Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Ducks Tackle UW
In Important Game
The University of Oregon base
ball team will return to Northern
Division competition Monday af
ternoon at .'t o'clock on Howe field
when they host the unpredictable
Washington Huskies In the first
contest of a two game set which
will determine just which one of
the two teams takes over second
place in the league standings be
hind leading Oregon Hlate.
At the present time Oregon has;
a three won and one lost mark and
is just a few percentage points
ahead of the Huskies, who have a
four and two slate.
Washington had been In a tie
for fust place until last weekend
wh< n they dropped two tussles to
OSC. Hill Marx’s nine was re
garded as one of the top teams in
the division after four straight
early season wins but in their two
games with the Beavers they were
tar from impressive. The Orange
men completely smothered them
in both games, 17-6 and 32-7. To.
Washington pitching staff com
pletely collap ed in these two out- j
In Monday's tussle Marx will
probably open with right-hander
Hill Kearns on the pitching mound.
Reams is noted as being the beat j
chuck.r on the Husky squad and;
he will Is- depended on to bring
his team out of their disastrous!
Other Washington starters are!
likely to be: Jack Ballard, catcher; j
Larry Watson, first base; Harvey
Jarvis, second base; Hill Stuht
short - top; Bob Richards, third
base; Bill Bakin. T-ft field; Roland
Halle, center fieia; and Rod Pres
scy. right field.
For the Ducks Don Kirsch is
likely to send his ace hurlcr Norm
Forbe* to the firing line to face the
visitor Forbes has 2-0 ND record
to date, huving scored wins over
both Washington State and Idaho.
In last weekend’s series with the
Salem Senators, Kirsch made sev
eral shifts in his starting line-up
nrul if ho sticks with his chtingoti
thr opening Duck line-up will read
like thin: Neal Marlett, catcher;
Dl<!k KchloMHtein, first bane;
George • Hhnw, second bane; John
Keller, shortstop; I’ete WilliarnH,
third bare; Bernle Averil), left
field; Jerry Hour, center field; and
Bob Wagner, right field.
Senators Rap
Oregon Twice
The Salem Senators outlasted
Oregon’s Ducks Saturday after
noon In a baseball slugfest to score
a 14-12 win over the Webfoots. It
was the second straight win for
the Senators over the Ducks who
they downed in Salem Friday aft
ernoon by a 4-1 score.
Salem seemed to have the game
in the bag going into the bottom
half of the sixth inning on Satur-!
day w.th a 11-4 lead. But the’
Kirschmen went on a batting ram-!
page with two Ttun out to score
eight runs and go ahead by a 12-11
count. Leading blows- for the!
Ducks in th< ir bitting barrage j
were n home run by Bernle Averil],
a triple and a single by Jerry Boss l
and a double by Dick Hchlnsstein. j
The Webfoots failed to hold this1
lead, however, as the Senators;
came back to tally three markers j
off the pitching slants Of reserve '
chuckcr Ted Overton to score the
In the Friday game the two!
teams played u much tighter game,
with the Senators' Jack Hemphill i
hooking up In a pitching duel with
tho Ducks’ Bill Garner and Bill 1
Blodgett. The Webfoots could only
manage six hits off Hemphill and j
they were all singles.
In the two game series Kirsch j
obviously was experimenting with i
different player combination- and
was wiving his two best pitchers, j
Norm Forties and Trenton Hals,
for the Washington series Monday j
and Tuesday afternoons.
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OSC Rooks Defeat
Duckling Nine, 7-5
The Oregon Fro.ch bah*:ball team
rallied for three runs in the bot
tom of the ninth inning last Fri
day but their effort wasn't quite
enough to pull the Ducklings back
in the ball game and Ray Coley’s
nine went down to a 7-5 defeat
at the hands of the Oregon State
Syl Johnson of the Rooks
seemed to have everything under
control going into the ninth with
a 7-1 lead but the Frosh wouldn't
give up that easy.
Doubles by Terry Maddox and
Sam Notos and a single by Jack
McClenahan plus a couple of costly
Rook errors paved the way for the
last inning Oregon rally. The spree
was stopped by relief pitcher Red
Pearce who struck out Jim Davis
with two on to end the ball game.
Terry Maddox, although touched
for 14 hits by the Rooks, pitched
pretty good ball for the Ducklings.
Many of the OSC hits were of the
scratch variety. Maddox struck out
five visiting batters.
For the Ducklings the loss was
their first in five starts.
The next action for Ray Coley’s
nine comes next Thursday after
noon when they host the McChord
Air Force base on the Fro h dia
mond in a 3 o’clock tussle. On Fri
day the Ducklings travel to Cor
vallis for a return game with the
OSC 1 002 020 111 - 7 14 \
Oregon 100 000 004 573
Footballers Begin
Spring Grid Drills
Oregon’s 1954 spring football
practice will get underway Mon
day afternoon and head coach, Len
Casanova, is expecting about 50
men to answer the first practice
Spring workouts will continue
for 20 days with the climax coming
on Saturday, May 22, when the
fxjuad plays its annual spring
Tracks Results
Mile—ism Dellinger (O), Mat- '
s«n (WSC), M. Racier (WSC),
Time—1 :21.5.
Shot put — Frank Brown
(WSC), Pixley (WSC), Zurner
(WSC). Distance—18’8”.
440 — Bob Duncan (WSC),
Hail (O), Homeck (WSC). Time
Javelin — Doyle Higdon (O),
Paulson (WSC), Thurman
(WSC). Distance—205’8”.
100 — Bob Gary (WSC),
Springbett (O), Sorsby (O).
Broad jump — Ben Johnson
(O), Trautman (WSC), Sulli
van (<)). Distance—22*2i'»
High jump — Bob Faucett
(O), Finery Barnes (O). Tie
between Badorek (O) and
Brown (WSC). Height—6’2”.
Pole vault — Ken Hickenbot
l»ni (O), Reid (O), Tronsdon
(WSC). Height—13’.
High hurdles — Chan Sogge
(O), Sorsby (O), Brown (WSC).
880 — Bill Link (WSC), Clem
ent (O), Kuehl (WSC). Time—
220 — Bob Gary (WSC)
Talbot (O), Weiss (WSC). Time
Discus—Dick Turner (WSC),
F. Brown (WSC). Breckel
(WSC). Distance—144’6”.
Two-mile — Wayne Reiser
(O), Dellinger (O), N. Rader
(WSC). Time—9:83.4.
Low hurdles — Bill Sorsby
(O), Irautmnn (WSC), Sogge
(O). Time—:24.5.
Mile relay — Washington
State (Weiss, Duncan, Kuehl,
Link). Time—8:29.2.
Johnny Mack Brown, the fam
ous cowboy of movie fame, was
once a great football star.
Johnny played halfback for the
University of Alabama and a few
years back led the Crimson Tide
in an exciting Rose Bowl football
win over the University of Wash
Oregon Trackmen
Edge WSC Squad
- y vi uro.fron .scored
major upset Jast Saturday by
Golfers Tip 05C
In Close Match
Tho University of Oregon golf
team won their 27th straight golf :
match la.-.t Friday edging Oregon
State 11 j to 12'a at Corvallis. AI
Mundle's three under par 69 per
formance for the Ducks was low
for the day.
Jn the morning play Oregon
captured a 11 to 7 lead in the
match play, but In the afternoon
the Beavers rallied in the best ball
play getting 5i_, points to 3'2 for
the Ducks.
The feature match of the day;
saw OSC’s Bob Donnelly tie Don
Krleger for a split of the thrat
possible points.
Letterman Neil Dwyer's return i
to lineup was timely, for the Lake
Oswego Country Club swinger
took three needed points from Ray
Lindquist of the Beavers.
Other results in matches were
Mundle taking Cloninger, 3-0; Jud
Smith losing to Grabler, 1-2; Bob
Takano losing to Duncan, 2'.J-!2;
and Howard Zenger beating
Strand,. 2-1.
In medal play Kreiger-Dwyer
lost to Donnelly-Lmdquist, 1-2:
Mundle-Takano lost to Cloninger
Grafcler, 0-3: and Smith-Zenger
beat Duncan-Trogan. 2'2-'*.,.
knocking over Washington State's
track team, annual heirs to the;
Northern Div.sion track title. 67V.
to 63”
WSC, holder of the track crown
‘ac out of the past six years, foil
behind midway during the meet as
much as H points, then stormed
into a one point lead in winning
the 880, 220, and discus. Then they
fell off thei; pare when Waym
Heiser and Bill Dellinger of Ore
gon took the first two places of
the two mile run, and Eill Sorsby
took a first in the low hurdles fox’
the Dijgks to sew up the meet.
Oregon garnered eight first
places to Washington State's sev
en. however WSC's Bob Gary wa»
the oniy double winner of the meet.
The fleet footed negro sprinted to
a 0.09.5 record breaking time in
ihe 100, which was nullified by an
assisting tailwind, and then
streaked to a win in the 220 race
in :21.5.
The next dual meet for the
Ducks will come next Saturday
afternoon when they travel tr
Moscow, Idaho, for a match with
the Vandals.
Bob Hope, the world’s mc“£
famous comedian, was once an
amateur boxer in Cleveland.
Known as Packey East, he didn t
ia-t long in the ring.
Sports Staff
Sport- Editor Bob Robinson.
Staff—Doug May.
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