Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Rellqious Notes
by Mitzi Asai
R«li<jiovt Nowi Editor
Wesley Foundation
Sunday morning at 9;J5 the
lvolnonla Klasr will meet at the j
Hr t Methodist church, Conllnu-I
In/' the discussions from Identic |
Weutherhead's book, "The Will of
God," Crls Meeker, freshman In
nursing, and Torn Warnoek, Jun
ior in physics, will speak on "The
Circumstantial Will,”
Kor those wishing rides to the
chun h, there will be cats leaving
Gcrllnger hall at. 9:30. Following)
the ti p.m. light supper, Hew Ken |
Peterson will speak on the first of J
a seilcs of programs on the apos
tles' lives after the death of
Christ. Ills topic will he, "What
It They Mud Quit?” discussing the
possibilities of what might have
happened had the apostles dis
A potluck upper will be held
Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Joan Pass
more, freshman in liberal arts, will
lead chapel Thursday at 12:30 p.m.
Choir rehearsal la scheduled for
Thursday evening at 6:30.
Christian House *
nn’ic will be hi informal open
house at Christian house tonight '
from 8 to 12 p.rn.
The Sunday program will begin!
with the umml donut hour at 6:15 .
a.in., followed by Bible study led !
by Clarence It Elliott. The 5:3oj
p.m. meeting will be devoted to;
preparation for hading the 7 p.m !
service at ihe First Christian
church. JoAnne Flanders is in
charge of the rervlce. A panel of
students will speak on. "How l!
Can Serve Cod Through My Voca-!
lion.” Speakers include Sherman
Holmes, law; Joan Wilson, nurs
ing: Gene Lowrance. radar; Win
ona Fishback. business; Dorothy
Her, Journalism; Nancy Daniels,
teaching; Janice Milton, music;
Lyle Spears, architecture; Libby
Briscoe, homemaking, ami Jim Ma-*
wblrter, social work. The worship
service is being planned by Rosa
lind Lowrance.
A reception is being given the
church people by the students,
with Mary Ia»ti Watts, graduate
student in music, in charge. The
evening’s activities are the initial
events of Christian family week at
the church. People of all age j
groups are invited to participate
Thiough-the-week activities in
clude the executive council meet
ing at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday and
several committcee meetings to
plan for participation In Junior
Weekend events. Evelyn Stude-!
nlcka has been appointed chair
man of the annual Mother's break-1
fast to be held at Christian i
house Sunday. May 16. at 8:30
Luther House
Sunday*evening supper ami wor
ship will be held as usual begin
ning at 5:30 p.m. with a student
served supper.
Lutherans are reminded of the
Bible study groups which meet on
Mondays at 3 p.m., Wednesdays at
- 7 and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 6
a.m.. 11 a.m. and 9 p.m.
Attendance at the Wednesday
noon luncheons has been increas
ing since the contest to get new
members started. As of last
Wednesday, _ Roger Danielson’s
team was still leading Carol
Beech’s team. About forty were
present last week, and all Lu
therans are invited to join the
175 E. Broadway
Eugana, Oregon
Expert Watch and
Jewelry Repairing
Phone 4-5353
The roast, retreat is to take
place next Weekend. It fa an all
Oregon student retreat with stu- '■
dents standing from nil over the
1 ta*e Plans have been made for
coast recreation, evening firesides,
study programs and plenty of free
time. Any students Interested in
going should contact the student
house at 4-7373 for further in-1
Westminster Foundation
Tonight at 7 th<- annual seniors'
banquet and formal dance, honor
ing seniors and graduates, will be
held. Tickets arp $].2J5 per person.
Dress is formal, and everyone is
invited to attend, with or without
Sunday at 9 a.m. the coffee hour
will take place, followed by the
Bible class studying Christian doc
trine. Jerry Meione will lead the
study of the fifth article of the
statement of reformed faith, “Of
the Kin of Man.” At 12:30 pm. a
council retreat is scheduled. A pic
nic at Leaburg lake for all West
mlnsterit.es will begin at 5:45 p.m.,
after which there wall be a vesper
service led by Don Shn ve.
Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. there
will be a chapel service . led by I
Jerry Mglone. 'I hat evening at 5:30 j
ike regular fellowship supper will
feature a panel, moderated by j
isavid and Mary Bussard, which'
will di»cuKS "Advantages and Dis
advantage* of Marrying While in
Committee Tells Cleanup Pairings
Pairings for the All-campus
Cleanup have been announced by
co-chairmen Lynn Braiding and
Jeanette Kimball. The cleanup will
kick-off Junior Weekend festivi
ties on Thursday afternoon, May
Only freshmen are to take part
in this event. As all freshmen
pledges will be working for their
own houses, the dorm cleanup
crews must include only indepen
dent freshmen.
A map phowing the areas where
each group is to work will be pub
lished in the Emerald later.
The paired groups and the sec
tion they are assigned to are: 1.
Alpha Xi Delta. Phi Kappa Sig
ma; 2. Alpha Omicron Pi and Chi
P"i; 3. Gamma Phi-Beta and Delta
Tail Delta; 4. Ann Judson, Lambda
Chi Alpha and Merrick hall;
5. Delta Delta Delta and Beta
Theta Pi; C. Carson 5 ar.d Susan
Campbell; 7. Delta Gamma and
Campbell club; 8. Sigma Kappa
and Pi Kappa Alpha; 9. Alpha
Gamma Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu
and Nestor hall;
1C. Delta Zeta and Stitzer hall;
13. Mendrkks hall, Phi Kappa Psi
and French hall; 12. University
house and Sigma Chi; 13. Alpha
Chi Omega and Theta Chi; 14.
Oru'e. ;.nd Tau Kappa Epsilon; 15.
Alpha Phi and Delta Upsilon; 16.
Rebec house and Phi Sigma Kap
pan: 17. Highlight house and Pi
Kappa Phi; 18. Pi Beta Phi and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 19. Zeta
Tau Alpha and Sigma Nu;
20. Kappa Kappa Gamma ar.d
Phi Oamma Delta; 21. Carson 3
;uk! Philadelphia house; 22. Alpha
Delta Pi and Alpha Tail Om-'ga;
23. Carson 4 and Kappa Sigma;
24. Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma
Phi Kpsilon, and 25. Chi Omega
and Phi Delta Theta.
Skull and Dagger
Calls for Pefifions
Petitions for membership in
Skull and Dagger, sophomore
men's -ervire honorary, are npw
being caljed for, President B$tr
Maier has announced. Deadline for
submitting petitions will be next
Friday at. 5 p.m.
Co-op Members
For your own protection please observe the following:
1. Be sure yon have a membership.
2. If for any reason you drop out of school during the year
piease leave your cash register receipts in the proper en
envelope at the office of the Co-op.
3. To be sure of your refund have your envelopes utrned
in to the Co-op before May 20th.
4. Checks to be mailed to students who have dropped cut of
5. Patronage Refunds will only be paid to students with
memberships on record at the Co-op.
8. The refund is paid in cash during final examination week
spring term.
7. Turn in only one envelope. If another is required please
staple together. Be sure your name, home address and
membership number is on the envelope.
May 1st is the last day for purchasing membersh:ps.
buys a membership and at the end of the fiscal year
your refund will be paid in cash.
University Co-op
Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 13th Avenue East
Identical Services — 9:30 and 11:30 a m.
Guest Speaker — Clarence Gillette
of Marusyama, Japan.
Topic: "Present Doubts"
Wesley Goodson Nicholson Weston H. Brockway
M‘nis,er Director of Music
Sunday Service 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Communion Services at Both Hours
10:00 a.m. Bible Class—Dr. E. S. Wengert—leader
Lenten Vesper Service—7:30 p.m.
Grace Lutheran Church
East 11th Avenue at Ferry Street
W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wright, Assistant
First Assembly of God
710 W. 13th St. (about IV2 njiles west of the university)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Service
6:30 p.m. C.A.'s Youth Service
7:45 p.m. Evangelisic Service
E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Sermon: Everlasting Punishment"
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette
Sermon: "The Slow of Hearl"
Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding,
Kenneth W. Peterson
First Christian Church
1166 Oak Phene 4-1425
Sermon: "Christ's Point-3 Program"
with Chester Dunkin, Guest Speaker
Evening program presented by Christian House •
"Making My Vocation Christian"
Reception for all students and church members in the Fellow
ship Hall