Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    ! Ducks Set Diamond Opener
[ With Powerful OSC Sauad
[The University of Oregon
baseball team wi11 open its
1951 season this afternoon,
1 Inir- <lay, when they host their
traditional rival, Oregon State,
in a .3 o’clock diamond clash at
Howe field.
1 he Ducks, defending Xor
thern Division champions, will
be out to get off to a winning
start In their opening tussle
against Ralph Coleman's powerful
Beaver nine. The game will be a
. non-counting one as fsr as N. D.
play is concerned. The Ducks open
defense of their league crown in a
two game home series with Wash
ington State, Apr. 16-17.
• Oregon State has already play
ed one game this season, that being
Tuesday afternoon. They wallop
1 ed the Lewis and Clark Pioneers,
11-0, behind the one-hit pitching
of strong-armed Norb Wellman.
Many Veterans
The Beavers will bring to Eu
• gene a team composed of many
veteran players from last year’s
squad which finished second to
only Oregon in N. D. action. Be
sides Wellman for hurling duties,
the Orangemen can boast such out
standing lettermen as Jay Dean,
first base; Chuck Fisk, second
^ base; Bob Buob, shortstop; Hay
Hothatrom, third base; and Jim
• Buggies, left field.
k Several outstanding newcomers
, will no doubt see plenty of action
I for the Corvallis crew. Sophomore
Jerry Kxlcy has looked especially
good in practices to date and is
Just about a sure starter in !h<
center field position.
Two more inexperienced men
have been battling it out for the
starting job in right field. Dick Is
bell and Tony Vlastelica, OSC bas
• kctball star, are Just about equal
in ability and will probably both
see some action for the visitors.
Thomas Missing
In the catching department,
where big John Thomas Is missing
because of graduation, Jack Ste
phenson will get. the opening call.
.Starting on the mound for the
Beavers will probably be one of
two sophomore hurlers, Dick Wil
Kon or Italph Carroll. Wellman
could possibly see some action,
Kor Oregon, coach Don Kirsch
will more than likely start one of
his lettermen chuckers. If he
chooses to do this, either Norm
Forbes, Bill Blodgett, or Trenton
Hulls will get the call.
I'robable Starters
In the other starting spots
Kirsch will probably have either'
Neil Marlett or Don Hedgepeth at
catcher; Dick Schlosstein, first
baae; Jimmy Johnson, second base;
George .Shaw, shortstop; p(>te Wil
liams, third base; Hon Phillips,
left field; Jerry Ross, Jim Archer,
or Ron Reland in center field; and i
Bernie Averill, right field.
After this game the Ducks will
have two more frays before the end
of the week. On Friday afternoon
the Webfoots tangle with Portland
University and on Saturday they
take on Lewis and Clark college, j
Both games will be played in Port-i
Entry List Nearly Full
For Willamette Relays
Ah of Monday, a total of 63 high
Hchooln and 16 colleges were offi
cially entered in the. fourth annual
Willamette Relays, set for Mc
Culloch Stadium in Salem, Satur
day afternoon, starting at 1 o'
clock. Ted Ogdahl, director of the
mammoth cinder carnival, says
that last-minute entries might
nwel! the high school list to as high
as 75 schools.
In addition to the colleges and
an AAU contingent from Seattle,
Mather Air Base reports that it
will send 12 of its top track stars
to the classic. The Mather men
will compete in the collegiate di
vision and are a real threat for
honors. Among others, the air base
squad includes Kenneth Mischall,:
a highly talented sprinter and
hurdler from Baldwin - Wallace.
Mischall has run the high hurdles
in : 14.3 and consistently hits :23.9
in the 220 low sticks. Obviously he
will be a favorite in the invitational
hurdles feature Saturday after
The Mather crew also boasts
Prince Warner, who's done 9.8 in
the century. An old familiar face
will return to McCulloch Stadium
when Bob Hall competes in the
javelin event for the Mather con
tingent. Hall broke the Northwest
Conference record while a Willam
ette cinder star several seasons
High school entries thus far re
ceived for the relays: Albany, Bea
verton, Burns, Canyonville, Cas
cade, Centralia, Wash., Central,
Chcmawa, Coburg, Columbia Prep,
Corvallis, Cottage Grove, Culver,
Dayton, Dallas, Days Creek, Ore
gon Deaf school, Drain, Elmira, Es
tacada, Gates, Gervais, Gresham,
Hermiston, Hill Military. Hillsboro
Jefferson, Bake Oswego, Lebanon,
Ix>weJl. McMinnville, MAlias, Mo
hawk, Molalla, Monroe, Moro, Mt.
Shasta, Calif., Newberg, Newport,
Parkrose, Perrydale, Pleasant Hill!
Queen Anne, (Seattle), Kedmond,
Sacred Heart of Salem, Salem
High, St. Joseph’s (Pendleton),
Scio, Seaside. Sherwood, Silverton!
Sisters, Springfield, St. Helens,
Sweet Home, Taft. Vancouver,
Wash.. Willamette (Eugene t, Mil
waukie. Crook County (Prinevillej,
Stevenson, Wash., North Marion.
The college list: Clark College,
Lewis and Clark, Linfield, Mather
Air Base, OCE, Pacific, Portland
State, Seattle Pacific, Seattle
Track and Field club, St. Martin's.
SOCE, University of Oregon, Port
land U:. University of Washington,
Whitworth, Oregon State and host
Mannex to Miss
Cinder Schedule
Ru«« Mannex, University of Ore
gon trackman, will be inel$ble
for competition this Reason because
of a disciplinary probation period
which has be<n placed on him for
spring term.
Mannex’fi penalty came about as
a result of hia being picked up by
the police for being drunk in a
public place recently. Mannex was
found wandering through the Eu
gene Hotel at 3:20 a. rn., Saturday,
March 20.
Mannex will not be permitted to
take part in any social activities
for the entire spring term and will
al.eo be prevented from playing for
Bill Eowerman’s Duck track team.
Bowerman had been counting on
Mannex adding much needed
strength to the team in the field
events. Mannex made his letter
last season as a pole-vaulter.
I When the "College All-Stars” de
| featod the Harlem Globetrotters,
| Monday night, it ended a 263 game
i winning streak for the colorful
negro quintet.
did Garcia really care
about getting that message?
i hig is the Sad Story of a Senior who
was Serious. About a Girl. In the
straight-forward manner common to
Seniors, he decided to invite her up
for The Big Weekend.
A month ahead, he sat down and
wrote her a Nice Letter. Then he
sat hack and W aited. For three weeks,
with no answer. Finally, alarmed, he
I’honed her.
Cost him $4.25 in quarters. When
the bonging of the Coin Bo* stopped,
all he could hear at the other end of
the wire was a Series of Sniffs.
' Pigeon?” he asked, tentatively. She
wept. "What’s wrong?” he asked.
She sobbed.
’ Oh, Harold,” she wailed, "You
used to send telegrams to invite me
to Big eekends. This year, all I get
is a little old Letter. 1 ou don’t Jove ■
me any more.” And hung. up.
flsrold goes everywhere Stag now.
Says he prefers it that way. But yon
should hear him Sigh whenever he
passes a Western Union office.
As your Telegrammar will tell yon
— (the Telegrammar being a handy;
pocket-size guide to telegraph use
that you can get for free by simply
writing to Room 1727, Western
Union, 60 Hudson St., New York
Chv)—a Telegram takes any message
out of the casual class. It’s Subtle . . „■
flatters the Gal or Guy who gets it.
Next time you're sending an Invita
tion, a Howl Home for Cash, birthday
greetings to Mother—just call Western
Union, or head for your Western
Union office.
869 Pearl
Phone 4-3221
How the stars
got started^-»-*
Alan Ladd
“I was a Hollywood
stagehand. One day
I fell 20 feet off a
• scaffold. I wasn’t hurt, but I
decided acting was safer.
I went to acting school, played bit parts
... finally I hit pay dirt in
‘This Gun for Hire’.”
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