Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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0 An important mooting ot the i
WUS publicity committee will!
be held today at 4 p.m. in the Stu
dent linion, according to Anne
Hill, chairman.
0 The second in a series of
YWCA junior advisers training ses
sions will be held at noon Thurs
day at the Side, according to Sally
Stadelhian, senior cabinet publicity
0 The YWCA cabinet will meet
Wednesday at noon in Gerlinger
hall, according to Sally Stadelman,
publicity chairman.
0 The YWCA executive coun
cil will meet at noon today in Ger
linger hall, according to Sally Stad
elman, publicity chairman for the
senior cabinet.
0 Subcommittee chairmen for
the Junior Prom will meet at 4
p.m. today in the Student Union,
according to Janet Wick, prom
0 Psi Chi, psychology honorary,
will meet at 12:20 p.m. today in
the Student Union. Psi Chi mem
bers, faculty members, graduate
students, and interested upper di
vision students in psychology are
• The Order of the “O” will
meet at Sigma Nu at noon Wednes
day, according to President Doug
Clement. Plans for initation will
be discussed.
0 Phi Theta, junior women's
service honorary, will meet at 6:30
tonight in the Student Union, ac
cording to Janet Wick, president.
0 The cabinet of the Associat
ed Women Students will meet to
day at 2 p.m. in the Student Union,
according to Janet Wick, presi
Air Force ROTC
Inspection Slated
Officers from the Air University
at Montgomery, Alabama, will in
spect the Air Force ROTC on the
University, May 3 and 4. The high
point of the inspection will be a
review of Air Force ROTC cadets
at 2 p.m., Tuesday, May 4.
Besides inspecting the cadets at j
drill, the officers will observe
classroom teaching and will review
administrative matters of the Air
Force detachment.
By such an inspection, the na
tional ROTC headquarters is able
to keep in contact with the ROTC
at the university, and the inspecting
officers are able to make recom
mendations to this detachment,
said Lt. Col. Sam Sheffield, assist
ant professor of air science and
Inspecting the detachment will
be Col. Roy Hillyer, Lt. Col. Ber
nard Campbell and Maj. Charles
Brooks, all from the Air Univer
sity. While here they will also meet
with University President O.
Meredith Wilson.
Theta Sig Meets
Theta Sigma Phi actives and
alums will meet at 7:30 tongiht in
the Student Union with Mrs. Oak
ley Maxwell, regional director.
Mrs. Maxwell is visiting chap
ters of Theta Sig, the national pro
fessional honorary for women in
journalism, throughout the north
Campus Calendar
Noon Deseret Cl
Soc Staf
Psi Chi
Fest of Cont Art
12:30 SDX 315 SU
1:00 OSC Exec Asbly Blrm SU
2:00 OSC Cof Hr
4:00 Gam Alph Chi
Jr Prom Com
WUS Fnd Pb
6:30 Phi Chi Theta
K warn a
Phi Theta
7:00 IVCF
Christian Sci
Vodvil Elim
7:30 Delta Nu Alpha
110 SU
111 SU
112 SU
113 SU
114 SU
214 SU
110 SU
315 SU
319 SU
110 SU
111 SU
315 SU
334 SU
Ger 1st FI
Ger Anx
112 SU
Worn. Fac Brdg 213 SU
Theta Sig Phi 315 SU
0 The Associated Greek Stu
dents representatives, will meet at
Alpha Chi Omega at 4 p m. today.
• The Red Cross Board will
meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the
Student Union, according to Mary
Wilson, president.
0 Skull and Dagger, sopho
more men's service honorary, will
meet at Phi Kappa Psi at 7 p.m.
tonight, according to Bob Maier,
0 Druids, junior men's honor
ary, will meet at 6:15 p.m. today
in the Student Union, according to:
Pete Williams, president.
0 Sigma Delta Chi, profession
al journalism fraternity, will meet1
in the Student Union at 12:30 p.ni.
today, according to Jerry Harrell,
Carnival Exhibits
Wanted by WUS
Foreign students who tire inter
ested in selling or exhibiting items
at the World University Service
foreign students carnival should
leave them at the YMCA office in
the Student Union or with Ingrid
Meijling at Delta Zeta by 4 p.m.
Souvenirs which are for exhibi
tion only should have name tags.
Those for sale should be marked
with the purchase price. Students
will be reimbursed for all items
sold, Ingrid Meijling, carnival
chairman, has announced.
The carnival will be held this
weekend. All proceeds will go to
the WUS drive.
Soph Y Members
Seek Counselors
Members of the YWCA sopho
more commission will visit the
women's dormitories and co-ops
this week to get the names of stu
dents interested in becoming duck
ling counselors. Co-chairmen of the
program are Alice Kihn and Mar
garet Tyler.
The duckling counseling pro
gram is sponsored by the YWCA
to aid freshmen when they arrive
at the University fall term. The
counselors are expected to attend
one of two training meetings, to
write the student assigned to them
during the summer, and to meet
them during the first week of
Training meetings will be held
May 18 and 20 at Carson and
Hendricks hall.
Don Wind, CUnlfUd Adveriltlng Mgr.
FOIL S U.K: '39 IT,in ( $7.V
UuriH good. Terms. I’h. 5-7880
or 5-5327. 4-23
FOR SALE —- One set golf clubs
with bug. 3 woods and 9 Irons.
$50. I’h. 5-1602. 4-22
YW Junior-Senior
Breakfast Slated
The Annual YWCA Junior-Sen
ior breakfast will be held Sunday,
May 2 at 9:30 a.m., according to
Nancy Heine, general chairman.
I smoked filter tip cigarettes for years before I tried
L&M's. They have a far better flavor than any other
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and try L&M's yourself. You’ll like them too.
America’s Highest Quality and
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1. Effective Filtration, from the Miracle
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2. Selective Filtration —the L&M
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removes the heavy particles, leav
ing you a light and mild smoke.
3. Much Less Nicotine —the L&M
Filter* removes one-third of the smoke,
leaves you all the satisfaction.
4. Much More Flavor and Aroma. At last
a filter tip cigarette with plenty of good
taste. Reason —L&M Filters’ premium
quality tobaccos, a blend which includes
special aromatic types.
*U. S. Patent Pending
Copyright 1954, Liocrrr Ic Mmi Toncoo Co.