Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Webfoots Come from Behind
To Nip Willamette Nine, 8-7
Oregon Wallops
Three Hurlers
For 14 Safeties
Oregon s Ducks slammed
tlirc:e \\ illamelte pitchers fur
a total of 14 hits Saturday aft
ernoon as they edged tlx- lioar
cats K-/ oil the W efoot- home
Dick Schlosstein’s long fly
hall to left field in the bottom
of the ninth inning scored
r.eorge Shaw from third base
with the winning Webfoot run.
Shaw had opened the ninth with
a single to left field and had ad
vanced to third on u walk to John
Keller and an infield single by Bob
Duane Reeves, a sophomore
right-hander, got credit for the
pitching win after coming on in
the seventh frame. Reeves was one
of three hurlers that coach Don
Klrsch pushed Into action during
the high-scoring tussle. Gene
lyewis started for the Ducks and
was followed to the mound by Bill
Garner in the fourth. Reeves re
placed Carner in the seventh with
the Oregons leading by a narrow
6-5 count.
Bucks Start Fast
Oregon wasted little time in
scoring their first runs of the
game. Shaw. Keller, and Wagner
hit consecutive singles in the first
Monday, April 12, 1954
3:50. North field. Sigma Phi Ep
silon. vs. Pi Kappa Alpha.
3:50. South field. Phi Kappa Psi
vs. Chi Psi.
3:50, Upper field. Sigma Nu vs.
Phi Delta Theta.
4:65, North field, PI Kappa Phi
vs. Phi Gamma Delta.
4:55, South field, Nestor hall vs.
Merrick hall.
4:55, Upper field. Barrister Inn
vs, Legal Eagles.
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Sure To Be
Is the most welcome
permanent ^ift for
Mother's Day.
May we make it for you?
On The Campus
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frame and this combined with a
Willamette error produced two tal
A^aln In the second the Ducks
struck for a pair of markers. One
tmac blown by Pete William* and
N<-il Marlett and a long double to
left by Hhaw were the big wallops
of the Inning.
Willamette got back In the ball
game In their half of the third
wh<n Lewis gave up three free
passes and Oregon committed two
errors. Although they didn’t get
a single hit, the Bearcats picked
j up three runs.
Oregon tallied single counters in
both the third and fourth innings
but the visiting rune of John Lewis
put together a walk, a double by
| Gary B'nugert, and a costly out
field error by Shaw in the fifth to
I mark up two counters and cut the
Duck lead to 6-5.
Bearcats Hally
Things looked dark for Oregon
Oregon Bowlers
Win Kegiing Title
In Seattle Meet
Coach Lou Bellisimo's Univer
sity of Oregon bowling team won
the Northwest Intercollegiate
bowling title for the second year
in a row over the past weekend
as they rolled up a total score of
5,599. This was 323 pins better
than second place Washington and
far outdistanced third place Wes
tern Washington.
The 10 team field which partici
pated in the affair rolled their
scores on the University of Wash
ington alleys.
The Oregon doubles team also
won the doubles title for the sec
ond year in a row as Bob Boyle
and Don Hannu piled up a total of
1,180 pins to outscore Bob Nes
bitt and Ed Dong of Lewis and
Clark who scored 1,095. Dick
Khontz and Ted Oliver of Washing
ton took third place with 1,082
The singles championship for
the affair went to Bob Johnson of
Washington who racked up 638
pins. He was followed by Boyle
with 609 and Glen Horn of Wash
ington State with 601.
Highest one game total of the
tourney was rolled by Larry Re
gan of Washington with a 246.
Jim Kk drom of Oregon wasn't far
behind with a 237.
Marvin Globes of Oregon State
took the all-events title with a
scoje of 1,763. Three Ducks, Boyle,
Hannu, and Champ Husted fol
lowed the Beaver bowler in that
Oregon's next kegling action will
come Monday with the start of the
ABC tourney, also in Seattle.
(anttheft ?
Don Wenxl, Classified Advertising Mgr.
FOR SALE — 4-dr. 36 Dodge. Mo
tor, body, paint, tires, uphols
tery perfect. 70.000 actual miles.
See & drive it. You’ll agree $225
is a right price. Ph. 5-7123. See
at 47 Adams St. 4-12
LOST: Gold earring between Susan
Campbell & Carson Hall or Mc
Arthur Crt. Ph. 336. Reward.
LOST: Woman’s glasses in red
plaid case Tuesday. Between Em
erald Hall parking lot and Dairy
Queen 6-2569. 4-12
LOST — In science building, ladies
Ronson lighter, initialed PMH.
Call Polly 5-9345, 4-16
Professional typist, approved by
graduate division, will accept
work now for spring deadline.
1610 Columbia St.
in the seventh as Terry Ziegej
man rifled a single to left, Bill
Nelson was safe on a fielder's
choice, and Bhugort scored them
both with another double to deep
left field. This pushed the Salem
nine in front for the first time
in the game at 7-6.
But the Ducks refused to fall
over dead. With two men out in
the eighth, Jim Johnson was safe
on Ziegelman's error. He came all
the way around to score when left
fielder Bhigerto dropped Bernie
Averill's long fly ball.
This foray tied the count once
again and set the stage for the
climactic ninth inning.
Leading hitter for Oregon was
| Shaw who collected three safeties
in four official trips to the plate.
Ki lier, Wagner, Schlosstein and
Williams all pieked up two hits
during the fray as the Ducks went
ion their biggest hitting lampage
; of the season.
Willamette (T)
ZlegeIman, Zb
Nelson, s**
Hhugert, lb
Reed, lb
Patton, c
N'effpndorf, 3b
Mc( allittt*r, rf
Hhleld, m
Coen, p
Gray, p
Feller, p
Oregon (8)
Shaw, nt .
Keller, ss
Wagner, If
Phillips, rf
Hcbloaalriii, lb
UilllamH, 3b
Johnson, 'lb
Marlett, c
Averlll, c
Lewis, p
Garner, p .
Beeves, p
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 0 0
0 10
32 7 6 4
1 0 0
36 8 14 3
x-Struek out for Garner in 8th.
Winner- Reeves; Loser- Feller.
2b- Shaw, Shugert 2.
Willamette 003 020 200 7
Oregon 221 100 011 8
Pilots Roll Past
Duck Net Squad
Portland university scored a
complete sweep last Saturday aft
ernoon as they shut out the Ore
gon tennis team 7-0 on the Pilot
Sporting one of the strongest
teams in the Northwest, the Port
landers proved that they had far
too much power for the helpless
Ducks to cope with on this sunny
The Pilots did have one of then
records for the season spoiled dur
ing the course of the day. Ron
Lowell, senior letterman of the
Ducks, did manage to win one set
from the Pilots' number one man,
Jack Neer, before going down to
defeat. This marked the first time
this year that Portland has lost
a single set.
Most of the rest of the matches
went pretty much as the Portland
crew wanted although Bob Baker
of Oregon gave Jerry Doyle of the
hosts a good battle before suc
cumbing, 11-13 and 2-6.
The results of the matches fol
Singles: Jim Flynn (P) defeated
Dick Gray (O) 6-0, 6-0; Jerry
Doyle (P) defeated Bob Baker (O)
13-11, 6-2; Mike Walsch (P) de
feated Dick Hamilton (O) 6-3, 6-0;
Burke Mims (P) defeated Martin
Magi (O) 6-3, 6-3; Jack Neer fP)
defeated Bon Lowell (O) 5-7 6-3,
Doubles: Neer and Flynn (P)
defeated Lowell and Gray (O) 6-0,
6-3; Mims and Walsch (P) de
feated Baker and Hamilton (O)
6-2, 6-2.
Duck Trackmen Gallop
Over Three Opponents
In Saturday Oval Test
Jne University of Oregon track
and field squad surprised everyone
including themselves last Saturday
afternoon as they won 12 out of 15
events to literally nan away with
a four-way track meet at Port
land university.
The Ducks ended up with an
enormous total of 86 points for the
afternoon. Oregon State placed
second in the affaii with 33
markers, Lewis and Clark third
with 28, and host Portland last
with 17.
Oregon supposedly weak in the
field events, demonstrated that
this was a true understatement as
they completely dominated the
field competition.
Lloyd Wins
The only field event which the
Oregons did not win was the broad
jump in which Lewis and Calrk s
Caley Cook soared 23'2'_,Other
than this it was all Oregon. Ben
Lloyd paced the Ducks by winning
both the shot put and the discus.
He was the only Oregon double
winner of the day.
Other Webtoot field men who
came out on top were Emery
Barnes in the high jump, Ken
Hickenbottom in the pole vault,
and Doyle Higdon in the javeiin.
Higdon surprised many folks
when he hurled the spear 196 feet
to upset highly favored Stan
Church of Oregon State.
In the running events the Ducks
dominated things pretty much as
was anticipated before the meet
got underway.
Track Results
100-yard dash: Won by Bruce Springbett
(O), 2—Morrison (OSC), i—took, (LC).
4- Flowers (P). Time—9.8.
220-yaul dash: Won by Dave Tails,t (Oi.
2—Springbett (G). 3— Morrison (OSC), 4_
Flowers (P). Time—22.7.
440-yard dash: Won hy Donn Smithpeter
(OSC), 2—Anderson (Oi, 3—Justin Pi.
4 - Tebb (OSC). Time —5L7.
HHo.yard run; Won by Doug Clement (O),
2—Carter (>). 2—Hale (O), 4—Johnson
(I’). Time—2 :*.2.7.
Mile run: Won by Bill Dellinger (Oi, 2 —
Reiser (O), 3—Senko (P), 4 —G. Johnson
( P). Time 4 :31.9.
Two-mile run: Won by Ken Reiser (Oh
2 Senko (p), 3—G. Johnson i Pi, 4—Lang
ston (Pi. Time 9:49.2.
120-yard high hurdles: Won by Chan 5< gge
(O). 2 ( handlers (OSC), 3 Sorsby (O),
4 Tomlinson (LC). Tiroe—15.6.
220-yard low hurdles: Won by Calev Cook
(LC), 2 Chambers (OSC . 3 —Sorsby (O),
4 - Schroeder (LC). Time—25.2.
Shot put: Won by Ben Lloyd (O), 2—Mar
tin (LC), 3—A«lams (LC), 4—Badorek (O).
Distance—14* 294”.
Broad jump: Won by Caley Cook (LC). 2—
Brown (OSC). 3—B. Johnson (O), 4—Cbi
odo <LC). Distance—23*2)4”.
Pole vault: Won by Ken Hickenbottom
(OL 2 Rtul (O). 3—tie between Noland
(LC) atnf Ucngler (LC). Height—12'b”.
Javelin: Won by Doyle Higdon (O). 2—
(.hnrch (OSC), 3—Spinas (OSC), 4—Bado
rek (O). Distance—196*214'*.
High jump: Won hy Emery Barnes (O),
2 haucett (O). 3—fie between Chiodo (LC),
Badorek (O), and Schell (OSC). Height—
6*3 Yz'*.
Discus: Won by Ben Lloyd (O). 2—Fub
wyler (OSC), 3 Adams (LC), 4—Michel
sen (LC). Distance—137*8".
Mile relay: Won by Oregon (Dave Talbot.
Emery Barnes, Rjll Hale, and Ted Anderson),
2— Lewis and Clark. 3—Oregon State, 4—
Portland. Time—3:32.4.
Bruce Springbett turned in hi t
b^t time since he came to Oregon
when he galloped the 100-yar<t
dash in 9.S seconds.. Springbett,
also picked up a -second place in
tile 220 in which Oregon's Dave
Talbot came home the winner ;n
22 7 seconds.
In one of the closest races of
the day the Duck s 440 ace, Ted.
Anderson, was nipped at the tape
by Donn Smithpeter of OSC in
the neat time of 51.7. It was a
sweet victory for Smithpeter who
came home behind Anderson on
many occasions last season.
In the 880 favored Doug Clement,
seemed doomed to second placu
as teammate Bill Hale set the
early pace. But Hale had the mis
fortune of falling down on the last
lap with the finish line in sight.
Clement breezed past hirn for the
win. Hak- did manage to struggle
back to his feet and finish in third
place. Clement s winning time was*
Reiser Victorious
In the distance races Eill Del
hr.g< r and Ken Reiser dominated
the show. Dellinger won the mjl«
in 4:31.9 and Reiser was an easy
victor in the two-mile in the time'
of 9:49.2.
Other Oregon firsts came irf the
high hurdles in which Chan Soggo
crossed the* tape first ar.d in the
mile relay in which the Duck quar
tet of Dave Talbot, Bill Hale,
Emery Barnes, and Ted Andersen
outdistanced the pack.
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Lt. T. M. Loyd and
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lection team 109 are
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you how. They'll be
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days. Meet them in
the Student Union
from 9 to 4 during
their stay.
It is time to place your
orders for Caps and Gowns
for Commencement.
Graduation Announcements
are available now. Calling
cards may be ordered.
Place your orders at the
Stationery Counter
U of O Co-op Store