Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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Trips to Hawaii Available
A vacation In Hawaii, complete
with bench trips and canoe rules,
!S what In offe.ed by the Orcgon
HaWall tour, being offered this
year for the fifth consecutive time
through the Ktigene Travel Ser
Mrs. Thomas Grave*, Sigma
Kappa housemother, Is the official
escort for the tour, which is de
signed for a group of approxima
tely 20 college girls, including
graduates and high-school grad
uates who plan to enter college.
► ♦
Howard's Coed Tour
The original college girl*’ tour
to Hawaii, the j, D. Howard tour,
includea students from colleger j
throughout the U. H. and Canada, I
Travel Service
Offers Several
European Tours
veral European tours which j
Will appeal to the college student
arc being offered this rummer
through the Eugene Travel Serv
ice. Three of these totira are the
Travelworld's Collegiate tour, the
•STOP tours, and the Brownell
The Travelworld tour advertises
a 53 day trip through the countries I
of western and southern Europe
Passage will be on the M, V.!
Georgic, Cunard Line steamer. I
which will sail from New York on j
July 29, returning on Aug. 20.
Travel on the Continent will be by
special chartered motor coach. The
price is listed at >095.
Fifty-six to sixty-five days of i
travel arc featured in the STOP!
tours. Members of the.se tours will -
travel in new Ford automobiles j
which ‘will be at their disposal
wlthliLclty limits at certain times
Departure times from New York
are June 16, June 20, July 1 and
July 8. The rate for the tour is
College Age Onlv
The Brownell Thrift and College ■
tours, 49 to 67 days, have eleven
tour groups reserved for college j
age. The first of these leaves New
York on April 6 and the last on
July 30. Departures also will be
made from Quebec. Prices for the
Brownell tours start at $1000 for
tourist class and run to $1300 for
first class accommodations.
All these tours are carefully
planned to give the traveler a
comprehensive survey of Europe,
both rural and urban, including
the principal attractions of each
country visited. Ample leisure
time is allowed for individual pur
Guides Provided
Professional guides, provided by
the tour managers, will be avail
able to the travelers. Theae leaders
will assist the shppper looking for
souvenirs, giva. practical lessons In
languages «'ind show the points of
internet. The tour groups are
Strictly limited to assure congenial
companionship thr o u g h o u t the
England, Holland, France, Ger
many, Austria, Italy and Switzer
land will be visited in all these
tours. The Brownell tours offer
the greatest variety of countries
with such additions as Ireland,
Scotland and the Scandinavian
A deposit is required at the time
a reservation is requested. The
deposit will be refunded in full if
cancellations are made before the
date of final payment, usually one
or two months before departure.
Students interested in these
tours are urged to make arrange
ments as soon as possible for the
most satisfactory arrangements.
Further information on these and
other tours can be obtained at the
Eugene Travel Service located in
the Eugene hotel lobby.
nn<J if« being offered thin summer
for the sixth consecutive year.
Purpose of the tour is educa
tional and social, with an oppor
tunity to make up deficiencies in
regular school work and to take
interesting electives at the Univer
sity of Hawaii.
Tour members will stay at Wil
cox hall of Mid-Pacific Institute,
a private school in Manoa Valley,
three miles from the center of
Honolulu and two miles from Wai
The new two-story residence ia
adjacent to the University of Ha
waii, and.offers many services, in
the way of laundry and maid ac
Escort* l'r<»\ Ided
A staff of housemothers from
the mainland will stay at Wilcox
hall, and Mrs. Antoinette Faa
bourg, Alpha Xi tielta house
mother will represent the Univer
sity of Oregon as official escort
Mrs. Faabourg lived in the islands
for many years before coming to
Oregon, so "can act as a sort of
sight-seeing guide, too," she said.
Prerequisites of the tour include
registration In the University’s
six-week summer session, with
minimum number of credit hours
set at one course of three credits
or two of one hour each.
Membership Limited
Membership in the tour is lim
ited to girls eligible for immediate
university enrollment or who have
Just graduated from college. Per
sonal references are required, and
each applicant will be judged by
the housemother from her campus.
Departure from the mainland is
scheduled for June 21, with return
from Hawaii set for August 7, four
days after the University summer
session ends.
Tour members will be served
breakfast at Wilcox lyill. and other
meals may be obtained at the Uni
versity cafeteria or at Waikiki or
Special Events Listed
Total price of the 47 day tour is
$547.50, which includes 47 days
residence at Wilcox hall, round
trip airplane tourist travel, sched
uled sightseeing tours and social
activities exclusive with the How
ard tour.
The social events include an
aloha dance to be held soon after
the group arrives, a hostess dance
and weekly movies.
Inter-city transportation will be
by public carrier or a special taxi
service by a private company in
Honolulu, with fares comparable
to those on a bus on the mainland.
Studies at the University of Ha
waii, which overlooks Diamond
Head and Waikiki Beach, are op
tional. "Girls usually take such
courses an Oriental art, history of
Hawaii, swimming and hula,” Mrs.
Graves said.
Credos Offered
Each credit hour taken at the
University costs $8, and each is
worth one and a half hours at
Oregon. The se sion there lasts
from June 23 to Aug. 3.
The group will leave by North
west Airlines tourist flight on
June 21 and return by the Lur
line, which sails from Honolulu
Aug. 7, docking in San Francisco.
Total price of the tour is $846,
including transportation both
ways, plus hotel accommodations
and special events. Not included
in this figure are meals while not
traveling, fees at the University
of Hawaii arid transportation be
tween San Francisco and the stu
dents’ homes.
Special Events Planned
Special events scheduled in Ha
waii include a fashion show at the
Halekulani Hotel, a tour of the is
land of Oahu, a semi-formal din
ner-dance at the Queen’s Surf and
optional lunches at the Officer’s
club and Pearl Harbor.
Hotel accommodations in Hono
lulu are at the Waikiki Retreat,
approximately a block from the
famous beach, located near drug
stores and a shopping center.
Arrangements for sending 22
lbs. of baggage in advance can be
made, in which case members of
the tour traveling by tourist class
Mights will be able to take 66 lbs.
altogether. On first-class flights
66 lbs. may be taken.
Wardrobe Listed
According to the Eugene Travel
Service booklet on the tour, cot
tons and sport clothes should be
I stressed in planning a wardrobe
for the trip. Two swim suits should
be Included, it added, as well as
■ formal.? and beach equipment for
hours of tanning.
A fee deposit of $50 is collected
Iwhen a student joins the tour,
which is refundable up to April 15.
The balance is payable before May
Suggestions for travelers in
clude obtaining an insurance policy
from a home-town agent and pur
| chasing travelers cheques and bag
gage insurance.
Interested women should contact
I Mrs. Graves in the near future to
| obtain more information and to
j make early arrangements for
j signing up for the tour.
WEEKS '§£it$524™
All Inclusive program with first class
hotel accommodations and
services throughout summer.
1648 Alder
Ph. 5-2833
Make your plans now to travel with a group that will give you
the most benefits possible from a summer in Hawaii. Travel
in luxury and live in leisure.
For further information
call Mrs. Faaborg at 3-2663
You'll be ready for a
Hawaiian Vacation
By The End of Next Term
And There Are Still
Reservation Available On
The Oregon-Hawiian Tour
"Fifth Consecutive Year"
Mrs. Thomas Graves 5-5501
Eugene Travel Service 5-8431
"Live in the nicest part of Waikiki
Summer School Credit if you wish"
46 Days $646.00
Do you know
that you can purchase
any published
European Tour
(or any other tour)
from the
Eugene Travel Service
At No Extra Cost
We have many brochures
available for your
Dial 5-6431
Eugene Hotel - Eugene, Ore