Combellack Says Homer Was Softy Thn Crock poet Homer wax an oM rofty in his treatment of Helen _ l,t Troy, F. M. Combellaek, asso eltite professor of claasic lan - guagcs told Wednesday's browning . room audience. Speaking on “Homer's Iliad: • Ladles Dead and Lovely Knights," Combellaek emphasized that only . «'nc«, 1,1 the epic Is Helen described. In one of the middle scenes, some « old men are bewitched by the sigh of her unearthly beauty, In spite • of the fact that they grieve for the suffering she has caused the ' city of Troy. The Important fact to Homer Is that Helen is so beautiful. He is . concerned with (he evil in her life. • Any further description of the • queen In the Htory would be anti \ cllmactlcal. Describing her only once t» a effective device of char • actenzallon, Combellaek comment ’ cd. "Tlie story of the IliaH' Is a I I * tlmple one," Combellaek ‘ aid. "of r two generals who quarrel over a i * woman. It Is a tale of revenge. It *. become* a sail story of the death of , groat kings." Cpmbellack pointed out the <-f. . fectlveneaa of several literary de vices employed by Homer. One of 1 then*- is the use of a goddess or ,* muse at the beginning of the poem •* to communicate through the poet • to hi.t audience. “This is to assure the audience ► — 1 .. •; SU Committee Post ■: Petitions Called In - Petitions for chairmanships of | *• Student Union standing commit | * tees are due Sunday in the SU ' hoard chairman's office, according t to Virginia Dailey, assistant chalr • man. - ' Petition forms are available on j the SU third floor. Standing com t mittees are art gallery, browsing i • loom, coffee hour forum person . nel, recorded music, publicity, mu feic, public relations, movie and j • dance. . Chairmen and committee mem bers will be selected this term ir. ’ order to begin early planning for - next year’s SU program. Miss Dail ^ cy said. r r. . of authorltatlveness of (he epic,” I Combeilack pointer] out. This f the most brilliant, colors im iginable, with contrast rick rack *r braid. 22 to 28. SECOND FLOOR QUALITY SPORTSWEAR IT PATS TO SHOP AT PENNEY