These fine shirts . . . which retain their
fresh good looks all day long . . . are available at
all Arrow dealers — in white or colors.
These Arrow Shirts
on sale at
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Chucks Win
er, rallied after a shaky start to
hurl his Oregon teammates to a
10-7 uin over the Alumni All
Stars Saturday afternoon.
Track Results
100-yard dash Springbett (O ),
Talbot (O), Cooke (I). Time
: 10.1.
220-yard dash Springbett (Ot,
Talbot (O), Cooke (I). Time
feSO-vard run Clement (Oi, Ol
. on (I i, Hail (O). Time 1:59.9.
Mile run Clark (I), Reiser
(Ot, Thornton fit. Time 4:24.5.
Two-mile run Dellinger (O t,
Gourley (I), Rackman (I). Time
120-yard high hurdles- Sorsby
(O). Church (It, Hansen (It. Time
- :15.4.
440-yard dash Jacobs (O),
Dahlqubt (Of, Dixon (I). Time
j —:51.2.
Pole vault Reid (O), Duffy
, 111. Height 12 6".
Javelin - Higdon (O), Hansen
|(I), West (It. Distance 195’8".
Discus Lloyd (O), Barton (It,
Badorek (Oi. Distance 125 2”.
Shot-put — Lloyd (O), Jones
tOt, Harrington (It. Distance
i 45'5'.j".
High jump Faucett (O), Bad
orek (Oi. Johnson (O). Height—
Broad jump — Johnson (O)
Church tli, Sullivan (O). Dis
tance 22'!4"
Mile relay Oregon (Jacobs,
Reiser, Talbot, Clement). Time—
Ping Pong Meet
Anyone interested in partici
pating in 'the annual University
table tennis tournament is asked
to sign up some time early this
week in the basement of the SU.
Chairman of the tourney,
Jack Socolofsky, announced that
the meet would get underway in
the near future and advised
; those who are planning on en
; tering to get 'their names in at
3:50, North field, Alpha Tap
Omega vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon.
3:50, South field, Sigma Chi vs
Delta Tau Delta.
3:50, Upper field, Beta Theta P:
vs. Delta Upsilon.
4:55, North field, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon vs. Campbell Club.
4:55, South field, Sherry Ross
vs. French hall.
4:55, Upper field, Alpha hall vs
Hale Kane.
Cant (/m ft ^
Don Wenrl, Classified Advertising Mgr.
1949 PONTIAC "8” sedan, $835
Hydra. All extras. Professot
Robert. Ext. 303. 5.4
DOST — Metal slide rule in Com
monwealth. Reward offered.
Call Bill Van Slyke, Gamma
hall. 5-f
Duck Baseballers
Schedule ND Trio
Oregon’s Duck*-: are scheduled to
leave late Monday for their all
important invasion of the Inland
| Empire and a slate of games that
will have them playing six tussles
in seven day“.
The Webfoots, in second place
jin ND Standings behind the Ore
gon State Beavers, must win at
least half of their games on the
| trip to stay in the running for the
j league championship.
osc, which is on its northern
venture at the present time, split
a pair of games with Idaho last
j weekend to remain well in front
of the field. On Friday the Bea
W L Pet.
Oregon State . 7 1 875
OKEOON 4 '2 667
Washington 5 3 .625
| Washington State 3 5 .375
Idaho .1 9 .100
vers were handed their first con
j ference loss when the Vandals won
4-0. But Ralph Coleman's nine
came back strong Saturday to
score an easy 10-5 victory'. The
split leaves the Orangemen with
a two game lead over second plate
Don Kirsch’s Webfoots took a
lest from division warfare over
the past weekend to take two non
conference victories at Howe field.
The Ducks tallied five runs in the
I first inning ar.d then held on for
(a 5-3 win over Seattle university
Friday afternoon and then cam*
back to down the Alumni A 'l
•Star team by a 10-7 count in a
Saturday afternoon game. Oreg, a
home runs were responsible for
both victories. Bob Wagner con
nected with a 370 foot circuit
smash with the baser loaded In the
Seattle game and his hit eventual
ly resulted in a Duck victory.
In the Saturday game it wa*r
shortstop John Keller who provid
ed the four-base wallop. Keller •*
blow came in the eighth frame of
the alumni game with the score
all knotted up, 7-7.
George Shaw also picked up a
homer in the Saturday clash. Shew
smashed one over the right-field
er's head in the third inning.
Filching duties against Seattle
were split up between Norm
Forbes, Biil Garner and Trento*
Huls. Forbes, who pitched tbo
tirst four innings, was credHod
with the win.
Right-hander Bill Blodgett,
staiting his first game ir. nearly
a month, went all the way f.,d
the Ducks on Saturday. Blodgett
got off to a very shaky start as be
gave up four runs in the first
frame and three more in : -c
fourth but he carne back strong
in the late innings to become al
most invincible. In many ir.nmgu
he set the alumni down in order.
Oregon will play their next
games Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons when they take on Ida
ho in the first games of the id
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