VOL. I.V i nivi'.usri y OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, APRIL «, 1961 •NO. 108 Author to Give Assembly Talk Theodore Morrison, professor of. English iit Harvard University and author of "The Dream of Aicestis," a poem currently being presented in dramatic form by the Eugene Very Little Theater, will apeak in a Univeraity aaaembly in the Stu dent Union ballroom at 1 p. m. to day. He will be featured at a cof fee hour at 4 p. m. in the Dad's lounge. hor many years Morrison haa been a member of the editorial board of Atlantic Monthly maga zine and director of the famoua Hr<-ad Loaf Writers' conference at I Mlddlebury, Vermont. Robert Frazier, reporter for the Kugene Iteglster-Guard and former Nieman fellow, ban described Mor rison an "a delightful personality, u man whoa* modesty can deceive ' you until you encounter his wis dom and humor.” Works by Morrison include a novel, "Stones of the House,” a best-seller, ‘ Serpent in the Cloud,” "Notes of Death and Life," "The Devious Way” and "The Portable Chaucer.” He assisted in the publication of "Five Kinds of Writing," a text for literary aspirants. Morrison served in the airforce during the second world war. Joint Concert Slated By Baritone, Soprano Baritone Lawrence Winters, np • pcanng Wednesday night at Mr . Arthur court m a combined concert with Soprano Adele Addison, is . currently making his sixth Ameri Wins Award