Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    36 Instructors Added
To Summer School Staff
'Red' Sanders
To Assist P. E.
Visiting instructors will supple
ment he regular faculty members
in eight University departments
during the 1954 summer session.
The 36 additional teachers will
be on the staffs of the education
and physical education schools,
and the departments of art ed
ucation, mathematics, English,
geography, history and speech.
Visiting professors in the educa
tion school will include Alden
Blankenship, superintendent of
Tacoma, Wash., public school;
Clarence Hines, superintendent of
Eugene public schools; Beatrice J.
Hurley of New York university;
Elizabeth Irish of Santa Barbara
college; Donald Kruzner, deputy
superintendent of King County.
Wash., schools;
James Longdon, principal of
Shorewood, Wis., high school;
Herman Shibler, general superin
tendent of education, Indianapolis,
Ind.; John G. Fowlkes of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin; W. Virgil
Smith, assistant superintendent of
Seattle public schools, and Harold
Spears, assistant superintendent
of San Francisco united school
Educators to Visit
Associate and assistant profes
sors visiting the education school
will be Charles Dean, assistant
superintendent of schools, Billings,
Mont.; Lester Kerkendall of Ore
gon State college; Lottie Lamb,
librarian at Eugene high school; i
Dean Lobaugh, assistant superin
tendent of Eugene public schools,
and William Nutting of the Uni- ]
versity of Utah.
The education school will have
as visiting instructors, Joy Gubser
and Verna Hogg of the Oregon;
State college department of ed-1
ucation; Erwin Julfs, principal of
Eugene’s Woodrow Wilson junior
high school; Charles Knight of
Stanford university; D r a yt o n
Marsh, principal of Culver City,
Calif., junior high school, and
Ruth Farnham, Osborne. Hinsdale, j
111., Township high school.
Sanders to Teach
Four coaches will be visiting j
faculty members for the physical
education school this summer.'
They are “Red” Sanders, head
'Mystie Sale
Dates Picked
Wednesday and Thursday of
next week are the days to get he
“Mysties” offered at booths
around the campus.
The sale of "Mysties” is spon
sored each year by Phi Theta Up
silon under chairmanship of fresh-'
man girls to raise funds for scho
larships. This year’s sale chair
man are Sally Jo Grieg and Betty
Traditionally, the indentification
of the “Mystie” is not given until
the day of the sale. The price of a
“Mystie” is one dime.
Cosmo CEub to Sell
WUS Displays Fri.
Items displayed at he WUS Car
nival during the all-campus Vodvil
last Friday will be sold at a Fri
day meeting of the Cosmopolitan
club, according to Lee McGary,
president of the group.
The meeting will be held at
Plymouth house, 13th and Ferry
sts., from 8 p. m. to midnight Fri
The program will feature games
led by students of various foreign
countries, Miss McGary said.
There will be dancing and re
freshments durin gthe social hour.
Today's Staff
Make-up Editor: Kity Fraser
Copy desk: Joy Bellarts, Dick
Lewis, Anne Ritchey.
Make-up Assistant: Sam Vahey
Night Editor: Sally Ryan
football coach of UCLA; Robert
Feerick, head basketball coach at
Santa Clara university; Robert
Newland, track coach at Medford
high school, and Pete Susick, foot
ball coach at Marshfield high
school in Coos Bay.
Acting as a visiting professor
of art education will be Walter
Kook, chief of the division of tech
nical illustration for the Atomic
Energy commission at Richland,
Wash. Alexander Masley of the
University of New Mexico will
also serve in that department.
Math Gets 3
Three visiting professors will I
work in the mathematics depart
ment. They are David Bourgin of,
the University of Illinois, Hans j
Rademaeher of the University of1
Pennsylvania and Henry Van En
gin of Iowa State teachers col
The English department will ]
have as visiting faculty members.
Rose Coffman of Portland’s Roose
velt high school and Charlton
Laird of the University of Nevada |
Hazel Newhouse of Gresham
high school will be an assistant
professor of geography during the
summer session. The history de
partment will have one visiting
professor this summer. He is Ver
non Carstensen of the University
of Wisconsin.
The two visiting instructors in
the speech department will be Up
ton Palmer of the University of
California and Robert West of
Brooklyn college.
Dictator Discussion
On Forum Tonight
“What Makes Dictators?” will
be the topic of the University Ra
dio Forum broadcast Monday
night over radio station KOAC.
Moderator for the discussion will
be R. A. Littman. associate pro
fessor of psychology. Members of
the panel will be Leona E. Tyler,
associate professor of psychology;
Ivan G. Nagy, assistant professor
of political science, and J. V. Ber
reman, professor of sociology.
The problem of dictators and
dictatorship will be approached
from what psychologists call the
“authoritarian personality,” ac- i
cording to W. J. Robert, asso
ciate professor of business admin
Cake Sale Planned
By Football Wives
The University Football wives
organization is sponsoring a cake
sale, to be held in the public mar
ket from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Satur
day. Cakes will be made by mem
bers of the organization and wives
of members of the coaching staff. !
Contributions from the sale will
go to the- Pearl S. Buck home, ac
cording to Mrs. Jack Patera.
Steel Interview Friday
Representatives of Bethlehem
Steel company will be on campus
Friday, April 30, from 9 a. m. to
5 p. m. to interview for their loop
training program. Interested stu
dents should contact the graduate
placement office, 206 Emerald
Campus Calendar
10:30 Rel Dir Asso 315 SU
11:00 Journ Fac 114 SU
Noon WRA Cab 110 SU
UIS 111 SU
Drama Staff 112 SU
Non Part 113 SU
2:30(Newman Cl Exec 111 SU
4:00*AWS Dk Prv Let 111 SU
6:30 IFC 111 SU
Alpine Cl 112 SU
Anthro Cl 113 SU
Chaplains 315 SU
ASUO Senate 334 SU
7:00 Hardy Cof Hr Art gal SU
7:30 Air Com Sqd Init 214 SU
Honorary Initiates
Ten at Ceremonies
Ten women were Initiated by
Chi Delta Phi, national literary
honorary for women, at cere
monies Tuesday evening in Ger
lingcr hall.
New initiates are Loanne Mor
gan and Jean Smith, sophomores
in speech; Joanne Johnston and
Mary Alice Allen, sophomores in
journalism; Betty Chatterton and
Mary Ann Mowery, juniors in
English; Pat Sykes, sophomore in
sociology; and Dixie Miller, Linda
Shumaker and Joyce Noeth, soph
omores in liberal arts.
Job Opportunities
E. G. English, executive assis
tant to the president of the Beth
lehem Pacific Coast Steel copora
tion will be on campus Friday to
interview seniors interested in
training for a career in the steel
Appointments for interviews
with English may be made at the
graduate placement office in
Emerald hall.
Lt. (jg) F. J. Kreles, Wave of
ficer of the procurement division
from Seattle, will interview junior
and senior women desiring infor
mation about the Wave program
in the Student Union today.
Lt. H. E. Winters, naval officer
of the procurement division, will
interview senior men and others
wishing information.
Deadline (or items (or this column is at 4
p.m. tbe day prior to publication.
0 The YWCA conference com
advisor meeting in Gerlinger hall
at noon today, according to Sally
Stadelman, publicity chairman.
• The U of O Alpine club will
meet today at 4 p. m. in the Stu
dent Union, according to John
Vazbys, vice-president.
0 The United Independent Stu
dents will meet at 12:15 p. m. to
day in the Student Union. Hollis
Ransom, president, has urged all
party candidates for office to at
tend the meeting.
Don Wenxl, Classified Advertising Mgr
Unusual house dance favors. Ph.
4-3714. 4-29
FOR SALE — '37 Ford, needs
brakes, new battery, ignition
lock broke. §20. Ph. 5-1275 eves.
1949 PONTIAC ‘'8" sedan, $835.
Hydra. All extras. Professor
Robert. Ext. 303. 5.4
0 The WU8 fund executive
committee and committee chair
men will meet today ut noon in the
YMCA, according to Ted Goh, Ken
oral chairman.
0 The YWCA conference com
mittee will meet at \ p. in. todny
In Oerllnger hull, according to con
ference chairman Germaine La
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