- - RELIGIOUS NOTES by Mitzi Asa! Religious Newt Cditor Luther House Sunday evening following a sup per to be held at 5:30, Rev. Ram sey of Portland will speak on Lu theran welfare work. Marlene Bronson and Roger Danielson are. in charge of the supper. Wednesday, following the noon j luncheon. Pastor Ingward Olsen of; Bethesda Lutheran church, will; lead a discussion of Luther's Small Catechism. A contest for getting new members to the Wednesday! noon luncheons is now in progress. As of last Wednesday, Roger Dan ielson's team is leading Carol Beeche’s. The losing team at the end of the term is to furnish the eats for the spring outing. Bible study groups have gotten! off to a good start, but students are still urged to check at the! house and come to their assigned I groups. Lutherans are reminded to keep the weekend of May 6 to 8 open for the coast retreat. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Members of the inter-varsity Christian fellowship are complet ing plans to attend the annual state-wide retreat from April 30 to May 2 at Silver Creek falls. Other Oregon schools to be repre sented there are Oregon State col celeg, Portland State college, Lew is and Clark college and Oregon College of Education. Principal speaker for the weekend will be Melvin J. Frisen. west coast sec retary' of the IVCF and director of Campus-by-the-Sea at Catalina, Calif. Total cost for the conference is $4. Persons planning to attend jshould contact Lois McGowan at 4-0054, for transportation. Missionary’ emphasis month will be highlighted at the next regu lar meeting of IVCF, to be held Tuesday in the Student Union. A comprehensive report of world missionary conditions will be dis cussed. Special music and a. coffee bour will conclude the program. New officers for IVCF are Richard Koe, president; Shirley Knox, vice-president; Judith Ped ersen, secretary; and Harvey Rich mond, treasurer.* Miss Olive A. Slocum, associate- professor of r.ursing education, is chapter ad viser. Christian House Christian house 'is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its open ing on the University of Oregon campus, with a big birthday party and open house Sunday afternoon from 2 till 5. Jean Miller is chair CAMPUS BRIEFS Deadline for items for this column is at 4 p.m. the day prior to publication. 0 AH money coHected by World University Service solicitors must be turned in at the YMCA office, Student Union 319, or to Germaine LaMarche by 5 p. nj. Friday. Can? SELL IT THRU THE I WMIIADS Don Wtr.il Classified Advertising Mgr LOST—Cigarette lighter between CoUge Side and Lemon "O." Ini tials J.P.T, on lighter. Call John at University Cleaners. 4-23 FOR SALE—Light weight bicycle $20. Phene 4-3682. Between 6 and 7 o'clock. 4-24 IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS man of the festivities. She is as sisted by Pat Hartley, nl charge of program; Janice Milton, decora tions; Maxine Molkie and Joan Wilson, refreshments: Doug Calef, tours of the house; and Bob Ran dall. exhibits. Sherman Holmes, senior in law, who was first pres ident of the house when it opened in April. 1949. has prepared a folder for distribution to all guests. Guests are invited to come and leave as they wish, according ot the executive council. The welcom ing commitee includes Lyle Spears, president; Victor P. Morris, chair man of the board of directors: Mrs. Clarence Elliot, house direc tor: and Libby Briscoe, student council member. The Sunday morning program will begin as usual with the dough aut hour at 9:15. followed by Bible study led by Victor Morris. The evening fellowship hour will not be held because the birthday festivi ties will still be going on. The executive council will meet at 6:30 p.m., where plans will be made fro conducting the entire Sunday evening church service at First Christian church on May 2. JoAnne Flanders is chairman for this event. Canterbury Club Canterbery club will not meet this Sunday because of the dioces anconvention at St. Paul’s church in Salem. Episcopal students are asked to remember that here will be the usual Celebration of the , Holy Communion Wednesday : morning at 7 a m. in Gerlinger hall. On Thursday at 4 p.m. nt the College Side there will he a dis cussion concerning church prac tices and doctrines. All interested students are cordially invited by the group to attend. Westminster Foundation Tonight at 8 p.m. an informal get-together will be held with all those wishing to attend the All campus Vodvil show leaving for McArthur court at 9:45 p.m. Re freshments will be served at the foundation after the show. Saturday at 1 pin. there will be a work party to clean up the yard ; at West M. There will be a coffee hour at 9 a.m. Sunday, followed by the Bible class studying Christian doc trine. Loris Larson will lead the study of the third article of the Statement of the Reformed Faith, "Of the Creation." The 6 p. m. ves per service will be led by Randy Middleton, and will include a med itation given by Rev. Thom Hun ter. “What Comes After Easter?" A social hour with refreshments will follow, Wednesday's 12:30 p.m. chapel service will be led by Bob Dean. At the evening fellowship supper at 5:30, the guest speaker will be Paul Newton Poling, pastor of the First Presybterian church in Sa lem. He will speak on "The Re sponsibility of the Church in Po liticul World Struggle.” Wesley Foundation The spring conference of the Oregon Methodist Student move ment will be held at Camp Mn gruder this weekend. Those attend ing the conference will leave in cars Friday afternoon. Olen Olds, chaplain of Denver University chapter, is the plutforin speaker. Due to the conference, the Koin onia Klass will not meet this Sun day. At C p.m. Sunday evening there will be a light supper hrirl program. A pot luck supper will be held Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Chapel srrv lee, now being held on Thursdays, . will be at 12 a.m. Beginning May 2 VV’esley foun dation will Hturt a series of .Sun- - day programs on the lives of the apostles. These student-led pro grama will be concerned on the lives of the Apostles after the cru cifixion of Christ. FOR THE BEST IN— CHOICE CUT STEAKS SEA FOOD CHICKEN COMPLETE DINNERS Come Out for a Gourmet's Delight. 4 The New Lynwood One>half Mile North of Overhead on 99N Studenf Church Directory First Congregational Church 490 13th Avenue East Identical Services — 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Guest Speaker — Clarence Gillette of Marusyama, Japan. Topic: Insights from Japan Wesley Goodson Nicholson Weston H. Brockway Minister Director of Music Sunday Service 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. "The Resurrected Body" 10:00 a.m. Bible Class—Dr. E. S. Wengert—leader • Lenten Vesper Service—7:30 p.m. Welcome! Grace Lutheran Church East 11 th Avenue at Ferry Street W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wrignt, Assistant First Assembly of God 710 W. 13th St. (about 1 Vi miles west of the university) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Service 6:30 p.m. C.A.'s Youth Service 7:45 p.m. Evangelisic Service E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Sermon: "Probation After Death" Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West Broadway .. . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger —— -- — --- ..I First Baptist Church 11:00 a.m. Fellowship with the Risen Lord" 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. A new film, "Christ's Sermon _ for the Ages" also "Billy Graham in London." Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High First Methodist Church 1185 Willamette Sermon: "The Use of Money" Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding, Kenneth W. Peterson