Oregon Slates Busy Schedule ThiH week will be a very busy one foiv Oregon athletic teams an revealed by a look at the week's schedule. Don Kirsch’a baseballers will have five gamea during the week. The Webfoots hoat Lewla and Clark at Howe field Tuesday aft ernoon. travel to Corvallis for a tussle with the Oregon State Bea vers. Thursday, will be back at home Friday for a game with Portland University, and on Sat urday will conclude their busy j week's slate with a doubleheader I with Willamette starting at 1:80 p. m. Ixmell Hack Bill Bowerman’s tr^ck and field aquad will travel to Portland on Saturday for a four-way meet with Portland University, Lewis and Clark and Oregon State Tennis will see its first action on Saturday, also, as the Inexperi enced Duck miters tuke on Port-! land U. in Portland. Fton Lowell j is the only VVebfoot letterman! hack for the tennis team. Never theless, coach Robert Laurence ex- j pects the netters to be tough to! beat this season because of some i outstanding non-lettermen hack from last season. Krleger Hot Although they don’t have any: matches slated for this week. Sid Milligan's golfers will be hard at work all week long In playfng 72 holes of qualifying competition to] see who gets her tin; on a four-man team which will travel to Palo] Alto. Calif. April 15-17 for the Northern California Intercolle giate Meet. At the present tim< letter winner Don Kriegcr Is the only Duck to have broken par over the Eugene Country Club course. Kriegcr has a two under par 70 to his credit for early play. Another event which many of the athletes are awaiting is the beginning of spring football prac tice. Sessions are not expected toj get underway until late in the month but when they do start. Len Casanova expects to greet some 50 candidates for positions on the team. Webfoot Track Squad Scores Impressive Relay Triumphs i he University of Oregon track and field team, despite injuries to key men Doug Cle ment and Bill Dellinger, roll ed up twelve first places and tied for another in the Willam ette Relays, held in Salem last Saturday afternoon, Apr. 3. Clement and Dellinger, who had been counted on to aid the Webfoots in several events in the season opener, were sidelined with pulled ieK muscles and therefore failed to be of help. Getting some outstanding per formances from some inexperi enced Oregon Frosh performers, the Ducks scored more first place Rain Stops Games The University of Oregon base ball team had both of their week end games washed out by an un usual amount of rainfall on both Friday and Saturday. The Ducks were slat'd to play Portland University on Friday and the Lewis and Clark Pioneers on Saturday. Don Kirsch's diamondmen will go back Into action this Tuesday afternoon, weather permitting, when they play Lewis and Clark at Howe field. SPORTS FARE Monday, April 5, 1954 SOFTBALL 3:50, north field, Alpha Tau Omega vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 3:50, south field. Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Theta Chi. 3:50, upper field. Sigma Chi vs. Phi Kappa Psi. •1:55, north field, Chi Psi vs. Kap pa Sigma. 4:55, south field. Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Nu. ■1:55, Phi Delta Theta vs. Lambda Chi Alpha. When you pause...make it count...have a Coke •omto UNDE* AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF EUGENE, Eugene, Oregon "Cok»" it o registered node mark. © 1953. THE COCA-COIA COMPANY ' wins than any other college in the | meet. Hogge Wina High stepping Chan Sogge started the day off for Oregon with a win in his heat of the col | lege high hurdles when he skim med over the barriers in the neat ,limf: of 15.7 seconds. This waa a very good performance, consider ing the wet condition of the track. Another good time was turned in by sprinter Bruce Springbett who raced home the winner in the ! university invitational 100-yard dash with a clocking of 10 seconds flat. Letterman Ken Hickenbottom showed that he will be tough to beat $n his specialty, the pole vault, this year as he soared 12 feet, 6 and % inches to win this field event. ■* Karnes Ties • Emery Barnes, senior high Oregon Victor College high hurdles: Won by Chan Sogge (Oregon). Time- 15.7. Frosh high hurdles: Won by Gary .Miller (Oregon). Time- 16.6. College distance medley, First Division: Won by Oregon Frosh. Time- 11:54.4, I'niveralty Invitational 100-yard dash: Won by Bruce Springbett (Oregon). Time- 10.0. Frosh 100-yard dash: Won by Hank I.uomcna (Oregon). Time 10.1. 440-yard spring medley, Class B: Won by Oregon Frosh (Gary Miller, Martin Pedigo, Arden Christensen, Hank Euomena). Time- 44.4. 480-yard shuttle hurdle relay, Class B: Won by Oregon Frosh (Gary Miller, Doug Basham, Dick Stamm, Sam Taylor). Time- 1:05. Javelin, novice: Won by Doyle Higdon (Oregon); 2, Ed Bingham ! (Oregon Frosh); 5, Chan Sogge (Oregon). Distance- 187*2”. Shot put, novice: Won by Bud Keck (Oregon Frosh). Distance 459”. High jump, senior: Tie for first among Emery Barnes (Oregon), VI Tarpennlng (I,infield), Bob Fawcett (Oregon), Bill Schell (O ! SC), and Darrell Skarvedt (Wash ington). Height- 6’0”. Broad jump, novice: Won by Martin Pedigo (Oregon Frosh); 2, Taylor (Oregon Frosh). Distance 22’ 2 Vi”. Pole vault, senior: Won by Ken Hickenbottom (Oregon ). Height 12’ 6 and one-eight inches. Pole vault, novice: Won by Dave Xewland (Oregon Frosh); 2, Reid (Oregon Frosh). Height- 12’ one eighth inch. STANDS OUT in play • Harder Smashes e Better Cut and Spin STANDS UP in your racket • Moisture Immune I e Lasting Liveliness COSTS LESS than gut APPROX. STRINGING COST: Pro-F*cted Braid....$6.00 Multi-Ply Braid.$5.00 At tennis shops and sporting goods stores. ASHAWAY BRAIDED RACKET STRING Choice of The Champions , jumper, who two years ago wont owr six feet, eight inches in the NCAA championships, could clear only six feet on this occasion but this was good enough to tie with five others for first place. For the Ducklings, many out standing performances were also turned in. Among the best were a 22 feet, two inch broad jump by Martin Pedigo, a 10.1 time in the 100 yard dash by Hank Luomena, and a record equalling time of 44 4 seconds in the 440 yard sprint relay by a team composed of Pedi go, Gary Miller, Arden Christen sen, and Luomena. Their time tied that, obtained by a Willamette University team in the 1951 meet. The Oregon tracksters will now have a two week rest before their first Northern Division dual meet of the session. The Ducks host the University of Washington at Hay ward field on Saturday afternoon. Apr. 17. In the high school division of the meet the Salem Vikings won the unofficial title with a total of 56 points. They were followed by Cot tage Grove with 38. Officials Needed Assistant intramural director, Karl Ferguson, has issued a call for ail those fellows wjjo are interested in umpiring I..M. soft ball gam^this season. Ferguson said anyone inter ested should Contadt him either at the I.M. office or on the ball fields at any time after 3 o’clock on weekday afternoons. Ken Hunt Named Basketball Boss Ken Hunt, former University of Oregon basketball star and an a* Northern Division guard his sen ior year, was named as head bas ketball coach at North Salem High, Saturday. Hunt, who was graduated from Oregon two years ago, will teach health and physical education and possibly coach some track besides his basketball duties. Since his graduation Hunt spent one year as assistant Oregon Frosh court mentor and during the past school year he has been serv ing as hoop coach at Cottage Grove High school. Hunt is 24 years of age. is mar ried, and is the father of two chil dren, a daughter and a son. He first became well known in Ore gon sport circles as a star basket ball player for Marshfield High School of Coos Bay. In 1947 Hunt was named all - state as the Pirates took the casaba champion ship. He played for the Oregon Frosh during the 194S season and was a varsity Kite .-man from 1949-52. Hunt served as team captain dur ing his sen, or year with the Ducks. In taking the Salem job Hunt will be the first basketball coach for the school. The current Salem High School will be divided next year into North and South Salem High. Hunt will be coaching at. the school which at the present time is Salem High. Harold Hauk, Salem coach for many past seasons, has stated that he intends to get out of the coach ing game after this season. His .statement was what left the job open. Coach of South Salem High has not been named as of yet. Loveliest way to wish a HAPPY EASTER No other greeting so fully ex presses the warmth in your heart. There's still time to make your appointment. FEHLY STUDIO On The Campus Ph. 4-3433