Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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by Mary Egan
Imvrald Living Organiiationt Editor
At Campbell Club . . .
I’ccont house elections resulted In Sam Vahey being chosen as pres- 1
Went, Gordon Rice as vice-president, Elmer Jones a* secretary, Dick
Campbell as ho me manager, Bill Veatcl: as social chairman, and Art
Middleton as member-at-large.
Jack Kichy and Darrell Maurer, freshmen, have given their pins to
Helen Wise, Portland, and Nancy Kern. Gresham, respectively.
At Alpha Gamma Delta . . .
•s! ring term findu Darlene Hammer as president of the Alpha Gam
house; first vice-president, Barbara Gilpin; treasurer, Tammy Breese;
scholarship chairman, Camille O'Toole; social chairman. Sandra Deck,
rushing chairman, Marlene Perry; house manager, Maxine Lindros,
and corresponding recorder, Sally Mollner.
Recent engagements include those of Claire Kyllo to Bill Scoonover,
Sigmrt Nu; and Nancy Hall to Bob Ogle, Sfg Ep.
AT Rebec House ...
Newly elected president of Rebec House is Pat McCormick. Assist
ing tier will be vice-president, Mary Alien; secretary, Georgia Olsen,
•nd treasurer, Judy Counts.
At Carson Hall . . .
Installation of officers took place Sunday, April 11 at Carson hall.
They included president, Nancy Moore; standards chairman and first
Vice-president, Mary Salazar; social chairman and second vice-presi
dent, Eunice Peckenpaugh; secretary, Beverly Jones; treasurer, Alice
Komatsu; historian, Ruth Lear; and chaplain, Bonnie Butler.
At Alpha Hall . . .
Kip Wharton, sophomore in business administration, is the new
president of Alpha hall. Other officers include Jay Shinohara, vice
president; Ray Kemery. secretary; Len Calvert, treasurer; Sam Frear,
social chairman; and Phil Booking, athletic chairman.
At University House ...
New officers of University house are president, Maureen Rice; vice
president, Rita Kenyon; secretary, Annell Anderson; treasurer, Kath
leen Evans; work chairman, Greta Wildey; song leader, Sharon Fin
Ch.im; histoiian, Norniko Ikdea; and chaplain, Rose Warner.
Karlene Sawyer left at the end of winter term for Hawaii, where
she will marry Joseph Tom, University graduate, in June. Libby Bris
co announced her engagement to Pat Hanna, graduate of Oklahoma
A ic M. They will be married-in July. Rita Kenyon has announced her
engagement to Louis d'Allia. University freshman
At Alpha Xi Delta ...
New executive office™ of Alpha Xi Delta arc president. Floy Louise
Von Grocmwald; vice-president. Susie Summerer; membership chair
man. Nolene Wade; recording secretary, Elizabeth Mcllveen; corres
ponding secretary, Carolyn Keith; and treasurer. Diana Skidmore.
New pledges of Alpha Xi Delta are Shirley Dean, Martha Gossnell,
Nancy Mahan. Lucy Sprouce and Rosemary Stephenson.
Founder's Day will be honored by all members April 19. A joint
banquet between the alumnae and active members will be held at this j
time, followed by a program. •
Official delegates of the house attended a Province convention at
Corvallis recently. They were active president. Floy Louise Von Groen
Wald, ami Eugene alumnae president, Pat Hmilton. The convention
convened with a Panhellenic tea Friday evening. Business meetings
were held Saturday and a luncheon was held at the Oregon -State
Memorial Union Saturday noon. Saturday night members enjoyed a
formal Rose Banquet at the Benton Hotel. Ruth Cutlip and Shirley
Dean provided the musical entertainment. The conve ntion closed with
pledging and initiation ceremonies, followed by a brunch at the chap
ter house Sunday morning.
At Ann Judson House . . .
Holding offices at the Ann Judson House for the next three terms
will be president, Rosalie Blickenstaff; vice-president, Carolyn Kelta;
secretary, Joanne Edstrom; and treasurer, Barbara Pitcher.
Virginia Rabick is engaged to Marvin Webster, who is attending
Fuller Theological seminary in Pasadena. Calif. No date has been set
for the weeding. Webster is a 1953 graduate of Oregon, and a member
Of Philadelphia House.
Helen Bersie and Mabel Eskew became members of Ann Judson on
the first Sunday of the term.
At Gamma Phi Beta . . .
Judging from the five recent pinnings at the Gamma Phi house,
spring fever must be catching. Gayle Seidel is wearing the pin of
Sigmu Chi, Chuck Wilhoit. Norma Crowley is pinned to Dan Reynolds,
DU, and Jo Hodler is pinned to Beta, Norm Forbs. Joan Applebaum
and Joan Dundore are wearing the Sig Ep pins of Carl Irwin and Don
Sullivan, respectively.
Mary Lou Dyer of Portland recently announced her engagement to
Jim Ferguson, also of Portland.
At Philidelphia House . . .
Don Jacobs has been engaged to Pat Lawrence of Medfprd, and Wes
Roop has pinned Betty Parrett of Eugene. Ngw house officers are Rich
ard Proctor, president; Jim Pengra, vice-president; Chuck Austin,
chaplain; Richard Koe, house manager; Howard Zimmerman, work
chairman; Elmo Schiewe, secretary; and Don Jacobs, sergeant-at-arms.
Anti-Joe Editor Is Ouster Object Himself
SAUK CITY, Wis.-The editor
who is backing the campaign to
recall Senator Joseph McCarthy,
Leroy Gore of the Sauk Prairie
Star, is himself the object of an
ouster petition. But he says he
doesn't believe that there’s much
strength behind the move.
Gore started a movement la
belled "Joe Must Go” to circulate
the recall petitions. A Sauk City,
group has launched a “Door for
Gore’’ petition requesting that
the “Joe Must Go" headquarters:
be moved elsewhere.
But Gore says there is an impli
cation also that he is being asked
to leave a much different matter,
he says, than requesting a recall
Campus Calendar
10:00 Co. Supts. 3i,«>SU
Noon Co. Supts 110 SU
Ital Tbl 111 SU
Erner Staf 112 SU
WUH So! 113 SU
4 :00 Fri at 4 Fishbowl SU
6:30 Ertg Tchrs Lnch 110 SU
7 :46 Fri Eve Cof Hr
Brs Rm SU
Jobs Offered;
Interviews Set
A limited number of men for in-!
suranee administration positions
will be recruited Monday by Wally
Johnson, of Etna Life Insurance
group division.
On Wednesday Larry Jor.es, rep
re enting Montgomery Ward, will j
Interview for retail store managers
and mail order executives. Make
arrangements for interviews with
K W. Onthank, director of grad
uate placement, at Emerald hall.
Willis to Discuss
Chinese Writing
"Chinese Picture Writing"
will be discussed tonight in thei
Student Union browsing room by1
Donald S. Willis, assistant profes
sor of Oriental Languages. The j
program will start at 7:43 ^j.m.
Willis will explain the pictorial ^
origins of some of the Chinese
characters, the ideas which have j
become attached to the characters
through the centuries and the,
use of the same characters
in Japanese writing. He will also
show why the Chinese writing de
veloped into its ideographic form.
Coffee wil be served following
the program, according to John
W’ells, chairman of the SU brows
ing room committee.
Five Plan to Attend
Science Gathering
Five representatives of the sci
ence department will attend the
annual student science conference
at Reed college Saturday.
At the meeting, Loretta Hum
phreys, sophomore in math, and
Pt’ggy Copple, sophomore in lib
eral arts, will read a paper on
"Chemistry as an Industry.” The
paper to be read by Dick Lyons,
sophomore in pre-med, is entitled
"An Oregon Copepod and a Meth-,
od for Extracting Its Red Pig
Accompanying the three stu
dents to the conference will be
George Gorin, assistant professor
of chemistry, and A. L. Soderwall.
associate professor of biology.
Med School Prof
Gets Fellowship
By Associated Press
A University of Oregon medical
school professor, Dr. Arthur J.
Seaman, has been awarded a Ful
bright fellowship for a year’s
study and research at the Univer
sity of Oslo, Norway.
Seaman’s studies will begin in
September and will be under Paul
Owren, a noted authority on prob
lems of the blood. Seaman is an
associate professor of experimen
tal medicine at the Oregon medi
cal school.
with a touch of Broadway.
Broadway with a touch of
George Feyer, Piano with
Rhythm Accompaniment
1235 Willamette
TV Station Manager Talks
Wednesday at Coffee Hour
o'- *-*• "vnnuviw, manager
of television station KNXT in Los
AngelPfC will speak at an infor
mal coffee" hour at 4 p.m. Wed
nesday in the Student Union.
Moskovlcs was an early pio
neer in television, especially in
the field of sales planning. In the
spring of 1945 he became one of
the first to devote full time ef
forts to selling TV. From sales
manager .of CBS-TV in 1945 he
was promoted in 1947 to manager
of the television sales develop
ment. In January, 1951, he took
over the position which he holds
Bom in Kansas City, Mo., Mos
koVics completed his schooling
in New York. In 1910 he was. ap
pointed advertising manager of
American Motors Inc. in Indian
apolis, later becoming advertis
ing chief of the Society of Auto
motive Engineers. In 1917 he be
came advertising manager of
Mitchell Motors in Racine. Wis
Soon after in 1920 and up until
1932 he was West Coast sales
managc-r for Marmom Motor car s.
He began his radio carter in
1934 as a sales manager for KFAC
WRA Cabinet Plans
Annual Spring Trip
New and old cabinet members
of the Women's Recreation as
sociation are leaving this after
noon for their annual retreat, ac
cording to Nikki Trump, presi
dent of the group.
Evaluation of the past year's
program and planning for next
year will be done at the confer
ence meetings tonight and Satur
day morning at the retreat site.
Kitson Springs. The group will
return Saturday afternoon.
The 1954-55 WRA cabinet in
cludes Miss Trump, president; Sal
ly Stadelman, vice-president; Dor
is Liljeberg, secretary; Prudv
Ducich, treasurer; Darlene Ham
mer, custodian, and Carol Harri
son, sergeant-at-arms.
Other cabinet members are
Margaret Ednie, head of sports;
Olivia Tharldson, publicity; Inga
Shipstead, historian; Marcia
Mauney, Amphibian representa
tive; Pamela Rabens, volleyball;
Sally Cummins, bowling; Louise
Robinson, basketball; Delores
Schleichert, badminton; Margaret
Ednie, swimming; Barbara Dspain.
tennis; Barbara Gilpin, softball;
Kathy Morrison, hockey and out
ing, and Marian Perry, adviser.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor: A1 Karr.
Copy Desk Editor: Gloria Lane.
Copy Desk Staff: Joe Gardner.
Kitty Fraser.
Night Staff: Marcia Mauney.
Mary Alice Allen.
«n<j later /r;r KNXT. In 1932 he
became sales promotion director
for CBS Pacific division and in
1942 was appointed the western
sales managrr.
Tour Will Visit
Europe, Africa
A summer study tour to Eur
ope and North Africa, to be held
from June 30 to Aug. 31 this sum
mer, has been announced by Eo
o: lard Bourbons son, associate pro
fessor of modern languages at
Oregon State college.
Members of the tour will sail
from New York city June 30 on
the steamer “Castel Felice" and
will land in England July 9. They
will leave Le Havre on the samf
ship. Aug. 23.
This will be the fourth year that
Bourbousson has organized and
accompanied a tour. He lived in
Europe prior to coming to this
Countries to be visited on the
lour include England. France (in
cluding the Frence Riviera/. Mon
aco. Spain, Italy, Switzerland and
The group will also go to North
The tour is planned for students
interested in the political, eco
nomic and social problems of wes
tern Europe and those who desire
a moie intimate knowledge of the
conditions of European life and
Moslem civilization.
Travel rates include S1220 for
a dormitory-type room and $1280
for a tourist cabin while en route.
The group will stay in first class
hotels and will travel in Europe
by rail and motor coach.
Interested students are to con
tact Bourbousson through the for
eign language department at OSC.
Only a limited number of reserva
tions for the tour are available, he
stated through correspondence.
England, France, Spain, Morocco,
Algeria, Switzerland, Germany.
Conducted by Prof F. Bourbousson.
SI 220.
63-Day Trip from New York to New
we will send them t'cr you
by telegram.
Potted Plants
Cut Flowers for Corsages
Phone 5-3112