'IN PARTY HANDS' AGS Seeks Primary Ouster (Continued from Page One) In the closed primary system used previously by AGS in selecting their nominees, a defeated candi date could “step down" to another office. In a prepared statement distrib uted at the meeting, the “marked decrease in the number of voters this year as compared with last year,” was cited as a criticism of the primary plan. The “undermining of the very basis of a political party” was also listed as a drawback of the pri mary. Jim Light, ASUO senator at-large, expressed the opinion that the convention would instill a great deal of party spirit. As Glass put it, “It would put the control of the nomination back in the hands of the party.’’ A suggestion that the ASUO primary limits the boundary of political freedom for the voter in the coming elections was also pro fessed. Earlier this year, in a statement regarding the functions of his party, Glass said that the purpose of AGS is to promote the interest of its members in student govern ment of the University in harmony with the best interests of the stu dent body as a whole. “Active par ticipation by students in campus politics is perhaps the best means j of insuring good student govern ment,” he stated. Glass last week was selected as the AGS candidate for senior class president. Platform Announced The complete platform of the Greeks, which was passed unani mously except for the plank re lating to the primary amendment, is as follow's: "The Associated Greek Students stand on the following platform for the >954 ASUO elections. It is the desire of AGS to elevate the position of student government at the University of Oregon and this platform is designed for that pur pose. The proposals herein de scribed are not abstract but are actually within the reach of capa ble student government. “1. The ASUO should strive to : ward the formation of a North ■ west Federation of Collegiate Leaders. There is much value in I meeting and discussing problems | with representatives of othei ! Northwest schools of similar size and nature. “2. Believing that the exchange assembly program is vital to the j public relations program of the | University, and that strict censor l ship is undesireable, the Associated Greek Students advocate re-estab lishment of the ASUO entertain j ment commission to evaluate the Preview Housing Lists Now Ready Housing lists for Duck Pre view weekend, Friday and Sat urday, are now available at the Emerald hall offices of Ray Hawk and Mrs. Golda Wick ham, associate directors of stu dent affairs, according to Norm Webb, housing chairman for the weekend. Representatives from the houses should pick up their lists some time before Friday, Webb said. Registration for the weekend will begin Friday at noon in the Student Union, and will continue until 10 p.m. Friday. It will be re sumed again Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon. First event of the weekend will be the auction, under the general chairmanship of Jack Rally and sponsored by World University Service. It will be held Friday at 4 p.m. in the SU fishbowl, Lally said. What to Take? The “What to Take?” sessions, inaugurated this year as an educa tional feature of the weekend, will he held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday. Following the session on cur riculum requirements, the all-cam pus vodvil show will be held in McArthur court. The vodvil show is also sponsored by WUS, and will feature the selection of "The Ugli est Man on Campus,” determined by student donations this week. First event of Saturday morn ing is the orientation assembly which will be held in the SIT ball room from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Speak ers include University President O. Meredith Wilson, basketball play er Barney Holland, Danforth grad uate Jo Hutchon and AWS Presi Y Now Receiving Snapshot Entries Entries are currently being re ceived in the YMCA-sponsored all campus snapshot contest. Deadline for entering the contest is May 3. Subjects of the pictures must be limited to some aspect of cam pus life and each contestant is allowed to enter three pictures, ac cording to the rules of the con test. Only black and white snap shots will be accepted. First and second place winners will receive cash prizes of $15 and $10. The money was donated by Eugene film and camera stores. Contest entry blanks appeared in last week’s Emerald. dent Janet Wick. Tom Wrightson, ASUO president, will be master of ceremonies. Band to Play The entire University band and the rally squad will also be at the assembly, to lead school yells and songs, according to Barbara Bailey and Carol DeVilbiss, co-chairmen of the assembly. After the assembly educational exhibits will be held in each de partment, and campus tours will be held until 1 p.m. The tours, which will include all spots of in terest on the campus, will be led by members of Kwama, sopho more women's service honorary. Lunch in living organizations will be held at 1 p.m., to provide time for both the exhibits and tours. Sports Featured Three sports events will begin at 2 p.m. They will include the baseball game with the Salem Sen ators, the track meet, and the an nual Amphibian show in the men’s pool. Exchange dinners Saturday eve ning will begin at 5:30 p.m. House pairings for the dinners will be announced in Friday’s Emerald. The semi-formal Duck Preview dance, featuring the band of Tom my Fox, will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight in the SU ballroom. Theme of the dance will be “Com ing Attractions.’’ Typical scenes of College life will be used for decorations. r i effectiveness of student entertain ment which is intended to be pub licly presented. "3. The Associated Greek Stu I dents favor the adoption of the two amendments to the ASUO con stitution which are to be voted on at the same time as the ASUO I elections. "A. The amendment concern ing freshmen class elections: to elect a freshman candidate only [ to the office which he is seeking. “B. The amendment to elect the graduate student member of the | ASUO senate at the same time as the freshman class elections are held. ‘‘4. The Associated Greek Stu dents favor revision of the ASUO senate procedure to include use of standing committees. “5. The Associated Greek Stu dents favor the return of primar ies to party level. Last spring term, one week aft er former ASUO Vice-President Don Collin had outlined the United Independent Students platform in J eluding the statement that "UlS favors an all-campus primary which will allow students democ racy in choosing their party can j didates, ASUO President Wright son stated the AGS stand as: i "AGS is in favor of the all-campus primary. We feel it would allow the parties to maintain their indi viduality and at the same time would provide a more expedient i method of filling party slates.” "Marriage of Figaro" “The Marriage of Figaro," is the i movie scheduled for showing in Commonwealth 138 tonight at 7 | and 9 p.m. The authoritative and complete 1 film version of the Mozart opera | is sponsored by the Student Union i movie committee. Admission is | free, according to Barbara Wil cox, committee chairman. Air Honorary Gets Charter Air Command Squadron, basic | AFROTC honorary, has been offi ! cially accepted into the national organization and has received a charter from the national group. The objectives of the Air Com mand Squadron as stated in its charter, are the promotion and de velopment of skill and interest in the basic course of the AFROTC. The charter members of the Air Command Squadron, whose names are posted on the charter in the ROTC building, are Merle Atwood, Richard Bach, Otto Crumroy, Jerry Farrow, Doyle Higdon, Lynn Husband, Timothy James, Richard Lundy, Robert Meader, Buzz Nelson, Peter Plumridge, Robert Ransom, James Richey, Tom Stamper, Howard Sussman, Sam Vahey, Robert Walberg and Art Weber. The Oregon branch has also been designated as the wing headquar ters for all Pacific Northwest Air Command squadrons. Tops in Entertainment * / H A T S Watch for It! Two Candidates Added To WUS Hostess List Two names have been added to the list *of candidates for World University Service hostess, accord ing to Jean Kay, WLTH hostess co chairman. They are Marjatta Haavio, Finland, and Ingrid MelJ ling, Sweden. Students may vote for the WUS hostess as the same time they vote for Junior Weekend Queen today and Thursday. Presentation of Vodvll tickets will not bo neces sary in order to vote, Miss' Kay said. The winning foreign student candidate will be Introduced at the annual Vodvil show Friday at 10 p.m. in McArthur Court. She will present awards to the winning Vodvil acts. Hostess candidates previously announced are Ana Dlugatch, Ar gentina; Namiko Ikeda, Japan; Miyeko Ohno, Japan; Judith Ped erson; Denmark; Demetria Pu Campus Calendar Noon Higher Educ Lnch 110SU Journ Lnch 11-1 SU Fr Tbl Com Lnch SU 12:30 UIS Platfrm Com 315 SU 3:00 Duck Prev Prog Ch 111 SU 4:00 Sing Sub Com 112 SU Journ Coffee Hr 334 SU SU Bd 337 SU 5:00 Ore Moms & Dads Potluck Ger Snprch 6:30 Mortar Bd 111 SU 7:00 Hally Com 112 SU Educ Movie 138 CW 7:30 Asklepiads 114 SU Stu Traf Ct 315 SU Pb Bd 337 SU Sq Dance Ger Anx Cornbellack Lect Brs Rm SU 8:00 Hui O 113SU IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS Jante, the Philippines; Omneyo Souelem, Egypt; Agnes Weitz, Qermany, ami Gertrude Wlrgler, Austria. Social Calendar Wednesday Desserts Alpha Omlcron PI Delta Tan Delta. Wednesday Picnics 1*1 Beta Phi Sigma Chi. Campus Ugly Men Eliminated Tonight Candidates for the title of "Ug liest Man on Campus" will be cut to 10 finalists tonight. Jars con taining money donated In support of the candidates will be picke I up at the Co-op at 4 :30 and at the Student Union at 9:30 tonight. All proceeds from the contest, which is sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega, will go to the World Uni versity Service fund drive. Thu winner of the contest will be an nounced at the Vodvil show Friday night. SELL IT-THRU THE WANTADS Don Weml. CUtiifUd Advertising Mgr. FOR SALE; ‘39 Plyrn Coupe, $75. Runs good. Terms. Ph. 5-7880 or 5-5327. 4-23 FOR SALE One set golf clubs with bag 3 woods and 9 Iron*. $50. Ph. 5-1602. 4-22 LOST Cigarette lighter between Collge Side and Lemon "O." Ini tials J.P.T. on lighter. Call John at University Cleaners. 4-23 Annual Meeting University of Oregon Co-operative Store to be held Thursday, April 22 at 4:00 P.M. Room 207, Chapman Hall Nomination for membership on The Board of Directors will be held. U of O Co-op Store rush INN