c amptts 0 The House Managers will meet in the Student Union at 6:30 this evening, according to Gerry Bowden, president. There will be election of officers. 0 The World University Serv ice solicitation committee will meet at 3 p. m. today in the Stu dent Union, according to Chair man Germaine LaMarche. 0 World University Service fund drive workers will meet to day at noon in the Student Un ion, according to Ted Goh. gener al chairman of the WUS drive. House representatives, committee members and chairmen are to at tend, Goh said. 0 Petitions for the Junior Weekend queen coronation com mittee are due at 5 p. m. today, according to Jim Woodyard, chair man. Petitions should be turned in to Woodyard at Sigma Nu. 0 All women interested in spring term rushing must sign up immediately in the office of Mrs. Golda Wickham, associate director of student affairs, in Emerald hall. ‘0 Phi Beta, music, speech and drama honorary, will meet in the Student Union tonight at 6:30 p. m., according to Donna Shafer. 0 Members of the Duck Pre view transportation committee will frcjxutyftJO&rWIIli'Diracfetfbjn&i.muwiI ' —ALSO— STANLEY CLEMENTS ALLIED -STISTS NDHTH.END ** H A Y 33 N - \ 3V- • meet today at 4 p. m. in 313 SIT, according to Bob Berry and Jack McClenahan, co-chairmen. ^ WUS drive house represen tatives will meet in the Student Union at noon today, announced Anne Hill. The representatives will meet with the drive's executive committe, including all chairmen, subchairmen and adviser. 0 A short French film, “Le Mont Saint Michel,” will be shown by the department of foreign lan guages at 8 p. m. today in the audio-visual department of the li brary. 0 The YWCA public affairs committee will meet today from 12 to 1 p. m., according to Eileen Lindblatt, Y executive director. It will be a sack lunch meeting, and everyone interested is welcome. • George Wood, regional presi dent of National Students associa tion, will meet with interested stu dents in the Student Union today at 4 p. m. Senate members are especially urged to attend. The ASUO senate Will not meet to night. The next regular meeting will be April 15. according to AS UO President Tom Wrightson. Frosh Women Eligible for Posts Only freshmen women are eli gible to petition for chairman ships of the annual Phi Theta sponsored "Mystic Sale,” President Janet Wick has announced. The petitions are due at 5 p. m. Mon day and may be turned in to Miss Wick at Pi Beta Phi. Positions open for the sale in clude general chairman and chair men of publicity, distribution, house sales, booth sales, collec tions, decorations and promotion. Committee reports from previous years are available at the office of Mi-s. Golda P. Wickham, as sociate director of student affairs. The “Mystie Sale” dates have been set for May 5 and 6. Tra ditionally, the item to be sold is kept a secret until the first day of the date. An annual moneymaking pro ject for the Phi Theta scholarship fund, the sale was begun in 1949. Candied apples, doughnuts and ap- j pie turnovers have been sold by the group. SAVE TIME! SAVE MONEY! with just ONE STOP! Drop Off All Your Cleaning and Laundry at our convenient location Ph. 5-6321 815 E. 13th 1950 Franklin Blvd. — 9th & Willamette Rules for 'Sing' To Be Discussed Rules concerning: the All-Cam pus Sing will be discussed at the first meeting of song leaders from all participating living organiza tions at 4 p. m. today in the Stu dent Union. Names of the songs must be turned in at the meeting, accord ing to Ann Gerlinger, chairman of the Sing. In case of duplication of songs, the group first submitting the name will keep it. Due to construction complica tions in McArthur Court, it is as yet uncertain whether the Sing will be held there or outside. Co-chairman of the annual event with Ann Gerlinger, junior in bus iness, is Jane Bergstrom, sopho more in art. Sub-chairmen of the Sing include Geri Porritt, sopho more in liberal arts, judges; Jack Lally, sophomore in liberal arts, and Marvin Young, sophomore in pre-med, set-up; Anne Ritchey, sophomore in journalism, contact; Kathy Olson, junior in music, and Sheila Fitzpatrick, junior in liber al arts, tickets and passes; Miriam McDowell, freshman in liberal arts, programs; Shirley Bier, freshman in liberal arts, decora tions. and Marcia Mauney, fresh man in liberal arts, publicity. Dance Combo to Be Featured at Mixer ‘‘The Whisperers," an all-cam pus dance combo, will be the fea tured band at the Friday Fish bowl Mixer at the Student Union, according to Phyllis Pearson, SU dance chairman. “The Whispers" will be mak ing their second appearance at a Fishbowl Mixer at this dance, which is a no-date affair. The dance will be held from 9 to 12 p.m. and there will be no admis sion charge. Friday night’s mixer will be the last until April 30. when a special program will be presented. Arthur Baumohl, Fifth-year law student, was fined $1 by the traf fic court at their regular meeting Wednesday night in the Student Union. Baumohl was fined for failure to display a student sticker on his car. SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Don Wtr.il, Classified Advertising Mgr. FOR SALE — 4-dr. 36 Dodge. Mo tor, body, paint, tires, uphols- j tery perfect. 70,000 actual miles. See & drive it. You’ll agree $225 is a right price. Ph. 5-7123. See j at 47 Adams St. 4-12 j LOST — Billfold at art school, j Contains important identifies- j tion papers. Carla Taylor. FOR RENT — Desirable four rm. downstairs apartment, yard, some ftirniture, fireplace, auto matic heat. 328 12th Ave. West. Ph. 4-9390. Mrs. O. M. Foster. FOR SALE — Royal portable typewriter, first clas3 condition, i $45. Ph. 5-8620. 4-9! ENGLISH BIKE: Brilliant red, 3j speeds, light generator, chrome carrier. Like new, but at half price, $37.50. Ph. 3-2474. after 5:30 or see at 2340-4 Patterson Dr. 4.9 WANTED — Male passenger to share expenses to San Francisco Saturday. Ph. 4-4032. 4-8 LOST — In science building, ladies Ronson lighter, initialed PMH. Call Polly 5-9345. 4-16 THESES & PAPERS TYPED Professional typist, approved by graduate division, will accept work now for spring deadline. 1610 Columbia St. Typewriter — Almost new- Under wood portable. Sacrifice for $50. 2339-1 Patterson Drive. 4-9 Sororities Entertaining High School Seniors Panhellenic executive council has listed the scries of dinners to be given this month by sororities to entertain Eugene high school senior girls, according to Carol Wenner, Panhellenic president. Dinners started Tuesday eve ning, April 6, with Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Delta PI hosting girls with last names from A to M, and Alpha Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha those from N to Z. Unlike previous years, only two dinners cnri be held on the same night. Both the dates on which the dinners will be held and the alphabetical groups of girls were Petitions Due Fri. For Arts Program Petition deadline is this Friday at 5 p. m. for chairmanships in the various divisions of work on the Student Union - sponsored Creative Arts Workshop program, including music, dance, literature, drama, art, and for help in gen eral continuity. The program will be presented Friday evening, May 21. Petitions may be picked up on the third floor of the Student Union and returned there or to general chairman Valerie Cowls at Kappa Kappa Gamma. Caves' Manager To Interview Here The Oregon Caves' manager will be on campus April 20, to inter view for summer employees. Ap pointments to ste him can be marie through the student employ ment service. Emerald Hall. Men Interested in working as counsellors in a private boys' camp in northern California may apply at the same office. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and, hold a senior life saving cer tificate. designated by the executive group. Other sororities yet to enter tain: Thursday, April 8, Delta Gamma amt Alpha Omicron PI, A to M, and Gamma Phi and Al pha XI Dtdtn, N to Z; Tuesday, April 13, Kappa Kappa Gumma and Sigma Kappa, A to M, Delta Zeta and Alpha Chi Omega, N to Z; Thursday, April 15, Pi Beta Phi and Delta Delta Delta, A to M, and Alpha Gamma Delta and Chi Omega, N to Z. The same schedule will be fol lowed April 20, 22. 27 and 29, wth a reversal In the alphabetical groups from which girls are to be invited. Police Slate Auction The Eugene police department will hold an auction of unclaimed automobiles and bicycles Friday at 10 a.m. at the municipal Jail parking lot, acording to TAJ Brown, chief of police. Thirteen cars ranging in age from a 1930 Ford to a 1945 Chev rolet will be auctioned, in addition to eight bicycles. SUMMER TOUR EUROPE-NORTH AFRICA JUNE 30—AUGUST 31 England, Franca, Spain, Morocco, Algario, Switzerland, Germany. Conducted by Prof F. Beurboutton. $1230. 43-Day Trip from Now York lo Now York WRITE DR E BOURBOUSSON OREGON STATE COUEGE CORVALLIS, OREGON Lucky Student Number 444 If yoor registration card bears this number, drop in for a gift necktie! Watch our ads for future lucky numbers! Just Arrived! New Swimwear! at FENNELL'S 800 E. 13th