Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    203 Students on Honor Roll
The winter term honor roll,
which includes all undergraduate
students with a grade point aver
age of 3.50 or better, listed a total
of 203 students. Of this number,
thirty-three made perfect 4.00
grades. The honor roll is based
upon nt>t less than 12 hours.
The students making a perfect
grade point average include: Dor
othy M. Anderson, David L. Aver
ill, Mary J. Bennette, Mary L.
Brooks, Audrey B. Campbell,
Mary E. Cashin, Elida A. Erick
son, Joan V. R. Fuller, George E.
Gerhard, Nance VV. Gillespie, Wil
liam A. Hall, Karl F. Harshbar
ger, Kenneth B. Koeppen, Ger
maine N. LaMarche, Gloria Lane,
Arnold G. Levin.
Ronald J. Lowell, Gerald G. Ohl
sen, Dorothy J. Pederson, Howard
J. Peterson, Vanda J. Randall,
Norman H. Ruecker, Shirley A.
Shupe, Catherine Tribe Siegmund,
David D. Smith, Robert S. Sum
mers, Roger I. Temple, Harold W.
Watts, Norman F. Webb, George
B. Weir, George Wilkins, Sylvia N.
Wingard, Wilma L. Wittinfield.
Honor Students Named
Listed on the honor roll from
Portland as making 3.50 or better
were Sally W. Allen, Carole L.
Beech, Helen L. Bersie, Jack D.
Boden, Joanne A. Chambers, Mar
lis L. Claussen, Ward V. Cook,
Tedro Croley, Carol E. David,
Margaret J. Dobson, Jean C. Fay,
Joe Gardner, Patricia A. Gustin,
Judith D. Harris, Josephine A.
Hicks, Thomas H. Jacobs, Gordon
B. MacPherson, Myrna K. Malon
ey, Sally J. Phillips, Dale R.
Pound, KenneLi D. Rosenlof, Don
Rotenberg, Mary Sandeburg, Don
na M. Schafer, Owen C. Shackle
ton, Joan C. Sheldahl, Patricia K.
Southworth, Howard H. Sussman,
and Orlo J. Wipf.
Eugene students on the honor
list include Donald J. Adamson,
Joan A. W. Anderson, Robert J.
Arndt, Vernon E. Behrends, John
C. Bigelow, James Boothe, Mary
A. Bussard, Marian Cass, Russell
* w nioiun
aw. wmitii,
Karen Dahlberg, Shirley J. Foster,
Robert N. Glerup, Lawrence H.
Hansen, Dagmara G. Hill, Elena
D. Horn, Patricia C. Jeske, Robert [
L. Johns, Mary S. Kelly, Dorothy
Kopp, Robert H. Kroeger, Robin
L. Lamson, Byron E. Lippert,
Raoul Maddox, Lawrence C.
Maves, James B. Monson, Robert
A. Moursund, Jack M. Nagasaka
and Howard C. Neyens.
More Names Listed
James G. Pengra, Hollis C. Ran
som, George E. Schultz, William
H. Schuppel, Patty L. Slayter,
Raymond L. Smith, William S.
Sorsby, Ronald D. Spicer, Stephen
A. Talbot, Mary Lou Teague, Bar
bara B. Tomlinson, Glen C. Trusty,
Robert G. White, James K. Whit
tle and Sandra D. Williams.
Others on the list include Carole
A. Adams, Wayne C. Annala, Mit
zi Asai, Alyce J. Atherton, Arne
B. Bartz, Ann Bankhead, James
R. Barnard, Janet G. Bell, Robert
J. Bradbury, James R. Briggs,
Othniel R. Chambers, Colin Chis
holm, Douglas Clement, Marie J.
Cockerham, Richard G. Coggin,
Judy L. Counts, Wendell R. Crus
Chairman Petitions
Due for Mom's Day
Petition deadline for the Moth
er’s Day general chairmanship is
4 p. m. Thursday, according to AS
UO President Tom Wrightson, pe
titions are to be turned in at the
ASUO office, Student Union 304,
Wrightson said.
The chairman will be selected
from among the petitioners at the
first spring term meeting of the
ASUO senate, Thursday at 6:30 p.
m. Mother’s Day will be held May
15 and 16 in conjunction with Jun
ior Weekend.
Campus Calendar
Noon Theatre Exec
Deseret Cl
Soc Staff
1:00 Wilson Asbly
2:00 UIS
6:30 Phi Chi Theta
7:00 IVCF
Christian Sci
7:30 NAACP
111 SU
113 SU
112 SU
Blrm, SU
110 SU
111 SU
334 SU
Ger 1st fl
112 SU
er, Dennis C. Davis, Robert S.
Dean, Jacqueline E. Densmore.
Anne E. Dielschneider, Nancy L.
Dunkeson, Marcia Dutclier, Dolor
es E. Eachus, John R. Eittreim,
Meta Jean Frink, Ann Gerlinger,
Wanda G. Gienger, Jack B. Goe
bel, Orris L. Goode, Martha A.
Gosnell, Mary A. Herron, Doyle
Higdon, Mary F. Hooker, Harriet
J. Hornbeck, Kay J. Hyatt, Bon
nie J. James, Timothy D. James.
Helen R. Johnson, Helen J. John
ston, Shirley D. Johnston, Ardith
J. Jones, Phyllis J. Karn. Alice Y.
Komatsu. Aileen M. Kronquist.
Paul Lasker. Nancy L. Leonard.
George A. Lo, Donald D. McClus
key, and David McDaniel.
Others Make 8.50
William L. Mainwaring, Marcia
Mauney, Winnafred May, Ingrid
Meijling, John E. Miewald, Rodger
M. O’Harra, Miyeko Ohno, Rich
ard L. Olson, Urlin S. Page, Fran
ces J. Passmore, Margaret J. Pat
terson, Jerome M. Pool, Lloyd W.
Powell, Sandra Price, Virginia L.
Rabick, Gordon Rice, Barbara K.
Rubin, Mary A. Salazar.
Bernard J. Sandoz, B, Jacquelyn
Saylor, Warren E. Schad, Freder
ick D. Shatz, Dillard B. Shipler,
Jane L. Slocum, Martha E. Sputz.
Selma I. Starna, Douglas Stobie,
Lee C. Stothers, Thomas E. Tay
lor, Harold Toliver, Marjie J. Tra
Ulrich Trumpener, Nikki
Trump, Richard K. Van Allen, Wil
liam C. Walker, Jackie Warded,
John E. Wells, Mary L. Whitaker
and Greta A. Wildey. Donald L.
Williams, Homer L. Winslow. Joel
la R. Wood, Florence E. Wood
worth, and Mary A. Ziniker.
E-UCMA Features
Grant Johannesen
Grant Johannesen, pianist, will
appear in a concert sponsored by
the Eugene-Unlversity Civic Music
association Wednesday at 8 p.m.
in McArthur court.
The pianist, originally from Salt j
Lake, has been a concert artist for
10 years, having made his debut
in 1944.
Johannesen replaces G u I o m a r
Novaes, also a pianist, who was
originally scheduled by the E
UCMA. Mrs. Novaes' concert tour
hns been cancelled until her re
covery from a major operation.
University students will be ad
mitted to the concert on student
body cards.
Today's Staff
Make-up Editor .. Paul Keefe
Desk Kdltor Gloria Utlt)
Night Kdltor Joanne Johnston
Don Wtnil, AdvetlUinK M(r.
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