Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    ASUO Constitutional Amendments
]. The following amendment would add an additional section to:
ARTICLE VI so that it will read ARTICLE VI. section VI. (Nomination of Candidates)
Each political party shall present a slate of candidates for the general election. These candi
dates shall be selected as each of the several parties chooses. This amendment shall become
effective September 1, 1954. and shall take precedence over any article or section of this con
stitution dealing with candidacy for office, including section V oi this article.
II. As the constitution now reads :
ARTICLE VI (Elections) section III:
Class positions. The same election procedure will be followed for each class. They will
each return a president, vice-president, and two representatives ,
Class positions. The same procedure will be followed for all classes except for the freshman
class, in which each candidate shall designate the office sought (president or representative),
and after the election of president and vice-preisdent all remaining ballots will be credited
to candidates for representative positions in subsequent transfers.
III. As the constitution now reads:
ARTICLE VI (Elections! section IV:
Dates of Elections. ASUO elections shall take place after the first and prior to the eighth
week of spring term. Freshman election sshall take place after the fifth and prior to the
eighth week of fall term.
Dates of elections. ASUO elections shall take place after the first and prior to the eighth
week of spring term. Freshman elections shall take place atter the iifth and prior to the
eighth week of fall term. The graduate student election shall take place after the fifth and
prior to the eighth week of fall term.
Tickets Ready For Breakfast
Tickets for the annual junior
senior breakfast sponsored by the
YWCA are now on sale in women’s
living organizations and at the
main desk of the Student Union
for $1. Those selling the tickets
have been requested by Gwen Zin
niger, ticket chairman, to turn in
a preliminary count to her at Car
son hall this afternoon.
William C. Jones, executive di
rector of the Western Interstate
Commission' of Higher Education,
will speak at the breakfast, at
9:15 a. m. Sunday in the Student
Union, on “Humanity's Eternal
Tickets for the breakfast may be
obtained from the following living
organizations representatives:
Alma Owen, Alpha Chi Omega.
Adelaide Woodruff, Alpha Delta
Pi; Tamson Breese, Alpha Gamma ,
Author Powers
Talks to Class
Author J. F. Powers will speak
to the contemporary literature
class at 1 p. m. today on “Catholic
ism and Modern Literature.” Pow
ers’ visit on the campus is spon
sored by the English department,
and is the fifth in a series which
included' W. C. Williams, Elizabeth
Bowen and Walter Van Tilburg
Powers arrived here Monday and
plans to leave Saturday. Thursday
he will have lunch at the Faculty
club with members of the English
department. At 1 p. m. Thursday
he will meet with combined writ- i
ing classes and visitors in Ffiend
ly 105. He will also be honored at
a coffee hour at the Faculty club
at 2:15 p. m.
Powers is scheduled to speak at
the Friday evening browsing room
lecture at 7:30. His book of short
stories, “The Prince of Darkness,
and Other Stories,” is available at
the Co-op for $2.75. ,
0 The Red Cross board will :
meet at 4 p. m. today in the Stu
dent Union. The room number will
be posted.
^ Committee chairmen for the
annual luau will meet in the Stu
dent Union at 3 p. m. today, Ha
waiian club President Lorna Mur
akawa has announced.
0 The Junior Weekend queen
selection committee will meet at!
4 p. m. today in the Student Union,
according to Ward Cook and Jack j
Boettcher, co-chairmen.
0 The All-Campus luncheon
committee chairmen will meet at
4 p. m. today in the Student
Union, according to Corky Horton '
and Marcia Hodgson, co-chairmen.
9 Sub-chairmen for the Ter
race dance will meet at 10:30 a. m.
Thursday in the Student Union,
according to Sylvia Wingard and
Joanne Hardt, co-chairmen.
0 The Hawaiian club will meet
in the Student Union at 8 this eve
ning, according to Lorna Mura
kawa, president.
0 There will be no meeting of
the Student Union board this aft
ernoon, Chairman Andy Berwick
has announced. The next regular
board meeting has been scheduled
for May 5.
Delta; Martha Spatz, Alpha
Omicron Pi; Kay Sonnichsen, Al
pha Phi; Sue Sommerer, Alpha
Xi Delta; Gail Lockhead, Chi
Omega; Nancy Reine, Delta Delta
Delta; Doris Olson. Delta Gamma,
and Tina Fisk, Delta Zeta.
Margaret Ednie, Gamma Phi
Beta; Ann Bankhead, Kappa Al
pha Theta; Gerry Yeager, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Sharon Brown,
Pi Beta Phi; Nancy Graves, Sigma
Kappa; Germaine LaMarche,
Orides; Sandra Palmer, Highland
house; Shirley Knox, Rebec house;
Laura Harper, Carson hall; Rose
Warner, University house, and
Nancy Cottingham, Zeta Tau Al
Jlilte*Un<f Oh
...Oh KWAX
6:00 Sign on
6:03 Early evening concert
6:30 News till now
6:45 UN story
7:00 Campus classics
.8:00 World University Service
8:15 This I like
8:45 Guest star
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:50 News headlines
11:00 Sign off
FOUND — 1 pair Argyle socks in
'Shack'. Owner please identify
immediately. Call ext. 219 or
come and see us personally. 4-28
Unusual house dance favors. Ph.
4-3714. 4-29
FOR SALE — '37 Ford, needs
brakes, new battery, ignition
lock broke. $20. Ph. 5-1275 eves.
Today's Staff
Make-up Editor- Ed Beeler
Desk Editor—Gordon Rice
Night Staff—ValeTie Hersh
Retreat Planned By Panhellenic
Panhellenic's annual retreat to
the coast to formulate plans for
next year's rushing will be held
Friday evening and Saturday, at
Deane’s lodge, Waldport, Oregon.
The executive council of Pan*
hellenic, each sorority's rush chair
man and president will be accom
panied on the trip by Mrs. Golda
P. Wickham, associate director of
student affairs; Mrs. Vivian Pit
man, City Panhellenlc secretary,
and Mrs. Dorothy Woodin, jircsi
dent of city Panhcllenlc.
Place your orders now
Caps and Gowns
Calling Cards
Orders taken at stationary counter
U of O Co-op Store
School of Medical Technology
Eugene, Oregon
Approved by
American Medical Association
American Society Clinical Pathologists
Registry of Medical Technologists
announces the beginning of a new class
in Medical Technology starting
July 1, 1954
Openings are Still Available for Two Students Meeting the Requirements
One Year Course Covering Hematology, Including Blood Bank, Serology,
Urinalysis, Bacteriology, Clinical Chemistry, Including Flame Photometry
and Spectro-Chemistry, Parasitology and Tissue Technique
For Details Inquire from one of the Directors by Calling 4-6281
E. D. Furrer, M.D.
K. D. McMilan, M.D.
M. M. Patton, M.D.