Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Webfoots Prepare
For Cougar Series
Oregon's baseball team sharpen
ed tip on the hitting and fielding
Wednesday in an effort to be nt
top strength when they face the
Washington .State college Cougars
on friendly Howe field Friday and
Saturday afternoons.
Thlrdbaseman Pete Williams,
who Tuesday was elected team
(uptain, ran the Ducks through
the workout. Head coach Don
Klrsch was in Corvallis watching
the OSC B>avern maul WSC 7-1
behind the fine slants of Norm
Wellman. The two teams tangle
again today.
In the Cougars Oregon will be
facing a team with a 5-4 season's
record Including yesterday's en
counter. Coach Buck Bailey's club
has recorded wins over the Wash
ington State Pen, Whitman
(twicet, Tri-City Braves, and Lew
iston B rones.
WSC has lost to Lewiston, OSC
the Yakima Bears, and to Tri
Starting pitchers for both teams
are uncertain. Oregon will prob
ably go with Norm Forbes, Bill
Blodgett, or Trent Huls. Bailey can
counter with Lee Frank. Lee Dol
Duck Bowlers
Face LA Six
A top West Coast bowling team.
Allied Tool and Abrasive from Los
Angeles, will roll against the Uni
versity of Oregon keglers on the
Student Union alleys at 7:30 to
night. The match will be a warm
up for the Oregons, who will com
pete in the telephonic National In
tercollegiate tournament April 19
Oregon Is the defending national
Bowling for the Los Angeles
team, which competed in the
American Bowling Congress meet
in Seattle, will be Howie Busick,
Dutch See bold, Ralph RsulseU, Don
Carter, and Kmie Slabotsky.
The Oregon team win consist of
Bob Boyle, Leo Naapi, Norm
Keucker, Jim Kkstrom, Don
Hannu, and Champ Husted.
Big Bevo Expelled
"To Take It Easy"
Kast Liverpool, Ohio <.V> High
scoring Bevo Francis says he is
going to take it easy and look over
offers from A-A-U Basketball
The 6 foot 9-Inch sophomore was
expelled from Kio Grande college
Monday for failing to attend class
es and make up examinations.
Francis said his coach, Newt Oli
ver. had assured him he would fol
low wherever Bevo went.
cjulat, and Bill Eehdfr. Frank j
Mtarted and lout against the Bea-1
vcra Wednesday.
Burk Bailey
Peterson Fills
Hoop Vacancy
Don Peterson, ex-Oregon banket
ball player and a graduate of I
itooHcvelt high school of Portland, ;
wa* named a.s head cage mentor at
Klarnath Kalla union high school,
school officials announced Tues
Peterson had been serving as as- j
sistant coach to Paul McCall since
Besides his basketball duties.
Peterson will serve as assistant
j tutor in baseball and will teach
general science courses.
While at Oregon Peterson played
both basketball and baseball and
made a good name for himself in
both sports. He might have been
one of Oregon's greatest athletes
if he had not been forced out of
competition during his final two
years of school because of a knee
* injury.
Peterson is 24 and is married.
PE Club Elects
The Physical Education club met
Tuesday and elected officers for
next year. Bernie Tverill was elec- ;
ted president, Bob Williams vice
president, J. C. Johnson, treasurer,
and Les Plumb, secretary.
Thursday, April 15, 1954
3:50, North field, Pi Kappa Al
pha vs. Tan Kappa Epsilon.
3:50, South field, Chi Psi vs.
Delta Tau Delta.
3:50, Upper field, Phi Gamma
Delta vs. Campbell Club.
4:55, North field, Legal Eagles
vs. Hale Kane.
•I :55, South field. Phi Delta
Theta vs. Delta Upsilon.
4:55, Upper field, Merrick hall
vs. French hall.
Lucky Student Number 445
If your student body rurd bears thin number come in for a free
tie. Watch our ad* for future numbers!
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DU'S Phi Kap's,
Hale Kane Win
Dmitri Upsilon, Kappa Sigma,
Phi Kappa Sigma, Susan Camp
bell hall, and Hale Kane scored
softball wins Wednesday after
noon in intramural play. In an
other scheduled game Theta Chi
won over Tau Kappa Epsilon by
forfeit. J
The DU’s scored two runs in
each the second and fourth innings
to outlast Lambda Chi Alpha 4-1
in a close tussle.
In another tight fray Susan
Campbell edged French hall by a
4-3 count. The Hbsies had to kill a
last inning French rally to come
out on top.
The best played game of the day
was between Phi Kappa Sigma and
Campbell Club. In this one the
winners' Gene Beck tossed no hit
ball for four innings before being
nicked for a double by Don Jacob
son in the fifth and final inning.
The score was 3-0.
Hale Kane and- Kappa Sigma
both scored easy wins in their
games. Hale Kane pasted Phila
delphia House 16-5 and Kappa Sig- j
ma rolled over Delta Tau Deltai
Frick Issues
Glove Order
Major League Baseball Com-’
missioner Ford Frick has demand
ed strict enforcement of the new
rule requiring players to take their
gloves off the playing field when
they come in to bat. As a penalty,
Frick threatened to forfeit ball
Frick's stern warning was in the
form of a five-paragraph bulletin
sent to all major league clubs and
minor league presidents. The com
missioner said he was disturbed
about persistent reports that vari
ous leagues and clubs would make
their own interpretation of the
Although Frick didn't mention
names, it was reported reliably in
Florida that the American League
had voted, 7-1, to oppose the rule
and make its own interpretation
of the rule. National League Presi
dent Warren Giles earlier had is
sued a bulletin to all of his clubs,
laying down a policy of strict
Hayward Relays Set
First Competition Friday
Oregon meets Washington and ]
6» teams will take part in the four
divisions of the 17th Hayward Re
lays this weekend as the 1954
home track season gets underway.
The two-day prep classic has at-;
tracted a record number of teams,
five more than the previous high
in 1953. More than 1,000 prep ath
letes from Oregon and Washington
will be on hand for the track
classic sponsored by the Eugene
Active Club.
Three of the four defending
champions, Medford in the Metro
politan, Marshfield in Class “A”
and Henley in Class "C,” will be
back in an attempt to repeat their
1953 victories. Ashland, winner
last year in Class "3,’' has moved
up one division and a new cham
pion is assured in this class.
Close Meet
The varsity meet between the
Ducks and the Huskies will be
Duck Rackefmen
Face Willamette
The University of Oregon ten
nis team will go into action for
the second time this season when
they host the Willamette Bear
cats on the Duck courts starting
at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
The Webfoots lost their first
match of the season last Saturday
afternoon when they were down
ed by Portland university 7-0.
The Bearcats are not expected
to be as strong as the Pilots prov
ed to be and from all indications
the Willamette - Oregon meet
ought to be very close.
Taking part in the competition
for the Ducks are likely to be Ron
Lowell, Bob Baker, Dick Gray
Martin Magi, Dick Hamilton, and
Ed Jamison.
After the Eearcats match the
Duck netters will wait until Sat
urday when they play Portland in
a rematch on the Webfoot courts.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson.
Staff: Bob Robinson.
9 '
run at the same time as the Metro
politan and “A” divisions am*
promises to be one of the rloser
meets the two old rivals have had
in recent years.
Coach Bill Bowerman's Ducket
are basing their hopes for an up
set on improved field event
strength, better hurdlers and a fan
chance of cutting into the power
ful Washington middle distance
Oregon will have two of it<*
three "cripples,” Doug Clement
and Bill Dellinger hack in the 884fc
and the mile, but will still be with
out the services of A1 Martin, a
consistent point winner in botk
Strong in Sprints
The Ducks will have a strong*
entry in the sprints with Brut**
Spnngbett and Dave Talbot, in the
440-yard dash with Ted Anderson
and Fred Jacobs, will stick witfe
Clement and Bill Hail in the 880
Dellinger in the mile and Wayne
Reiser in the two-mile.
Doyle Higdon, who has been out
167 feet this season, is the top
man in the javelin and Emery
Barnes, a 6-8 jumper in 1952, i»
back again along with Bob Fau
cett in the high jump. The Web
foots wii] also have a one-two
threat in the pole vault where Kea
Hickenbotton and Bob Reid art
on hand.
Winter Swim Schedule
Afternoons 2 to •
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Nights 7 to 10
Wednesday, Thurs., Fri, Sat.
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