Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Ducks Split with Pioneers;
Triumph 10-2 After 7-2 Loss
uuxz nenon
Emerald Sports Writer
Farrell Albright hurled Oregon
to a 10-2 second game victory over
Lewis and Clark Wednesday after
noon after the Pioneers copped the
first contest 7-2 behind the tight
pitching of Lefty Hay Hyde.
With Howe field still soggy from
recent raina, the games were play
ed on the lower diamond. Both were
seven Inning contests.
Albright was sharp as he set the
Pioneers down with five hits. He
was supported by a nine-hit at
tack which produced ten runs 'for
the Ilucks.
Forbes Harked
Hyde was equally effective in the
first contest as he spaced six hits
and walked but one. His mates
backed him up with 12 safeties off
Oregon ace Norm Forbes.
The Pioneers hit Forbes in every!
Inning but didn't score until the
third. With tfro out Gary Jack
son smashed a long drive to left ;
and legged into third with a tri
ple. Iton Lewis then grounded to
Oregon third baseman Pete Wil
liams who made a nice pickup but;
threw late to first, Jackson scor
Lewis anil Clark picked up four1
more In the fourth on singles by l
Winter Swim Schedule
Afternoons 2 to 6
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Nights 7 to 10
Wednesday, Thurs., Frt., Rat
4 ml. No. of Junction City
on Highway 99 West
Phone Junction City 8-2830
' onme Hamilton am! Art Ronne, a
ground rule double into the bushes
in renter by Don Rasmussen, a
walk, wild pitch, and a dropped fly
ball by centerfielder George Shaw.
Din ks Rally
The Ducks struck back for their
only two tallies in the last of the
fourth. Ron Phillips, who went,
four-for-seven for the day, led off
Weather permitting, the Ducks
will continue their Intsclmll ram*
palgn this afternoon against the
OHG Beavers at Corvallis. Fri
day afternoon Portland unlver
s.'ly will travel to Kugene for a
doublebeader a n d Willamette ,
will be here for another twin
hill Saturday.
with a single to left-center. Wil
liams walked and, with two o it,
Neal Marlett sliced a triple into
Lewis and Clark made it 6-2
in the fifth on a walk to Hamil
ton and hits by Honne and Hyde.
The Pioneers would it up in (he
sixth on .laekson’s infield tap
and two throwing errors.
Oregon started the second game
with three runs in the first, added
two more in the third and were
ahead 6-0 before Lewis and Clark
Dick Grant started on the mound ,
for the Pioneers and walked four
batters in the first inning before
he was Jerked in favor of shortstop
Bill Martell. Ron Phillips’ single
drove in Shaw, Bob Wagner scored
on an error, and Dick Schloastein
stole home after Phillips was run
down between third and home.
John Keller led off the third with
a walk, stole second and took third
as the catcher's throw continued
into centerfield, Keller scored
when the rightfielder dropped
Phillipa’ long fly, and Phillips scor
ed on a double by Schlosstein.
Albright Scores
In the fourth Alpbright walked,
advanced to second on a ground out
and scored on an error by third
basemaft Rasmussen.
The Pioneers came back with
two runs in the fifth on Keller's
fielding error, a double.by Has
musson, and singles by Dirk
Kehlaadt and Lewis.
Albright held the visitors in
check from this point, but the
Ducks ground out four more tal
lies in the sixth.
Williams .Stars
Phillips was Oregon's leading
hitter. Pasmussen, Jackson, and
Lewis paced the Lewis and Clark
batting attack.
For the day Oregon committed
six errors, three in each game. The
Pioneers made five, all in the last
contest. Williams was easily the de
fensively standout, making a num
ber of fine stops and good throws
from his third base position.
Netters Face
Portland U
Clearing weather Wednesday af
ternoon hastened the drills for the
Oregon netters and Coach Bob
Laurence has high hopes of having
them in tip-top shape for their
opening match of the season Sat- [
unlay, April 10.
The Ducks will take on Port- i
land university in their opener on
the Pilots' home courts.
Oregon's team this year is not |
expected to be too strong but
Laurence has been anything but
pessimistic in his observations of
the team thus far. Laurence has
only one returning letterman on
hand, senior P,on Lowell, but he
has -ome smooth-playing reserves
from last season and a few promis
ing sophomores who could fill the
gaps left in the Webfoot line-up
by graduation last spring.
Lowell, who was one of the top
Duck performer's a year ago, is by
far the top player on the team
this season. He should prove to be
a tough match for all comers in
future Oregon matches.
Looking very good in practice
to date have been Martin Magi, Ed ;
Jamieson. Dick Hamilton, and Bob |
Baker. All four of these candidates I
were reserves on the 1953 tennis j
Mural Softball
Sees Opening
Intramural softball action got
off with a bang Wednesday after
norm with four of the six scheduled
games being played.
Phi Sigma Kappa downed Phi
Gamma Delta 4-2, Sherry Ross!
edged Nestor hall 5-4, Legal!
Kagles romped over Philadelphia;
House 11-0, and Susan Campbell!
hall and Merrick hall played to a '
11-11 deadlock in a game called;
by the time limit.
In the other two games slated j
Sigma Alpha Epsilon won over Pi!
Kappa Phi by forfeit and Banister ;
Inn won oyer Alpha hall by the
same route.
Closest game of the day was the
Merrick-Susie tussle in which the :
Merrick nine .%aved themselves |
from defeat with a game-er.ding
double play.
Sports Staff
Desk editor: Bufz Nelson
Staff: Bob Robinson
Thursday, April 8, 1554
3 :SO, North Held, Alpha Tan Omega vs. fart
Kappa Epsilon.
,:5°* Kouth HtM, Sigma Chi v*. JWta' T;-e*
3:50, Upper field, Beta Theta Pi vs. D( iU
4:55. North field, .Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs.
Campbell Club.
4:vc, vr>uth field, Scstor Halt vs. Mfrr
4: 1 T*Pcr field, Baris ter Inn vs.
a year?
It. T. M. Loyd and
Aviation Cadet Selection
Team 109 are coming to
Eugene to show you How.
Tney'M be here in 4 days.
Meet them at the S'udent
Union from 9 to 4 during
their itay.
It is time to place your
orders for Caps and Gowns
for Commencement.
Graduation Announcements
are available now. Calling
cards may be ordered.
Place your orders at the
Stationery Counter
U of O Co-op Store
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