Duck Trackmen Face WSC Sal Washington .State's defending I ND champion tracksters will be looking for one of their toughest meets of the season this Saturday afternoon when they take on the Oregon Ducks In a two-team af fair at Hayward field. Starting time for the meet Is 2 o'clock. The Cougars of Jack Mooberry, who defeated the Ducks easily last season 86-44, are slight favorites as a result of Illness and Injury to three of Oregon's key performers. Distance runner A1 Martin IS still out of competition with a pulled leg muscle and 440-yard dash men Ted Anderson and Gor don Dahlqulst arc both out with hud colds. Top performers for the WSC squad are Bob Gary, Bill Link and Howard McCants. Gary is the de fending champion In both the 100 am! 220-yard dashes. Link has done the 880 In 1:52.5 and Me-; (.'ants is one of the beat high jumpers In the country with a best tnark of 6' 7”. lit addition the Cougars have! ten other returning lettermen. Frosh Stop Rooks The Oregon Frosh track team scored an impressive 79 >4 to 51 % victory over the Oregon State Hook team in a dual meet here yesterday. Completely sweeping firsts In the field events and in the sprint; races, the Duck youngsters grab bed 10 of the 15 first places. Only1 in the distance running events did the Rooks show superiority, win ning all five. - Outstanding performances for the Frosh were Hank Loumena running the 100 yard dash In 10 2 against u st.ff breeze, Dave New land pole vaulting 12' 8", and Ed Bingham tossing the Javelin 154', 4 Loumena. Martin Pedigo, Gary Miller and Bud Keck each picked up two firsts for Oregon. Results: 1’olc Vault Dave New land (F); Thump *nn (Hi; Katun (F); Kaufman (H) (tic limit). III. 1V S". Broad Jump Martin Pedigo (Ft; Lee (Hi; Taylor (F). Ili.. 2V g". Shot Pul Bud Keck (F); Muad (F); Meyer* (R). I)i* 45' 9". Jaerhn Kd Bingham (F); Miller (Fj ; Tliutni'Mrti (R), L)i». 194’ 4”. High Jump Pedigo (F); Bingham (F); Clayton (F). lit. S' 9". Diacua—Keck (K); Jacob* (F); Elliaon (R). I)i». 127' 4". Mile Tenney (R); Saling (R); Andrew* (F). 1 ime 4:51. 440- McKennon (R); Drydon (R); Chria tenu-n (F). Time 51:9. 100 -Loumena (F); Morrison (R); Ped igo (Ft. Time 10:2. High Hurdle* Harry Miller (F); Banham (F); Stamm (F). Time 15:9. SS0- Hartley (R); Pace (R); I.undell (F). Time 2:05.8. 220- Loumena (F); Cbri»ten*cn (F); Moriiaen (Hi. Time 22.3. Two Mile Trany (R); Michka (R); Ski ing (Rt. Time 10:31.4. I-ow Hurdle* -Miller (F); Stamm (F); Badiani (F). Time 26.2. , Relay -Kook*. Time 3:35. Did You Ever See a Sinner? That's the difference be tween a high school and a college senior. The difference is strictly intellectual of course. Seniors have the terrible habit of getting carried away with events of the future. For the men's it's events concern ing Uncle Sam, and for the women it's the men. Don't fret—fritter. For the best place to fritter away your pleasant moments, try— ROD TAYLOR'S Oil The Glenwood Strip Oregon T ipsIdaho, 4-1; Trenton Huls Fans 15 lo s baseball Vandals are wondering today just what happened to their booming bats in 'I hursday afternoon's contest with the ()regon Ducks at Howe field. The Vandals, although they haven’t won any XD games to date, have al wav- displayed a good hitting attack, in all their tussles. That la to aay, until Thursday. In the final game of their series with Oregon, Idaho found the pitching arm of southpaw Trenton Hula much too tough to handle and went down to a 4-1 defeat at the hands of the Jubilant Ducks. Huts, hurling with the precision of a professional, set the visitors down with six measly hits and in the course of the game struck out 15 Idaho batters. A fluke fly ball dofible by first-baseman Bob Haines in the ninth inning scored Frank Teverbaugh from first base to give the Vandals their only run of the tussle. HuIh was that close to a shutout. Huls Kinds Victims Two of Clem Barberry's proud players. Captain Mike Cygler and shortstop Larry Morrison, were es pecially allergic to Huls' slants. Both of them whiffed four times in four tries. Hard-hitting Bob Falash was another of Huls’ vic tims, going down on strikes three times in his four trips to the plate. All in all it was a great day for Mr. Huls who was a last second pitching choice of Coach Don Kirsch. Right-hander Farrell Al bright was supposed to go to the firing line for the Ducks for this game but he came up with a sore arm just before game time and Kirsch had to give Hula a rush call to warm up. Big Trenton, using a mixture of drops and curves along with a siz zling fast ball, was seldom in trou ble during the game. In the third inning singles by Reg Frazier and Jerry Qu&nc put two men on base but Huls quickly got out of this jam by striking out pitcher Dick Dodel, Falash and Cygler in suc cession. Almost a Shutout After this threat had been thwarted. Huls allowed only two singles in the next five frames and PETE WILLI A MS, Oregon baseball captain, came out of a ND batting Hlump in Thursday’s Idaho-Oregon game. Williams Mingled and scored one of the I>uck runs. went into the ninth with a shut- I out very definitely in sight. Tev- ! erbaugh got on on a walk but Hula forced Flip ICieffner to fly to right and fanned Morrison to seemingly squelch any Vandal hopes of scor-' ing. But the next batter, Haines,: looped a long fly to left which fell just out of Bcmie Averill s reach for a double and Teverbaugh came all the way to tally. Although Oregon’s batting on slaught died down somewhat in this game, the Ducks did produce enough punches at the right time to score the win. The first marker came in the third wrhen Huls and Bob Wagner singled and George Shaw drew a base on balls to load the bases. With Neal Marlett, who hit two Now's fhe time— Take to the Air this Spring Piper Trl-Paccr “53” Model. Fred Savage, Instructor Learn To Fly In 8 Hours NOW — Sign up for Our New Installment Plan • A small down-payment and you're in the air • Small monthly payments keep you there. Phone 7-2366 McKenzie Flying Service Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street homers Wednesday, at the plate Dodel was a little too careful and walked him to force in Huls with the first score of the game. •Johnson Triples The Ducks picked up two more counters in the fourth. Captain Pete Williams was hit by a pitched ball. Second-sacker Jim Johnson scored him with a triple to right and then scored himself on John Keller's one-baser just over the shortstop's head. The final Webfoot run came in the seventh when Shaw walked, NORTHERN DIVISION STANDINGS W L Pet. osc .4 0 1.000 Washington .4 0 1.000 OREGON .3 i 750 wsc .1 5 .167 Idaho .0 6 .000 stole second, was singled to third by Dick Schlosstein and scored on an infield roller by Marlett. The win for Oregon pulled them into a firmer hold on second place in ND standings. The Ducks now trail OSC and Washington by a single game. The Webfoots have two non conference games this weekend. They play the Salem Senators of the Western International League at Salem Friday and return to Eu gene Saturday for a return game with the same team at 2:30 p.m. on Howe field. Sports Staff Sports Editor—Bob Robinson Staff—Doug May. *■’—— -- Linksters Oppose Beaver Golf Team j Oregon’s linksters are opening j their defense of the Northern Di-< vision dual match play crown to- ' day against Oregon State with an all day, 36-hole match to be played at Corvallis. A vastly improved OSC team will be out to stop the 26 dual match play win streak currently held by the Duck golfers. Oregon State's team will be led by Dob , Donnelly, the state junior golf . champion in 1952. Don Krieger and A1 Mundle form a capable pair to lead the . Oregon team, however, the loss of ' Beltin’ Bob Atkinson, one of the top amateur swingers in the state, due to graduation will undoubtedly be felt in their chances to nab their sixth consecutive Northern Division crov/n. Justin Smith, Bob Takano, How- ' ard Zenger and A1 Cross will also play important roles today in the * Oregon chances of making it 27 matches in a row. SWIM Winter Swim Schedule Afternoons 2 to 6 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Nights 7 to 10 Wednesday, Thurs., FrL, Sat. BENTON LANE NATATORIUM 4 mt No. of Junction City on Highway 99 West Phone Junction City 8-2836 > Just Driving Around? Why not pick up your date and drive out for your coke date this evening You'll like the food and service at on the Glenwood Strip For your listening pleasure Gregg's Private Line Over KORE - 1450 Kcs. 11:30 to 12:30 a.m. Thur., Fri. & Sat.