Kwama Petitions Must Have Photo A picture of each applicant must accompany petitions for Kwama, sophomore women’s hon orary, President Janet Gustafson has announced. The petitions are due at 5 p. m. Friday. All freshmen women who will be sophomores at the beginning of next fall term are eligible to peti tion. Petitioners must have a min imum of a 2.00 grade point aver age for fall term, and at least a 2.00 GPA for winter term. The standard ASUO petitions forms are to be used. No sugges Faculty Guest Tea To Be April 14 The Women's Faculty club will hold its guest day tea April 14 from 3 to 5 p. m. in Gerlinger hall. Mrs. * Oliver Willard is general chairman for the event. Mrs. Pierre Van Rysselberghe is retiring president of the club. The following women comprise the executive board of the club for the 1954-55 year: Mrs. Victor P. Morris, president * Mrs. Charles T. Duncan, vice-president: Mrs. Donald S. Willis, secretary; Mrs. Sidney W. Little, treasurer; Mrs. J _ William Robert, chairman of the j social committee. Mrs. William Bowerman, Mrs. i Quinrinius Breen. Mrs. Roy Me- j Call, Mrs. .Carl Hintz, Mrs. Oliver Willards. Mrs. Herman Gelhausen. j and Mrs. Charles G. Howard, mem bers of the social committee. Easter is a bonnet A dash of straw . .. the touch of flowers . . . # at the right prices! •a style for every face . . The Bonnet Nook On Willamette "COME IN AND SEE US" tions are to be submitted, and ac tivities are to be listed in order of their importance. The petitions may be submitted to Miss Gustafson at Kappa Kap pa Gamma, Dorothy Her at Carson hall, of to any other Kwama mem ber. Members of Kwama will visit the freshmen women's living or ganizations this evening to ex plain petitioning procedure and to answer any questions about pro cedure. Visiting Carson 3 will be Sonia Edwards and Barbara Johnson; Carson 4, Roberta Hackworth and Paula Curry; Carson 5, Lucia Knepper and Phyllis Pearson; Hendricks hall, Barbara Wilcox and Sally Ryan; Orides, Germaine LaMarche, and Ann Judson house, Jean Owen and Patty Teale. Photo Contest Deadline Set Entries are now being received for a snapshot contest sponsored by the YMCA. All University stu dents are eligible to enter pictures pertaining to campus life. A $15 first prize will be award ed the winner and the runner-up i will receive $10. Money for the | prizes was given by Coburn’s film 1 shop, Dot Dotson's camera store, j Eehly's studio. Wiltshire's cam era store and Kennell-Ellis studio. | Snapshots must be turned in to | the YM office in the Student Un ion hy May 3. All pictures will be come the property of the YM. Only black and white pictures may be entered and they must be on the subject of campus life. An entry blank for the contest j will appear in the Emerald later this week. University Singers Set Final Concert Clyde Keutzer, associate profes sor of music, will direct the Uni versity Singers in their final con cert of the year, Tuesday ut 8:l,r> p. m. In the Student Union bull room. Soloists for the program will be Dorothy Anderson, James Baker, Tamson Breese, Audrey Mistrettn, Ann Stearns and John Mosely. Miss Anderson will also sing a duet with Douglas Stobie. A girl’s trio and a male quartet will also appear on the program. Those in the trio are Patricia Hartley, Jqckie Densmore and Kathleen Harris. Larry Swanson, Robert Kelly, William Veatch, and Raymond Hill comprise the quar tet. Professor Keutzer has been head (*f the school of music at the Col lege of Puget Sound and head of the voice depnrtment at the Uni versity of North Carolina. Swanson in the president of tho University Singers and Joyce Sin ner is the accompanist. Preview Housing Lists Available on Tuesday Women’s housing lists for Duck j Preview will he available at the | office of Mrs, Golda P. Wic kham, associate director of student af i fairs, in Emerald hall at 1 p. m. Tuesday, according to Lucia Knep por. women’s housing chairman. Each women’s living organiza ; tion is to have a representative | pic k up Its list Tuesday. Addition al lists of seniors assigned to the living organizations will be* avail j able by 1 p. m. each day until 1 April 23. Today's CHESTERFIELD is the Best Cigarette Ever Made! me cigarette tested and approved by 30 years of scientific tobacco research. Chesterfields for Me!" (h* Broadway Hit and Sympathy" The cigarette with a proven good record with smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthly examinations of a group of smokers show no adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses from smoking Chesterfield. "Chesterfields for Me! Univartlty of Oklahoma '54 The cigarette that gives you proof of highest quality—low nicotine. For the taste and mildness you want—smoke America’s most popular 2*way cigarette. Largest Selling Cigarette in America's Colleges Copyright 1954, lioocn & Mrm Toiacco Co v