Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Phi Sigs Pledge 100 Per Cent Membership for Donation
Phi Sigma Kappa lias pledged
100 per cent of its members to
donate in the Red Cross blood
drive, it was announced Tuesday.
Each of the members has filled
out an appointment card, accord
ing to Mary Wilson, Red Cross
board chairman.
Eldon Johnson, dean of the col
lope of liberal arts and the grad
uate school, has encouraged cam
pus support of the drive, Miss
Wilson announced. Johnson issued
a statement saying, "From what
I know of the project and its pur
poses, I am sure that it is worthy
of the widest possible support and
fullest co-operation."
O, Meredith Wilson, president of
the University, also announced his
support of the blood drive, which
is scheduled for 11a. m. to 4 p. m.
Friday at McArthur court.
The Red Cross board, which is
sponsoring the drive on campus,
has requested that appointment
cards be turned in as soon ns pos
sible, so the number of donors can
bo ascertained and equipment or
dered. The cards may be turned
In at the Co-op or the UOTC de
partment. *
Parental permission slips, need
ed only by students under 18 who
have not donated blood’ here be
fore, are to be taken with the don
or at the time of his appointment,
Miss Wilson said.
A nursery for the children of
faculty mem doth anti married stu
dents will In- operated In McAr- 1
thur court 201 during the drive.
Members of the Grey Ladies will
operate the nursery.
A plaque will be awarded to
the living organizations which him
the large it percentage of donors. 1
The award was won fall term by >
Gamma Phi Beta.
In 1953 the Union Oil Company of California did a
$325,103,000 business. That’s big money. Who gets the
lion’s share of it?
The employees ?
In wages and other benefits, 9,263 Union Oil employees
earned $55,564,000. The average per employee: $5,998.
The tax collector ?
He did all right, too. Federal and other taxes took
(This does not include $55,239,000 additional in fuel
taxes which we collected for the government.)
The stockholders ?
No, the stockholders did not get the lion’s share.
They were paid $11,690,000 for the use of their
money, plus a dividend of one share of common stock
for each ten shares of common held. This was divided
among more than 40,000 people. , v
Well, who did get the lion’s share ?
After we replenished working capital by $20,088,000
(over and above the $55,564,000 paid employees, the
$21,821,000 that went to the tax collector and the
$11,690,000 to stockholders), the lion’s share — or
$215,940,000—was divided among more than ten thou
sand companies and individuals we do business with.
Some went for services. Some for materials. Some
for wages.
But all of the lion’s share of .Union Oil’s 1953 gross
income was reinvested in the American economy.
Maybe it helped make your job a better one.
ylri T T Vt
Buy American and protect your standard of living