Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    UO Trackmen Tip
Husky Thinclads
Tlic l Diversity of Oregon
track ami field team roared to
a decisive 74-57 win over the
Washington Huskies at Hay
ward field Saturday afternoon
in the first dual meet of the
season for the two teams.
1 lie Ducks grabbed an early
had in the meet and held it
throughout. Hill Uowerman’s
Webfoots garnered 10 first places
in the 15 event program.
The first event of the day gave
an indication of what was to come.!
Wayne Reiser and Bill Dellinger,
the Duck distance men. started the
day off right by placing one-two In
the mile run to give their team an ;
8-1 lead. Later on these same two
performers finished in second and
third place behind Washington's
Denny Meyer in the two-mile run.
Reiser's winning time in the mile
was -1:25.
Meyer Sets Record
Meyer, who Is one of the best
two-niilers In the country this sea
son stepped off a new record in
his specialty when be galloped the
two-mile distance in the sparkling
time of 8:22.9.
Ruhhpttst Wins
Diihlcpjtst pulled the surprise
of the day when he came from be
hind on the final turn to over take j
the leaders and win the quarter-;
mile run in 50.5. Ted Anderson, the j
favorite in this event, faded badly !
and failed to place.
Springbctt scoied hi* first;
double victory since he came to |
Oregon when he won both the 100,
and 220-yard dashes. His time for J
the latter was a very neat 22.6.
Fawcett upset favored Kmery
Barnes in the high Jump as he
sailed over the bar at 6 4". Barnes i
tried to clear at this height but:
coukln't quite make it.
Higdon Shows ( lass
Higdon continued to display un
limited class for a rookie as he !
tossed the javelin 1919 ' to edge
favored Darrell Skarvedt of the I
IM Postponement
Aftftistant Intramural Director '
Karl Ferguson, uu.mmced Frl- j
day that Tuesday afternoon’s !
Intramural softball game* will
be cancelled.
Ferguson said that the IM
department intended to reached- i
ule the games for some time in
Monday, April 19, 1954
3:50, North field. Barrister Inn
vs. Philadelphia House.
3:50, South field, Nestor Hall vs.
Susan Campbell.
3:50, Upper field. Pi Kappa Phi
vs. Phi Kappa Sigma.
4:55, North field, Sigma Nu vs.
Lambda Chi Alpha.
4:55, South field, Phi Kappa Psi
vs. Kappa Sigma.
4:55, Upper field, Sigma Phi
Epsilon vs. Theta Chi.
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In the two hurdle races Sorsby
und Hogge florninated the pack
Soraby finished first In the Iowa in
i!5.0 seconds and Sogge took the
top prize in the highs in 15-5 sec
Ulckenbottom showed his best
performance of the season in the
pole vault as he cleared 13'4” to
defeat Hob Retd of Oregon and
Hilton of Washington, his nearest
The Huskies picked up their first
places in the two-mile, already
mentioned, the discus, shot put,
broad jump, and mile relay.
Rkarvedt was very impressive
in the broad Jump, going 23 feet
Ben Johnson of the Ducks placed
second in this event.
Washington*picked up all three
place# in the dliicu# a# Terry
Strom, Duane Wardlow, and Jerry
Banger placed one-two-three.
Wardlow later won the shot put
also. *
The Ducks see their next track
action next Saturday afternoon
when they have another dual meet.
The Washington State Cougars
favored by many to be one of the
top team.*; in the Northern Division
this year, will offer the opposition.
Duck Diamond Crew Splits
With Washington State Nine
Bin k Bailey’s Washington State
Cougars took good advantage of
costly Oregon errors last Saturday
afternoon on Howe field to down
the Ducks 11-8 and earn an even
two game split with Don Kirsch s
favored nine. The Webfoots won
the first game on Friday by a 10-1
Five Duck errors were the big
contributing factor as the visiting
COugars pushed over nine runs in
the first three innings of action
and continued to lead throughout
the ball game as the host diamond
force fought furiously to catch
Two towering home runs by
George Shaw helped the Kirsch
men creep up to within shouting
distance of the Staters late in the
game but the Ducks didn’t have
quite enough push to equalize the
' arly inning scoring onslaught by
the Cougars.
Blodgett Lose*
Bill Blodgett started on the
mound for the Ducks and was
charged with the loss although he
only lasted until midway in the
second frame. Trent Huls, Farrell
Albright, Bill Gamer, and Norm
Forbes all succeeded Blodgett to
the pitching hill.
In the Friday game it was a
much different story as the Ducks
ran roughshod over their oppon
ents, 10-1. Paced by two home;
r uns by Shaw and the fine two- i
hit pitching of Norm Forbes, the
Webfoots completely outclassed!
the visiting nine.
Shaw, who connected for four
round-trippers in the series, hit
his first on in the fourth inning i
with Neil Mariett on base- and this!
gave the Ducks their third and
fourth markers of the game. His
•■econd came in the sixth when he
powered a 380-foot drive to left
field. In all for the day, Shaw
drove in six runs and scored three t
himself to be the main factor in
the decisive Oregon win.
Sehlosstein Hits
Another first game four-baser
was clubbed by first-sacker Dick
I Sehlosstein. For the series Schlos
-tein hit very well, getting four
[hits in eight times at bat.
John Keller and Neil Mariett hit
i triples during the two games for
the Ducks and Bob Wagner,
Schlosatein, Jerry Roes, amj
Porbts connected for doubles.
By virtue of their split with th*
Cougars, Oregon rests in third
place in the Northern Division,
standing*. Washington and Oregon
.State are tied for the league lead
with two wins each without a
Webfoot Netfers
Lose to Portland
Portland university scored their
second straight shutout win over
the University of Oregon tennis
team Saturday when they downed
the Ducks 7-0 on the Duck courts.
The Pilots had far too much
class for the host of Webfoots and
during the afternoon of play tfco
netters of Bob Laurence could win
only one set. Dick Gray and De n
Bonime managed to pull one set
out of the fire from the Pilots’
Jerry Doyle and Dick Walsh be
fore going down to defeat.
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