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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1954)
Training Session Set ^For WUS Solicitors A training session for World ..University Service house represen tatives and off-campus fund soli citors will be held Monday at 4 p.m. in the Student Union, ac cording to Gail West, WUS edu cation sub-chairman, Benjamin Barg, student leader from Australia,", and Gladys Law . ther, WUS regional secretary, will lead the training session. Barg, who is being brought to American university campuses by WUS, has worked with students in Indonesia, Malaya, India and parts of Europe. Miss Lawther recently worked with student groups in India, Men’s Keps Named Men's living organization rep resentatives as announced by Miss West are Karl Shirley, Barrister Inn; Jack Richey, Campbell club; John Lighty, Alpha Tau Omega; Bob Davis, Beta Theta Pi; Vance Taylor, Chi Psi. Alan Dale, Delta Tau Delta; Gary Callow. Delta Upsilon; Bob Smith, Lambda Chi Alpha; Jerry Froebe, Phi Delta Theta; John English, Phi Gamma Delta. Benton Flaxel, Phi Kappa Sig ma; Roger Steeds. Pi Kappa Al pha: Rick Pitman, Pi Kappa Phi; Gary Weinstein, Sigma Alpha Mu; Alex Bfler, Sigma Chi; Bob Hei berg, Sigma Nu. Dick Harrison, Tau Kappa Ep silon; Nick Collins, Theta Chi; Richard Proctor, Philadelphia house; Gary Young, Susan Camp bell hall; John Feliz, Alpha hall, and Ed Beeler, Sigma hall. Women’s Reps Listed Women's house representatives j include Carol David, Delta Gam ma; Sonia Edwards, Delta Delta I Delta; Marlene Bronson. Highland house; Kathy Morrison, Rebec house; Loris Larson, University house. Margie Harman, Carson hall; Glenna Pearl, Hendricks hall; Bet ty Chatterton, Alpha Chi Omega: Joyce Comer, Alpha Phi; Ruth Cutlip. Alpha Xi Delta; Nancy Teller, Chi Omega. Erma Houston, Delta Zeta; Jo Hays. Kappa Alpha Theta; Jill Hutchins, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Barbara Wilcox, Sigma Kappa; Loretta Humphreys, Zeta Tau Al pha, and Marilyn Knox, Orides. Nancy Dunkeson is the represen tative of Westminster foundation. - Houses who have not yet chosen representatives are Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Kappa. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Stitzer. French and Nes tor halls, Ann Judson house. Al pha Gamma Delta; Alpha Omicron Pi, Gamma Phi Beta and Pi Bela Phi. Speakers Ready For WUS Fireside Talks World University Service house representatives should pick up fireside speaker selection slips in the YMCA office. Student Union 319, today before 5 p. m., accord ing to Lloydene Hurt, WUC fire sides chairman. The selection slips, which in clude a list of foreign students who will be available as fireside speakers, are to be turned in at the YMCA office Monday at 4 p. m., Miss Hurt said. UO Coeds Invited to Compete For Press Photo Honors Some University of Oregon coed may become Miss Oregon Press Photographer of 1954. The woman who can walk off with the title will also win a beau tiful _80-diamond Croton wrist watch, a two foot high gold tro phy and an ail expense trip to Atlantic City in June to compete in the Miss National Press Photo grapher pageant. The search for the winner, which will end at the Press Photograph ers ball at the Multnomah hotel May 1, is being sponsored by the Oregon Press Photographers as sociation. One of ten finalists, chosen from photographs will be selected at the dance by a panel of judges which will include Gov ernor Paul Patterson and a group of Oregon’s leading press photo graphers. Any girl who is single and be tween the age of 18 to 25 may enter. All she has to do is send two photographs of herself, one an unretouched closeup of her face, the other a full length shot in a bathing suit, to the Oregon Press Photographers assiciation, Box 1633, Portland. Entry blanks are available at the Emerald qi/onset. Onthank Requests info on Seniors 9 Karl W. Or.thank, director of graduate placement, reminds all graduating seniors of the import ance in- getting their credentials into his office. Many calls are received concern ing students 'about whom they have no information. Credentials should be submitted immediately, while the professors are still avail able to contact. Senior men going into service should take advantage of oppor tunities offered by job recruiters who come to the campus. Many employers are willing to make ar rangements now for a place to be open when the men return from their time of service, Onthank said. Jobs are plentiful now, but in two years the outlook is questionable and helpful contacts should be made now, he added. Students Monday, April 12 last day to return books purchased this term. U of O Co-op Store Queen Candidates Names Due Today Deadline for submitting' names of candidates for Junior Weekend queen is 5 p. m. today. Names may be turned in to Pat Beard at j Gamma Phi Beta, j Queen candidates must be jun I ior women with a minimum 2.00 | accumulative GPA and a. 2.00 G j PA winter term. Eliminations in the queen selec : tion contest will be held Tuesday ! and Wednesday evenings. Summer Field Trip Has Six Openings Six openings for the annual ar i cheology field trip have been an ; aounced by L. S. Cressman, head ; of the anthropology department. The group will leave June 24 for a six-week stay at a camp east of the Dalles. Those going will Re ceive University credit for summer school. Anyone interested should see Cressman'at 202 Condon. Appli | cants should have had an anthro | pology course. The trip is limited | to men only. Today's Staff Make-up Editors: Paul Keefe and Kitty Fraser. Night Staff: Valera Vierra. Deadline Set For Song Titles Deadline for turning in song titles for the All-1 am pus Sing is next Thursday, Ann Derlinger, chairman, told a nutting Thursday of all house song leaders, "In case of duplicate title- being turned in," she said, “the submitting the title first win lie allowed to use it.” They may be turned in to her at Kappa Al pha Theta any time between now and the deadline. Rules for Contest Listed Rules for the sing were distri buted at the meeting, and they in clude : 1. No professional musician or faculty instructor may direct, nor may a graduate student be direc tor. 2. At least 16 voices must be in the groups, and no more than 3<i from one organization may parti cipate, including the song leader. 3. No fraternity, sorority or hall song may be used. 4. No musical accompaniment or special musical effects are per mitted. including any type of mus ical instrument. 5. Any house not participating in the preliminaries may not par ticipate in the final judging. 6. Dress should be standardized within the group, and no specia' costumes may be made which cost jver $1 2f>. A financial statement mint be submitted at a later date. 7. All song leaders must submit Panhel Announces Exec Appointments j Appointments to the Panhellenic • Executive council were announced at the general Panhellenic meet ing Thursday evening by President Carol Wecner. They include Pat Case, second i vice - president; Joanne Hardt. j standards chairman; Sally P.yan, relations chairman; Lloydene Hurt, scholarship chairman; Ig nore Carlson, social and activities hairman, and Camijle O'Toole, publicity chairman. READ EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS their song lltli'ii by April 15. 8. The name song that In used at the eliminations must be sung m [the fitiul sing. 1). A 2.00 GI*A lx not necessary for those participating, 10. Freshman women except Eu gene women living at home, may not sing with their sororities. 11. Freshman men may sing with fraternities If their dormitory is not participating in the sing. Six Minute l.iinlt Each group will be allowed six minutes for their entire perform ance, Including coming to and leaving the stage. Groups are to bring three copies of their music to eliminations. Women’s eliminations will be held May 5. and men’s eliminations will be held May 6. Announcements of finalists will be made May 7, Miss Gerltngcr said. Final rraetice \ turned Judge* for th<- final n.ght have already been nelected, she said, out have not yet been named for the eliminations. Practice period* at the location of the sing may be arranged for on May 12 and 13. Location of the Bing ha* not a* , yet been determined, hut will be announced a* soon a* weekend of 1 tidal* have selected the location, Mine Ocrllnger added. Finalists may make tape record ing? of their *ong», using L'nlver | sity equipment, for u»e in further nra' tlce session* some time be tween May 7 and May 15, the dat • 1 of the sing. Shirrs FOR WOMEN Plonty of Shoulder Room Plenty of Length Fine Washable Fabrics Newest Styles 2.95 - 3.95 10th and Willamette Advertising— Students intersted in advertising work may apply now at the Emerald Shack, or by calling Ext. 219, afternoons. Work on: Production Accounts Layout Promotion No Experience Necessary Have fun working on your campus daily, the center of student activity. Work is interesting and gives you valuable experience.