Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1954, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Religious Notes
by Mitzi Asai
Rtligiout N«wt Editor
Canterbury Club
This Sunday at 6 p.m. Canter
bury Club will meet for the first
time spring term at St. Mary's
Episcopal church. Thirteenth and
Pearl streets. Evening prayer will
be followed by an informal sup
per around the fireplace. Rev.
Robert Ellis, chaplain to Episco
pal students and faculty, will pre
sent in inquirer’s forum with the
topic “Early Development of Wor
ship in the Anglican Church."
There will also be an election of
Luther House
Sunday evening, immediately
following the supper at 5:30 p.m.,
a radio play from Dorothy Sayer’s
book, “Born to Be King," will be
read to students.
Wednesday noon the second
luncheon of the term will be held
and the discusion of Luther’s small
catechism continued. For the last
few Wednesdays, the Apostle’s
Creed has been discussed.
Revamping of the present Bible
study schedule is in progress, but
until a new schedule is worked
out, the meetings will continue
on Thursdays at 9 p.m. The re
treat on the coast at Camp West
wind w'ill be held May 7 to 9.
Wesley House
At 9:45 Sunday morning at the
First Methodist church will be the
regular meeting of the Koinonia
Klass. Rides will be furnished from
Gerlinger hall at 9:30. The church
worship services at 9:45 and 11
am. will be “Easter's Signifi
Everyone is invited to meet
Sunday afternoon at 3, when cars
will leave Gerlinger hall for Armi
tage park. The program includes
games and a light supper. The
program for the evening will
feature an address by Rev! Berlyn
Farris, in which he will give his
interpretation of the meaning of
T-'o etor
Tuesday, following a potluck
supper at 5:30 p.m. on the sun
porch of Gerlinger hall, Rev.
Harold Shellhart will give his in
terpretation of Easter. A movie
concerning the activities at Camp
Seabeck, Washington, (sponsored
by the Y’s) will be shown.
Chapel service will be held Wed
nesday at 12:3Q p.m. in Gerlinger.
Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
will be choir practice.
A special election for vice-presi
dent in Charge of program will be
held Sunday evening, due to the
resignation of Dick Brown, fresh
man in music education, v/ho is
returning to Alaska.
Charming Club
The Channing club will hold an
open discussion meeting at the
Unitarian church' Sunday evening
at 7. The topie for discussion -will
be “Evaluating the Concepts of
God’’ led by the Rev. Edw'ard L.
Ericson of the Unitarian church.
Ericson, recently installed as
minister of the Eugene Unitarian
church, will speak to the group
for the first time. A discussion
period will follow the informal
address and coffee will be served.
. _ ... .:-t-- ■ f
Christian House
The new prayer chapel at Chris
tian House will be dedicated at
the 5:30 p.m. service Sunday. The
worship committee with Jean Mil
ler, chairman, and the chapel com
mittee with Roger Weaver, chair
man, will have charge of the dedi
cation. Mitzi Asai, senior in edu-'
cation, will speak on the “Signifi
cance of Prayer and Personal De
votions in the Life of Students,’’
as part of the preparatory service.
Thitry-five delegates have sign
ed up to attend the fourth annual
[regional conference of the
j Disciples Student fellowship, which
meets this weekend at Menucha.
i •
'Ralph Adams, former University
j student now attending Medical
| school in Portland, is regional
president. Kammy Chun is Ore
I gon vice-president and JoAnne
Flanders, special students, is secre
tary. Cars will leave Christian
house every hour after twelve
| o'clock Friday, returning the lat
ter part of Sunday afternoon.
New officers were recently elec
ted as follows: Lyle Spears, sopho
more in architecture, president;
j Dorothy Her, sophomore in jour
: nalism, and Joan Wilson, sopho
j more in pre-nursing, vice-presi
dents; Shirley Goff, freshman in
t liberal arts, recording secretary;
j Kammy Chun, junior in sociology,
j correspoding secretary; Roger
i Weaver, freshman in liberal arts,
itreasurer; Rosalind Lowrance,
Junior in liberal arts, historian;
! and Bob Randall, senior in liberal
i arts, executive adviser. June Fulco*
; sophomore in music, is editor of
; the “Duck Call.”
April is Christian house's birth
day month. The fifth anniversary
of the opening of the house is be
| ing celebrated. A t the married
student's dinner group held last
Tuesday two of the original mem
i bers of the first executive council
; were present. They are Casey
; Hyde Chaney, graduate student in
education, and Everett Cecil, now
ot Corvallis.
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. the old
and new executive councils will
meet jointly.
The Sunday morning doughnut
hour will be held at 9:15 as usual,
and Victor Morris, dean, school of
business, will lead the 9:45 a.m.
Bible discussion period.
Westminster Foundation
Tonight at 8 p.m. there will be
an April Fool's party with games,
dancing and refreshments.
Sunday at 9 a.m. there will be
a coffee hour, followed by a Bible
study of Christian doctrine as
found in the statement of reform
ed faith. Rev. Thom Hunter will
lead the discussion. That evening
at 6 p.m. newly-elected officers of
the Westminster Student associ
ation will be installed, under the
direction of Rev. Hunter and Bob
Dean, retiring president. A social
hour with refreshments will fol
There will be a chapel service
cn Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. At
5:15 p.m. Wednesday, Westminster
students will meet at the founda
tion to proceed to St. Mary’s
Episcopal church for the annual
banquet and installation of Uni
versity Religions council officers.
The speaker will be Rev. John E.
Cantelon, pastor of the Fairmount
Presbyterian church of Eugene.
Jr. Panhel Tea Will Honor
Senior High School Girls
All women who pledged Boror
itiea thin school year are requested
to act ns hostesses at the annual
Junior Panhellenlc tea Sunday, ac
cording to Olivia Tharaldaon, pres
ident of the group.
Honoring all senior girls of high
schools in Eugene and the sur
rounding areas who are planning
to attend any college next fall, the
tea will be from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m.
in Gerlinger hall.
This is the first year that the
mothers of the girls have also
been invited to the tea, stated
Miss Tharaldaon. Purpose of the
event is to acquaint the mothers
and daughters with college women
and college life.
Present at the affair to assist
in answ'ering any questions, social
Art Education Prof
To Attend Convention
Thomas O. Ballinger, assistant
professor of art education, will at
tend the San Francisco convention
of the Pacific Art association
April 12 to 15.
Ballinger, who will be a dis
cussion leader for one of the ses
sions, is a member of the nomin
ating committee of the associa
tion. The convention will bo at
tended by art instructors, educa
tors and members from the three
Pacific coast states and Arizona
and New Mexico.
and academic, which the guests
might have, will be Virginia
Kempston, women's rou n s <• I or,
Mrs. Margaret Kopp, Htudent af
fairs aecretary, Mrs. Victor P.
Morris, wife of the dean of the
school of business, Mrs. V. F.
Woodin, president of City Pan
hellenic, and Vivian Pitman, sec
retary of City Panhellenic during
fall lushing.
During the afternoon, an en
graved plaque will be presented
to the pledge class making the
highest grades fall term.
Committee heads for the tea are
Jean Fay, refreshments, Rac Ber
geron, music, and Judy White,
In Kugcne
Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 13fh Avenue East
Identical Services — 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Dr. Nicholson will give the sermon at both services
Wesley Gocdson Niclrolson Weston H. Brockway
. Minister Director of Music
Sunday Service—8:45 a.m. and 1 1:00 a.m.
"Sin and Righteousness"
10 a.m. Sunday School—Dr. E. S. Wengert—leader
Lenten'Vesper Service—7:30 p.m.
Grace Lutheran Church
East 11th Avenue at Berry Street
W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wright, Assistant
n >
(Lugene A
First Assembly of God
710 W. 13th St. (about 1 Vi miles west of the university)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Divine Worship Service
6:30 p.m. C.A."s Youth Service
7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service
E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Sermon: "Unreality"
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
You are invited to hear
1 1 a.m. "The Greatest Spiritual Emblem in the Bible"
7:30 p.m. "The Heart's Greatest Need"
7:30 p.m. Youth Night With Youth Choir
King's Daughters will participate in the evening service.
First Baptist Church
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette
"The Great Offensive"
by Rev. Farris
Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding,
Kenneth W. Peterson
First Christian Church
1166 Oak
Phone 4-1425
Dr. Carroll Roberts Minister
1 1:00 a.m.—"I Am A Christian"
7:30 p.m.—"Table Talks of Jesus"
Third in a Series about dogs
Students are invited to sing in our Student Choir
on Sunday evenings
rJ^et A C^o to (Church